package VCP::Plugin ; =head1 NAME VCP::Plugin - A base class for VCP::Source and VCP::Dest =head1 SYNOPSIS use VCP::Plugin; @ISA = qw( VCP::Plugin ); ... =head1 DESCRIPTION Some functionality is common to sources and destinations, such as cache access, Pod::Usage conversion, command-line access shortcut member, etc. =head1 EXTERNAL METHODS =over =cut use strict ; use Carp; use Cwd ; use File::Basename ; use File::Path ; use File::Spec ; use File::Spec::Unix ; use File::Temp qw( tempfile ); use Getopt::Long; use POSIX qw( dup dup2 ); use UNIVERSAL qw( isa ); use VCP::Debug qw( :debug :profile ); use VCP::Branches; use VCP::Logger qw( lg lg_fh pr BUG ); use VCP::Rev ; use VCP::Revs ; use VCP::Utils qw( empty is_win32 prepend_time_cmd shell_quote start_dir xchdir ); use vars qw( $VERSION ) ; $VERSION = 0.1 ; use fields ( 'WORK_ROOT', ## The root of the export work area. 'COMMAND_CHDIR', ## Where to chdir to when running COMMAND 'COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER', ## How to modify the stderr when running a command 'COMMAND_OK_RESULT_CODES', ## HASH keyed on acceptable COMMAND return vals 'COMMAND_RESULT_CODE', ## What the last run_safely command returned. 'REV_ROOT', 'REVS', ## Any revisions we need to work with 'REPO_ID', ## uniquely identifies repository 'REPO_SCHEME', ## The scheme (this is usually superfluous, since new() has ## already been called on the correct class). 'REPO_USER', ## The user name to log in to the repository with, if any 'REPO_PASSWORD', ## The password to log in to the repository with, if any 'REPO_SERVER', ## The repository to connect to 'REPO_FILESPEC', ## The filespec to get/store 'BRANCHES', ## The branches database. Filled by the source, ## passed to the dest in the header. ) ; =item new Creates an instance, see subclasses for options. The options passed are usually native command-line options for the underlying repository's client. These are usually parsed and, perhaps, checked for validity by calling the underlying command line. =cut sub new { my $class = shift ; $class = ref $class || $class ; my $self ; { no strict 'refs' ; $self = bless [ \%{"$class\::FIELDS"} ], $class ; } $self->work_root( $self->tmp_dir ) ; rmtree $self->work_root if ! $ENV{VCPNODELETE} && -e $self->work_root ; $self->{REVS} = VCP::Revs->new; $self->{COMMAND_OK_RESULT_CODES} = [ 0 ]; $self->{BRANCHES} = VCP::Branches->new; $self->command_chdir( $self->work_path ) ; return $self ; } =back =cut ############################################################################### =head1 SUBCLASSING This class uses the fields pragma, so you'll need to use base and possibly fields in any subclasses. =head2 SUBCLASS API These methods are intended to support subclasses. =over =item init Stub init method. =cut sub init { } =item parse_options $self->parse_options( \@options, @spec ); Parses out all options according to @spec. The --repo-id option is always parsed and and offer common options as well. =cut sub parse_options { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift; my $options = shift; return unless defined $options; local *ARGV = $options; GetOptions( @_, "repo-id=s" => sub { $self->repo_id( $_[1] ) }, ) or $self->usage_and_exit ; } =item revs Sets/gets the revs container. This is used by most sources to accumulate the set of revisions to be copied. This member should be set by the child in copy_revs(). It should then be passed to the destination =cut sub revs { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REVS} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REVS} ; } =item parse_repo_spec my $spec = $self->split_repo_spec( $spec ) ; This splits a repository spec in one of the following formats: scheme:user:passwd@server:filespec scheme:user@server:filespec scheme::passwd@server:filespec scheme:server:filespec scheme:filespec into the indicated