package VCP::UIMachines; =begin hackers DO NOT EDIT!!! GENERATED FROM ui_machines/vcp_ui.tt2 by /usr/local/bin/stml AT Mon Jul 28 17:26:30 2003 =end hackers =head1 NAME VCP::UIMachines - State machines for user interface =head1 SYNOPSIS Called by VCP::UI =head1 DESCRIPTION The user interface module L is a framework that bolts the implementation of the user interface to a state machine representing the user interface. Each state in this state machine is a method that runs the state and returns a result (or dies to exit the program). =cut use strict; use VCP::Debug qw( :debug ); use VCP::Utils qw( empty ); =head1 API =over =item new Creates a new user interface object. =cut sub new { my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; } =item run Executes the user interface. =cut sub run { my $self = shift; my ( $ui ) = @_; $self->{STATE} = "init"; while ( defined $self->{STATE} ) { debug "UI entering state $self->{STATE}" if debugging; no strict "refs"; $self->{STATE} = $self->{STATE}->( $ui ); } return; } =back =head2 Interactive Methods =over =cut use strict; =item init Initialize the machine Next state: source_prompt =cut sub init { return 'source_prompt'; } =item source_prompt: Source SCM type Enter the kind of repository to copy data from. Valid answers: cvs => source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt vss => source_vss_filespec_prompt revml => source_revml_filespec_prompt p4 => source_p4_run_p4d_prompt =cut sub source_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Source SCM type END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvs', 'cvs', 'source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::cvs; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::cvs->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'cvs' ); }, ], [ 'vss', 'vss', 'source_vss_filespec_prompt', undef, ], [ 'revml', 'revml', 'source_revml_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::revml; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::revml->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'revml' ); }, ], [ 'p4', 'p4', 'source_p4_run_p4d_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Source::p4; $ui->{Source} = VCP::Source::p4->new; $ui->{Source}->repo_scheme( 'p4' ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the kind of repository to copy data from. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_prompt: Destination SCM type Enter the kind of repository to copy data to. Valid answers: cvs => dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt vss => dest_vss_filespec_prompt p4 => dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt revml => dest_revml_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Destination SCM type END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvs', 'cvs', 'dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::cvs; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::cvs->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'cvs' ); }, ], [ 'vss', 'vss', 'dest_vss_filespec_prompt', undef, ], [ 'p4', 'p4', 'dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::p4; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::p4->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'p4' ); }, ], [ 'revml', 'revml', 'dest_revml_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; require VCP::Dest::revml; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::revml->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'revml' ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the kind of repository to copy data to. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item convert Run VCP with the options entered =cut sub convert { return undef; } =item dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt: Launch a private p4d in a local directory If you would like to insert into an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a 'p4d' daemon for you in that directory. It will use a random high numbered TCP port. Valid answers: yes => dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt no => dest_p4_host_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_run_p4d_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Launch a private p4d in a local directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->{P4_RUN_P4D} = 1; }, ], [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'dest_p4_host_prompt', undef, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; If you would like to insert into an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a 'p4d' daemon for you in that directory. It will use a random high numbered TCP port. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt: Directory to run p4d in Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. Valid answers: => dest_p4_user_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_p4d_dir_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Directory to run p4d in END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', sub { die qq{Please enter a directory name\n} unless length; die qq{'$_' is not a valid directory\n} unless -d; 1; }, 'dest_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_p4_host_prompt: P4 Host name, including port Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. Valid answers: perforce:1666 => dest_p4_user_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_host_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 Host name, including port END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'perforce:1666', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_p4_user_prompt: P4 user id Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to use the P4USER environemnt variable, if present; or the login user if not. Valid answers: => dest_p4_password_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_user_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 user id END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_password_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_user( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to use the P4USER environemnt variable, if present; or the login user if not. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_p4_password_prompt: Password If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. Valid answers: => dest_p4_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_p4_password_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Password END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_p4_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_password( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_p4_filespec_prompt: Destination spec The destination spec is a perforce repository spec and must begin with // and a depot name ("//depot"), not a local filesystem spec or a client spec. Valid answers: //depot/directory-path/... => convert =cut sub dest_p4_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Destination spec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '//depot/directory-path/...', qr#\A//#, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; The destination spec is a perforce repository spec and must begin with // and a depot name ("//depot"), not a local filesystem spec or a client spec. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt: cvsroot Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. Valid answers: cvsroot spec => dest_cvs_filespec_prompt =cut sub dest_cvs_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvsroot END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvsroot spec', sub { die qq{A cvsroot spec is required because the CVSROOT environment variable is not set.\n} unless length or exists $ENV{CVSROOT}; 1; }, 'dest_cvs_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_cvs_filespec_prompt: cvs filespec Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: module/filepath/... => dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt =cut sub dest_cvs_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'module/filepath/...', qr/./, 'dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt: Initialize a cvs repository Initialize a cvs repository in the directory indicated in the cvs CVSROOT spec? Valid answers: no => convert yes => convert =cut sub dest_cvs_init_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Initialize a cvs repository END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'convert', undef, ], [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->{CVS_INIT_CVSROOT} = 1; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Initialize a cvs repository in the directory indicated in the cvs CVSROOT spec? END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_vss_filespec_prompt: vss filespec Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => convert =cut sub dest_vss_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; vss filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'convert', undef, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_run_p4d_prompt: Launch a private p4d in a local directory If you would like to extract from an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a 'p4d' daemon for you in that directory. It will use a random high numbered TCP port. Valid answers: no => source_p4_host_prompt yes => source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt =cut sub source_p4_run_p4d_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Launch a private p4d in a local directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_p4_host_prompt', undef, ], [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{P4_RUN_P4D} = 1; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; If you would like to extract from an offline repository in a local directory, vcp can launch a 'p4d' daemon for you in that directory. It will use a random high numbered TCP port. