package VCP::Filter::changesets; =head1 NAME VCP::Filter::changesets - Group revs in to changesets =head1 SYNOPSIS ## From the command line: vcp changesets: ...options... -- ## In a .vcp file: ChangeSets: time <=60 ## seconds user_id equal ## case-sensitive equality comment equal ## case-sensitive equality branched_rev_branch_id equal ## create only one branch at a time =head1 DESCRIPTION This filter is automatically loaded when there is no sort filter loaded (both this and L count as sort filters). =head2 Sorting by change_id, etc. When all revs from the source have change numbers, this filter sorts by change_id, branch_id, and name, regardless of the rules set. The name sort is case sensitive, though it should not be for Win32. This sort by change_id is necessary for sources that supply change_id because the order of scanning the revisions is not usually (ever, so far :) in change set order. =head2 Aggregating changes If one or more revisions arrives from the source with an empty change_id, the rules for this filter establish the conditions that determine what revisions may be grouped in to each change. In this case, this filter rewrites all change_id fields so that the (eventual) destination can use the change_id field to break the revisions in to changes. This is sometimes used by non-changeset oriented destinations to aggregate "changes" as though a user were performing them and to reduce the number of individual operations the destination driver must perform (for instance: VCP::Dest::cvs prefers to not call cvs commit all the time; cvs commit is slow). If you don't specify any conditions, a set of default conditions are used. If you specify any conditions at all, none of the default conditions are used. The conditions are specified as a set of rules. Each rule is a pair of words: a the name of the criterion (usually a data field of the revision) and the compatability specification. There are two compatability specifications: "equal" and "<=N" (where N is a number; note that no spaces are allowed before the number unless the spec is quoted somehow). "equal" states that all revisions in the same change must have identical values for the indicated field. So: user_id equal states that all revisions in a change must be submitted by the same user. The "equal" specification is available for all criterial. The "<=N" specification is only available for the "time" field. It specifices that no gaps larger than N seconds may exist in a change. The default conditions are: time <=60 ## seconds user_id equal ## case-sensitive equality comment equal ## case-sensitive equality branched_rev_branch_id equal ## change only one branch at a time The C