fields, which are stored in $self and may be accessed and altered using L, L, L, L, and L. Some sources and destinations may add additional fields. The p4 drivers create an L, for instance, and parse the repo_user field to fill it in. See L for details. The spec is parsed from the ends towards the middle in this order: 1. SCHEME (up to first ':') 2. FILESPEC (after last ':') 3. USER, PASSWORD (before first '@') 4. SERVER (everything left). This approach allows the FILESPEC string to contain '@', and the SERVER string to contain ':' and '@'. USER can contain ':'. Funky, but this works well, at least for cvs and p4. If a section of the repo spec is not present, the corresponding entry in $hash will not exist. The attributes repo_scheme, repo_filespec, repo_user, repo_password and repo_server are set automatically by this method. =cut sub parse_repo_spec { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = @_ ; confess "parse_repo_spec called with missing argument" if empty $spec; for ( $spec ) { return unless s/^([^:]*)(?::|$)// ; $self->repo_scheme( $1 ) ; return unless s/(?:^|:)([^:]*)$// ; $self->repo_filespec( $1 ) ; if ( s/^([^\@]*?)(?::([^\@:]*))?@// ) { $self->repo_user( $1 ) if defined $1 ; $self->repo_password( $2 ) if defined $2 ; } return unless length $spec ; $self->repo_server( $spec ) ; } } =item usage_and_exit GetOptions( ... ) or $self->usage_and_exit ; Used by subclasses to die if unknown options are passed in. Requires Pod::Usage when called. =cut sub usage_and_exit { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; lg "options error emitted to STDERR for ", ref $self; require Pod::Usage ; my $f = ref $self ; $f =~ s{::}{/}g ; $f .= '.pm' ; for ( @INC ) { my $af = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $f ) ; if ( -f $af ) { Pod::Usage::pod2usage( -input => $af, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 2, ) ; BUG "pod2usage returned"; } } die "can't locate '$f' to print usage.\n" ; } =item branches $plugin->branches( $b ); my $b = $plugin->branches; Set =cut sub branches { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift; $self->{BRANCHES} = shift if @_; return $self->{BRANCHES}; } =item tmp_dir Returns the temporary directory this plugin should use, usually something like "/tmp/vcp123/dest-p4". =cut my %tmp_dirs ; END { return unless keys %tmp_dirs; ## This delay seems to be required to give NT a chance ## to clean up the tmpdir, otherwise we get a ## "permission denied error on Win32. select undef, undef, undef, 0.01 if $^O =~ /Win32/ ; rmtree [ reverse sort { length $a <=> length $b } keys %tmp_dirs ] if ! $ENV{VCPNODELETE} && %tmp_dirs ; } sub tmp_dir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $plugin_dir = ref $self ; $plugin_dir =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ ; $plugin_dir =~ s/^VCP:://i ; $plugin_dir =~ s/::/-/g ; my $tmp_dir_root = File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->tmpdir, "vcp$$" ) ; ## Make sure no old tmpdir is there to mess us up in case ## a previous run crashed before cleanup or $ENV{VCPNODELETE} is set. if ( ! $tmp_dirs{$tmp_dir_root} && -e $tmp_dir_root ) { pr "removing previous working directory $tmp_dir_root"; rmtree [$tmp_dir_root ], 0; } $tmp_dirs{$tmp_dir_root} = 1 ; return File::Spec->catdir( $tmp_dir_root, $plugin_dir, @_ ) ; } =item work_path $full_path = $self->work_path( $filename, $rev ) ; Returns the full path to the working copy of the local filename. Each VCP::Plugin gets their own hierarchy to use, usually rooted at a directory named /tmp/vcp$$/plugin-source-foo/ for a module VCP::Plugin::Source::foo. $$ is vcp's process ID. This is typically $work_root/$filename/$rev, but this may change. $rev is put last instead of first in order to minimize the overhead of creating lots of directories. It *must* be under $work_root in order for