package VCP::Rev ; =head1 NAME VCP::Rev - VCP's concept of a revision =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =over =cut $VERSION = 1 ; use strict ; use Carp ; use VCP::Debug ':debug' ; use vars qw( %FIELDS ) ; use fields ( ## RevML fields: 'NAME', ## The file name, relative to REV_ROOT 'TYPE', ## Type. Binary/text. Need to stdize the values here 'REV_ID', ## The source repositories unique ID for this revision 'CHANGE_ID', ## The unique ID for the change set, if any 'P4_INFO', ## p4-specific info. 'CVS_INFO', ## cvs-specific info. 'STATE', ## The state (CVS specific at the moment). 'TIME', ## The commit/submit time, if available, as a simple number 'MOD_TIME', ## The last modification time, if available 'USER_ID', ## The submitter/commiter of the revision 'LABELS', ## A HASH, keys are tags/labels assoc. with this rev. 'COMMENT', ## The comment/message for this rev. 'ACTION', ## What was done ('edit', 'move', 'delete', etc.) 'BASE_REV_ID', ## Internal fields: used by VCP::* modules, but no present in RevML files. 'WORK_PATH', ## Where to find the revision on the local filesys 'DEST_WORK_PATH', ## Where to find the rev on local fs if it was backfilled 'SOURCE_NAME', ## The non-normalized name of the file, meaningful only to ## a specific VCP::Source ) ; BEGIN { ## Define accessors. for ( keys %FIELDS ) { next if $_ eq 'WORK_PATH' ; next if $_ eq 'DEST_WORK_PATH' ; my $f = lc( $_ ) ; if ( $f eq 'labels' ) { eval qq{ sub $f { my VCP::Rev \$self = shift ; if ( \@_ ) { \$self->{$_} = {} ; \@{\$self->{$_}}{\@_} = (undef) x \@_ ; } return \$self->{$_} ? sort keys \%{\$self->{$_}} : () ; } } ; } else { eval qq{ sub $f { my VCP::Rev \$self = shift ; confess "too many parameters passed" if \@_ > 1 ; \$self->{$_} = shift if \@_ == 1 ; return \$self->{$_} ; } } ; } die $@ if $@ ; } } ## We never, ever want to delete a file that has revs referring to it. ## So, we put a cleanup object in %files_to_delete and manually manage a ## reference count on it. The hash is keyed on filename and contains ## a count value. When the count reaches 0, it is cleaned. We add a warning ## about undeleted files, which is a great PITA. The reason there's a ## warning is that we could be using gobs of disk space for temporary files ## if there's some bug preventing VCP::Rev objects from being DESTROYed ## soon enough. It's a PITA because it means that the source and ## destination object really must be dereferenced ASAP, so their SEEN ## arrays get cleaned up, and every once in awhile I screw it up somehow. my %files_to_delete ; END { if ( debugging ) { for ( sort keys %files_to_delete ) { if ( -e $_ ) { warn "$_ not deleted" ; } } } } =item new Creates an instance, see subclasses for options. my VCP::Rev $rev = VCP::Rev->new( name => 'foo', time => $commit_time, ... ) ; =cut sub new { my $class = shift ; $class = ref $class || $class ; my VCP::Rev $self ; { no strict 'refs' ; $self = bless [ \%{"$class\::FIELDS"} ], $class ; } while ( @_ ) { my $key = shift ; $self->{uc($key)} = shift ; } if ( $self->{LABELS} ) { $self->labels( @{$self->{LABELS}} ) if ref $self->{LABELS} eq "ARRAY" ; } else { $self->{LABELS} = {} unless $self->{LABELS} ; } return $self ; } =item is_base_rev Returns TRUE if this is a base revision. This is the case if no action is defined. A base revision is a revision that is being transferred merely to check it's contents against the destination repository's contents. It's usually a digest and the actual bosy of the revision is 'backfilled' from the destination repository and checked against the digest. This cuts down on transfer size, since the full body of the file never need be sent with incremental updates. See L as well. =cut sub is_base_rev { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; return ! defined $self->{ACTION} ; } =item work_path, dest_work_path These set/get the name of the working file for sources and destinations, respectively. These files are automatically cleaned up when all VCP::Rev instances that refer to them are DESTROYED or have their work_path or dest_work_path set to other files or undef. =cut sub _set_work_path { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; my ( $field, $fn ) = @_ ; my $doomed = $self->{$field} ; if ( defined $doomed && $files_to_delete{$doomed} && --$files_to_delete{$doomed} < 1 && -e $doomed ) { if ( debugging $self ) { my @details ; my $i = 2 ; do { @details = caller(2) } until $details[0] ne __PACKAGE__ ; debug "vcp: $self unlinking '$doomed' in " . join( '|', @details[0,1,2,3]) ; } unlink $doomed or warn "$! unlinking $doomed\n" ; } $self->{$field} = $fn ; ++$files_to_delete{$self->{$field}} if defined $self->{$field} ; } sub work_path { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; confess "too many parameters passed" if @_ > 1 ; $self->_set_work_path( 'WORK_PATH', @_ ) if @_ ; return $self->{WORK_PATH} ; } sub dest_work_path { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; confess "too many parameters passed" if @_ > 1 ; $self->_set_work_path( 'DEST_WORK_PATH', @_ ) if @_ ; return $self->{DEST_WORK_PATH} ; } =item labels $r->labels( @labels ) ; @labels = $r->labels ; Sets/gets labels associated with a revision. If a label is applied multiple times, it will only be returned once. This feature means that the automatic label generation code for r_... revision and ch_... change labels won't add additional copies of labels that were already applied to this revision in the source repository. Returns labels in an unpredictible order, which happens to be sorted for now. This sorting is purely for logging purposes and may disappear at any moment. =item add_label $r->add_label( $label ) ; $r->add_label( @labels ) ; Marks one or more labels as being associated with this revision of a file. =cut sub add_label { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; @{$self->{LABELS}}{@_} = (undef) x @_ ; return ; } sub as_string { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; my @v = map( defined $_ ? $_ : "", $self->is_base_rev ? map $self->$_(), qw( name rev_id change_id type ) : map( $_ eq 'time' ? scalar localtime $self->$_() : $self->$_(), qw(name rev_id change_id type action time user_id ) ) ) ; return $self->is_base_rev ? sprintf( "%s#%s @%s (%s) -- base rev --", @v ) : sprintf( "%s#%s @%s (%s) %s %s %s", @v ) ; } sub DESTROY { my VCP::Rev $self = shift ; $self->work_path( undef ) ; $self->dest_work_path( undef ) ; my $doomed = $self->work_path ; if ( defined $doomed && -e $doomed ) { debug "vcp: $self unlinking '$doomed'" if debugging $self ; unlink $doomed or warn "$! unlinking $doomed\n" ; } } =back =head1 SUBCLASSING This class uses the fields pragma, so you'll need to use base and possibly fields in any subclasses. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This will be licensed under a suitable license at a future date. Until then, you may only use this for evaluation purposes. Besides which, it's in an early alpha state, so you shouldn't depend on it anyway. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker =cut 1