Click the Settings tab to change your Perforce settings and P4Web preferences. Please note:

Change Client

Enables you to switch to another client workspace. To list clients, click the Clients tab. If you leave this field blank, P4Web uses its startup environment to determine which client workspace to use.

Change Password

Enables you to change the password for the effective user.

Back-in-Time Browsing®

Diff/Resolve Preferences

Use these options to specify the output of diffed/resolved files.


Page content limit: controls how much text P4Web sends from the Perforce Server to your browser per web page. The default page content limit is 1024K bytes.

Some browsers can stall when trying to display very large pages. If you encounter this problem, reduce P4Web page content limit. Lowering the limit can reduce the amount of useful information you can see with P4Web, but prevents your browser from swamping your workstation. When P4Web reaches the page content limit, it sends a message for your browser to display. If you see the "page content limit" message often, try increasing the limit.