rm_work_path() to fully clean. All directories will be created as needed, so you should be able to create the file easily after calling this. This is only called by subclasses, and is optional: a subclass could create it's own caching system. Directories are created mode 0775 (rwxrwxr-x), subject to modification by umask or your local operating system. This will be modifiable in the future. =cut sub work_path { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $path = File::Spec->canonpath( File::Spec->catfile( $self->work_root, @_ ) ) ; return $path ; } =item mkdir $self->mkdir( $filename ) ; $self->mkdir( $filename, $mode ) ; Makes a directory and any necessary parent directories. The default mode is 770. Does some debug logging if any directories are created. Returns nothing. =cut sub mkdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $path, $mode ) = @_ ; BUG "undefined \$path" unless defined $path; BUG "empty \$path" unless length $path; unless ( -d $path ) { $mode = 0770 unless defined $mode ; lg "\$ ", shell_quote "mkdir", sprintf( "--mode=%04o", $mode ), $path; eval { mkpath [ $path ], 0, $mode } or die "failed to create $path with mode $mode: $@\n" ; } return ; } =item mkpdir $self->mkpdir( $filename ) ; $self->mkpdir( $filename, $mode ) ; Makes the parent directory of a filename and all directories down to it. The default mode is 770. Does some debug logging if any directories are created. Returns the path of the parent directory. =cut sub mkpdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $path, $mode ) = @_ ; my ( undef, $dir ) = fileparse( $path ) ; $self->mkdir( $dir, $mode ) ; return $dir ; } =item rm_work_path $self->rm_work_path( $filename, $rev ) ; $self->rm_work_path( $dirname ) ; Removes a directory or file from the work directory tree. Also removes any and all directories that become empty as a result up to the work root (/tmp on Unix). =cut sub rm_work_path { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my $path = $self->work_path( @_ ) ; if ( defined $path && -e $path ) { xchdir "/" if is_win32; ## WinNT can't delete out from ## under cwd. lg "\$ ", shell_quote "rm", "-rf", $path; if ( ! $ENV{VCPNODELETE} ) { rmtree $path or pr "$!: $path" } else { pr "not removing working directory $path due to VCPNODELETE\n"; } } my $root = $self->work_root ; if ( substr( $path, 0, length $root ) eq $root ) { while ( length $path > length $root ) { ( undef, $path ) = fileparse( $path ) ; ## TODO: More discriminating error handling. But the error emitted ## when a directory is not empty may differ from platform ## to platform, not sure. last unless rmdir $path ; } } } =item work_root $root = $self->work_root ; $self->work_root( $new_root ) ; $self->work_root( $new_root, $dir1, $dir2, .... ) ; Gets/sets the work root. This defaults to File::Spec->tmpdir . "/vcp$$/" . $plugin_name but may be altered. If set to a relative path, the current working directory is prepended. The returned value is always absolute, and will not change if you chdir(). Depending on the operating system, however, it might not be located on to the current volume. If not, it's a bug, please patch away. =cut sub work_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { if ( defined $_[0] ) { $self->{WORK_ROOT} = File::Spec->catdir( @_ ) ; lg ref $self, " work_root set to '",$self->work_root,"'"; unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $self->{WORK_ROOT} ) ) { require Cwd ; $self->{WORK_ROOT} = File::Spec->catdir( start_dir, @_ ) ; } } else { $self->{WORK_ROOT} = undef ; } } return $self->{WORK_ROOT} ; } =item command_chdir Sets/gets the directory to chdir into before running the default command. DEPRECATED: use in_dir => "dirname" instead: $self->cvs( [..], \$in, \$out, in_dir => $dirname, ); =cut sub command_chdir { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} = shift ; lg ref $self, " command_chdir set to '", $self->command_chdir, "'"; } return $self->{COMMAND_CHDIR} ; } =item command_stderr_filter $self->command_stderr_filter( qr/^cvs add: use 'cvs commit'.*\n/m ) ; $self->command_stderr_filter( sub { my $t = shift ; $$t =~ ... } ) ; Some commands--cough*cvs*cough--just don't seem to be able to shut up on stderr. Other times we need to watch stderr for some meaningful output. This allows you to filter out expected whinging on stderr so that the command appears to run cleanly and doesn't cause $self->cmd(...) to barf when it sees expected output on stderr. This can also be used to filter out intermittent expected errors that aren't errors in all contexts when they aren't actually errors. DEPRECATED: use stderr_filter => qr/regexp/ instead: $self->ss( [ 'Delete', $file, "-I-y" ], stderr_filter => qr{^You have.*checked out.*Y[\r\n]*$}s, ); =cut sub command_stderr_filter { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{COMMAND_STDERR_FILTER} ; } =item command_ok_result_codes $self->command_ok_result_codes( 0, 1 ) ; Occasionally, a non-zero result is Ok. this method lets you set a list of acceptable result codes. DEPRECATED: use ok_result_codes => [ 0, 1, ... ] instead: $self->p4( [..], \$in, \$out, ok_result_codes => [ 0, 1 ] ); =cut sub command_ok_result_codes { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; @{$self->{COMMAND_OK_RESULT_CODES}} = @_ if @_; return @{$self->{COMMAND_OK_RESULT_CODES}} ; } =item repo_id $self->repo_id( $repo_id ) ; $repo_id = $self->repo_id ; Sets/gets the repo_id, a unique identifier for the repository. =cut sub repo_id { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_ID} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_ID} ; } =item repo_scheme $self->repo_scheme( $scheme_name ) ; $scheme_name = $self->repo_scheme ; Sets/gets the scheme specified ("cvs", "p4", "revml", etc). This is normally superfluous, since the scheme name is peeked at in order to load the correct VCP::{Source,Dest}::* class, which then calls this. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_scheme { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_SCHEME} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_SCHEME} ; } =item repo_user $self->repo_user( $user_name ) ; $user_name = $self->repo_user ; Sets/gets the user name to log in to the repository with. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_user { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_USER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_USER} ; } =item repo_password $self->repo_password( $password ) ; $password = $self->repo_password ; Sets/gets the password to log in to the repository with. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_password { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_PASSWORD} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_PASSWORD} ; } =item repo_server $self->repo_server( $server ) ; $server = $self->repo_server ; Sets/gets the repository to log in to. Some plugins ignore this, like revml, while others, like p4, use it. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_server { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_SERVER} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_SERVER} ; } =item repo_filespec $self->repo_filespec( $filespec ) ; $filespec = $self->repo_filespec ; Sets/gets the filespec. This is usually set automatically by L. =cut sub repo_filespec { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; $self->{REPO_FILESPEC} = $_[0] if @_ ; return $self->{REPO_FILESPEC} ; } =item rev_root $self->rev_root( 'depot' ) ; $rr = $self->rev_root ; The rev_root is the root of the tree being sourced. See L for automated extraction. Root values should have neither a leading or trailing directory separator. '/' and '\' are recognized as directory separators and runs of these are converted to single '/' characters. Leading and trailing '/' characters are then removed. =cut sub _slash_hack { for ( my $spec = shift ) { BUG "undef arg" unless defined $spec ; s{[/\\]+}{/}g ; s{^/}{}g ; s{/\Z}{}g ; return $_ ; } } sub rev_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( @_ ) { $self->{REV_ROOT} = &_slash_hack ; lg ref $self, " rev_root set to '$self->{REV_ROOT}'"; } return $self->{REV_ROOT} ; } =item deduce_rev_root $self->deduce_rev_root ; print $self->rev_root ; This is used in most plugins to deduce the rev_root from the filespec portion of the source or destination spec if the user did not specify a rev_root as an option. This function sets the rev_root to be the portion of the filespec up to (but not including) the first file/directory name with a wildcard. '/' and '\' are recognized as directory separators, and '*', '?', and '...' as wildcard sequences. Runs of '/' and '\' characters are treated as single '/' characters (this may damage UNC paths). NOTE: if no wildcards are found and the last character is a '/' or '\\', then the entire string will be considered to be the rev_root. Otherwise the spec is expected to refer to a file, in which case the rev_root does not include the final name. This means that cvs:/foo and cvs:/foo/ are different. =cut sub deduce_rev_root { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = @_; $spec =~ s{^[\\/]*}{}g; my @dirs ; for ( split( /[\\\/]+/, $spec, -1 ) ) { if ( /[*?]|\.\.\./ ) { push @dirs, ""; ## Pretend "/foo/bar/..." was "/foo/bar/" last ; } push @dirs, $_ ; } pop @dirs; ## Throw away trailiing filename or "" $self->rev_root( join( '/', @dirs ) ) ; } =item normalize_name $fn = $self->normalize_name( $fn ) ; Normalizes the filename by converting runs of '\' and '/' to '/', removing leading '/' characters, and removing a leading rev_root. Dies if the name does not begin with rev_root. =cut sub normalize_name { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; ## my $revr = $self->{REV_ROOT}; my ( $spec ) = &_slash_hack ; my $rr = $self->rev_root ; my $rrl = length $rr ; return $spec unless $rrl ; BUG "'$spec' does not begin with rev_root '$rr'" unless substr( $spec, 0, $rrl ) eq $rr ; die "no files under the rev root '$rr' in spec '$spec'\n" if $rrl + 1 > length $spec; my $s = substr( $spec, $rrl + 1 ) ; return $s; } =item denormalize_name $fn = $self->denormalize_name( $fn ) ; Denormalizes the filename by prepending the rev_root. May do more in subclass overloads. For instance, does not prepend a '//' by default for instance, but p4 overloads do that. =cut sub denormalize_name { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; return join( '/', $self->rev_root, shift ) ; } =item run_safely Runs a command "safely", first chdiring in to the proper directory and then running it while examining STDERR through an optional filter and looking at the result codes to see if the command exited acceptably. Most often called from VCP::Utils::foo methods. =cut my $log_fh = lg_fh; { my $cached_in_fh = tempfile( "vcp_XXXX" ); my $cached_in_fd = fileno $cached_in_fh; my $cached_out_fh = tempfile( "vcp_XXXX" ); my $cached_out_fd = fileno $cached_out_fh; my $cached_err_fh = tempfile( "vcp_XXXX" ); my $cached_err_fd = fileno $cached_err_fh; my $null_fn = File::Spec->devnull;; my $null_in_fh = do { local *NULL; open NULL, "<$null_fn" or die "$!: $null_fn"; *NULL{IO}; }; my $null_in_fd = fileno $null_in_fh; my $null_out_fh = do { local *NULL; open NULL, ">$null_fn" or die "$!: $null_fn"; *NULL{IO}; }; my $log_fd = fileno $log_fh; ## We ASSume that STDIN and STDOUT are not redirected in the course of running ## VCP, so we only have to save these off now. my $saved_fd0; my $saved_fd1; my $saved_fd2; if ( is_win32 ) { $saved_fd0 = dup 0; $saved_fd1 = dup 1; $saved_fd2 = dup 2; } sub _run3 { profile_start "run3()" if profiling; my ( $cmd, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr ) = @_; lg '$ ', shell_quote( @$cmd ), !ref $stdout && defined $stdout ? ( " > ", shell_quote( $stdout ) ) : (); BUG "undef passed for stdin" unless defined $stdin; my $in_fh; my $in_fd; if ( $stdin != \undef ) { $in_fh = $cached_in_fh; truncate $in_fh, 0; seek $in_fh, 0, 0; $in_fd = $cached_in_fd; print $in_fh ref $stdin eq "ARRAY" ? @$stdin : $$stdin or die "$! writing to temp file\n"; seek $in_fh, 0, 0; } else { $in_fh = $null_in_fh; $in_fd = $null_in_fd; } my $out_fh; my $out_fd; if ( defined $stdout ) { if ( ref $stdout ) { $out_fh = $cached_out_fh; $out_fd = $cached_out_fd; seek $out_fh, 0, 0; truncate $out_fh, 0; } else { local *OUT_FH; open OUT_FH, ">$stdout" or die "$!: $stdout"; $out_fh = *OUT_FH{IO}; $out_fd = fileno $out_fh; } } else { $out_fh = $log_fh; $out_fd = $log_fd; } my $err_fh; my $err_fd; if ( defined $stderr ) { $err_fh = $cached_err_fh; $err_fd = $cached_err_fd; seek $err_fh, 0, 0; truncate $err_fh, 0; } else { $err_fh = $log_fh; $err_fd = $log_fd; } if ( is_win32 ) { ## TODO: see if CreateProcess, etc, is faster. require IO::Handle; ## need flush() ## Perl tries hard to flush these in system() but we're messing ## it up by sneaking the dup2()s in when it's not looking, so ## we need to flush these. flush STDOUT; flush STDERR; dup2 $in_fd, 0 or die "$! redirecting STDIN"; dup2 $out_fd, 1 or die "$! redirecting STDOUT"; dup2 $err_fd, 2 or die "$! redirecting STDERR"; profile_start if profiling; my $r = system {$cmd->[0]} map { ## Probably need to offer a win32 escaping ## option to handle commands with ## different ideas of quoting. ( my $s = $_ ) =~ s/"/"""/g; $s; } @$cmd; my $x = $!; profile_end if profiling; dup2 $saved_fd0, 0 or die "$! restoring STDIN"; dup2 $saved_fd1, 1 or die "$! restoring STDOUT"; dup2 $saved_fd2, 2 or die "$! restoring STDERR"; die $x unless defined $r; } else { ## ASSume Unix-like fork()/exec() profile_start if profiling; my $pid = fork; unless ( $pid ) { ## In child or with error. die "$! forking ", shell_quote( @$cmd ) unless defined $pid; ## In child, phew! dup2 $in_fd, 0 or die "$! redirecting STDIN"; dup2 $out_fd, 1 or die "$! redirecting STDOUT"; dup2 $err_fd, 2 or die "$! redirecting STDERR"; exec @$cmd or die "$! execing ", shell_quote( @$cmd ); } waitpid $pid, 0; profile_end if profiling; } if ( ! defined $stdout ) { } elsif ( ref $stdout eq "SCALAR" ) { seek $out_fh, 0, 0 or die "$! seeking on temp file for child output"; my $count = read $out_fh, $$stdout, 10_000; $count = read $out_fh, $$stdout, 10_000, length $$stdout while $count == 10_000; die "$! reading child output from temp file" unless defined $count; } elsif ( ref $stdout eq "CODE" ) { seek $out_fh, 0, 0 or die "$! seeking on temp file for child output"; $stdout->( $out_fh ); } if ( defined $stderr ) { seek $err_fh, 0, 0 or die "$! seeking on temp file for child errput"; my $count = read $err_fh, $$stderr, 10_000; $count = read $err_fh, $$stderr, 10_000, length $$stdout while $count == 10_000; die "$! reading child stderr from temp file" unless defined $count; } profile_end "run3()" if profiling; } } sub run_safely { profile_start "run_safely()" if profiling; my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; BUG "pass options in a trailing HASH instead of inline, please" if grep defined && /ok_result_codes|in_dir|stderr_filter/, @_; ## !!! this was in the old run_safely to call this sub when it was ## !!! called run_safely_new. I've reversed the logic here to catch ## !!! calls that were meant to drop through to the old run_safely. BUG "'run' call designed for old run routine (using IPC::Run)" unless ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" || ! grep defined $_ && 0 <= index( "<>", $_ ), @_; my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" ? pop : {}; my ( $cmd, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr ) = @_; $options ||= {}; ## NEVER pass on our own STDIN to the child. $stdin = \undef unless defined $stdin; my $cmd_path = $cmd->[0] ; my $cmd_name = basename( $cmd_path ) ; my $in_dir = defined $options->{in_dir} ? File::Spec->rel2abs( $options->{in_dir}, $self->command_chdir ) : $self->command_chdir; my $childs_stderr = '' ; my $stderr_filter = defined $options->{stderr_filter} ? $options->{stderr_filter} : $self->command_stderr_filter; $stderr = \$childs_stderr if ! defined $stderr;# && $stderr_filter; my $ok_result_codes = defined $options->{ok_result_codes} ? $options->{ok_result_codes} : $self->{COMMAND_OK_RESULT_CODES}; $self->{COMMAND_RESULT_CODE} = undef; # my $cwd ; if ( defined $in_dir ) { $self->mkdir( $in_dir ) unless -e $in_dir; # $cwd = cwd; xchdir $in_dir; # cwd; # update $ENV{PWD} perhaps? Can't recall, suspect so. # debug "now in ", cwd if debugging ; } # require IPC::Run3; $options->{sub} ? $options->{sub}->( $cmd, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr ) : _run3( $cmd, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr ); # IPC::Run3::run3( $cmd, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr, $options ); $self->{COMMAND_RESULT_CODE} = $? >> 8; # if ( defined $cwd ) { # chdir $cwd or die "$!: $cwd" ; ## debug "now in ", cwd if debugging ; # } my @errors ; if ( length $childs_stderr ) { print $log_fh $childs_stderr; my $err = $childs_stderr; if ( ref $stderr_filter eq 'Regexp' ) { $err =~ s/$stderr_filter//mg ; } elsif ( ref $stderr_filter eq 'CODE' ) { $stderr_filter->( \$err ) ; } if ( length $err ) { $err =~ s/^/$cmd_name: /gm ; $err .= "\n" unless substr( $err, -1 ) eq "\n" ; push ( @errors, "unexpected stderr from '$cmd_name':\n", $err, ) ; } } ## In checking the result code, we assume the first one is the important ## one. This is done because a few callers pipe the first child's output ## in to a perl sub that then does a kill 9,$$ to effectively exit without ## calling DESTROY. ## TODO: Look at all of the result codes if we can get rid of kill 9, $$. push( @errors, shell_quote( @$cmd ), " returned ", $self->{COMMAND_RESULT_CODE}, " not ", join( ', ', @$ok_result_codes ), "\n", empty( $childs_stderr ) ? () : do { 1 while chomp $childs_stderr; $childs_stderr =~ s/^/ /mg; ( "stderr:\n", $childs_stderr, "\n" ); }, ) unless grep $_ eq $self->{COMMAND_RESULT_CODE}, @$ok_result_codes; die join( '', @errors ) if @errors ; BUG "Result of `", join( ' ', @$cmd ), "` checked" if defined wantarray ; profile_end "run_safely()" if profiling; } =item command_result_code Returns the result code from the last C command. This is a separate method because (a) most invocations set the ok result codes list so that funny looking but ok results are ignored, and (2) because returning the command execution code from the run() command leads to funny looking inverted logic because most shell commands return 0 for sucess. Now, if Perl has an "N but false" special case to go with its "0 but true". This is read-only. =cut sub command_result_code { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; return $self->{COMMAND_RESULT_CODE}; } =item is_sort_filter Defaults to 0, set in (at least) L and L. The L module uses this to determine whether or not to automatically insert VCP::Filter::changesets or after the source. If the filter chain contains no filters with a true is_sort_filter then VCP inserts a sort filter immediately after the source. =cut sub is_sort_filter { 0 } sub DESTROY { my VCP::Plugin $self = shift ; if ( defined $self->work_root ) { local $@ ; eval { $self->rm_work_path() ; } ; pr "unable to remove work directory '", $self->work_root, "'\n" if ! $ENV{VCPNODELETE} && -d $self->work_root ; } } =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker =cut 1