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt: Directory to run p4d in Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. Valid answers: => source_p4_user_prompt =cut sub source_p4_p4d_dir_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Directory to run p4d in END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', sub { die qq{Please enter a directory name\n} unless length; die qq{'$_' is not a valid directory\n} unless -d; 1; }, 'source_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the directory to launch the p4d in. VCP will then check that this is a valid directory. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_host_prompt: P4 Host name, including port Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. Valid answers: perforce:1666 => source_p4_user_prompt =cut sub source_p4_host_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 Host name, including port END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'perforce:1666', qr/^/, 'source_p4_user_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the name and port of the p4d to read from, separated by a colon. Leave empty to use the p4's default of the P4HOST environment variable if set or "perforce:1666" if not. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_user_prompt: P4 user id Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environment variable, if present; or the login user if not. Valid answers: => source_p4_password_prompt =cut sub source_p4_user_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; P4 user id END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_p4_password_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_user( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the user_id (P4USER) value needed to access the server. Leave empty to the P4USER environment variable, if present; or the login user if not. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_password_prompt: Password If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. Valid answers: => source_p4_filespec_prompt =cut sub source_p4_password_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Password END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_p4_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_password( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; If a password (P4PASSWD) is needed to access the server, enter it here. WARNING: password will be echoed in plain text to the terminal. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_p4_filespec_prompt: Files to copy If you want to copy a portion of the source repository, enter a p4 filespec starting with the depot name. Do not enter any revision or change number information. Valid answers: //depot/directory-path/... => dest_prompt =cut sub source_p4_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Files to copy END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '//depot/directory-path/...', qr{\A//.+}, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; If you want to copy a portion of the source repository, enter a p4 filespec starting with the depot name. Do not enter any revision or change number information. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item dest_revml_filespec_prompt: revml filespec Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. Valid answers: => convert =cut sub dest_revml_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; revml filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'convert', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Dest}->ui_set_revml_repo_spec( "revml:" . $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt: cvsroot Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. Valid answers: cvsroot spec => source_cvs_filespec_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_cvsroot_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvsroot END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'cvsroot spec', sub { die qq{A cvsroot spec is required because the CVSROOT environment variable is not set.\n} unless length or exists $ENV{CVSROOT}; 1; }, 'source_cvs_filespec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_filespec_prompt: cvs filespec Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: module/filepath/... => source_cvs_working_directory_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'module/filepath/...', qr/./, 'source_cvs_working_directory_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->repo_filespec( $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_working_directory_prompt: Enter CVS working directory Enter the CVS working directory (Optional). VCP::Source::cvs will cd to this directory before calling cvs, and won't initialize a CVS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::cvs does a "cvs checkout" in a temporary directory). Valid answers: => source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_working_directory_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Enter CVS working directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', sub { die qq{'$_' is not a valid directory\n} if length and not -d; 1; }, 'source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_WORK_DIR} = $answer unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the CVS working directory (Optional). VCP::Source::cvs will cd to this directory before calling cvs, and won't initialize a CVS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::cvs does a "cvs checkout" in a temporary directory). END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt: Force binary checkout Pass the -kb option to cvs, to force a binary checkout. This is useful when you want a text file to be checked out with Unix linends, or if you know that some files in the repository are not flagged as binary files and should be. Valid answers: yes => source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt no => source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_binary_checkout_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Force binary checkout END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_K_OPTION} = "b"; }, ], [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt', undef, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Pass the -kb option to cvs, to force a binary checkout. This is useful when you want a text file to be checked out with Unix linends, or if you know that some files in the repository are not flagged as binary files and should be. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt: Use cvs? (rather than reading local repositories directly) Use cvs rather than a direct read of local repositories. This is slower, but the option is present in case there are repositories vcp has trouble reading directly. Valid answers: no => source_cvs_revision_prompt yes => source_cvs_revision_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_use_cvs_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Use cvs? (rather than reading local repositories directly) END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ 'no', qr/\Ano?\z/i, 'source_cvs_revision_prompt', undef, ], [ 'yes', qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, 'source_cvs_revision_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->{CVS_USE_CVS} = 1; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Use cvs rather than a direct read of local repositories. This is slower, but the option is present in case there are repositories vcp has trouble reading directly. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_revision_prompt: cvs log revision specification Passed to "cvs log" as a "-r" revision specification. This corresponds to the "-r" option for the rlog command, not either of the "-r" options for the cvs command. See rlog(1) man page for the format. Valid answers: => source_cvs_date_spec_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_revision_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs log revision specification END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'source_cvs_date_spec_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; unless( empty $answer ) { $ui->{Source}->rev_spec( $answer ); $ui->{Source}->force_missing( defined $ui->{Source}->rev_spec ); } }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Passed to "cvs log" as a "-r" revision specification. This corresponds to the "-r" option for the rlog command, not either of the "-r" options for the cvs command. See rlog(1) man page for the format. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_cvs_date_spec_prompt: cvs log date specification Passed to 'cvs log' as a "-d" date specification. See rlog(1) man page for the format. Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_cvs_date_spec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; cvs log date specification END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->date_spec( $answer ) unless empty $answer; }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Passed to 'cvs log' as a "-d" date specification. See rlog(1) man page for the format. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_vss_filespec_prompt: vss filespec Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. Valid answers: => source_vss_working_directory_prompt =cut sub source_vss_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; vss filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'source_vss_working_directory_prompt', undef, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the filespec which may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_vss_working_directory_prompt: Enter VSS working directory Used to set the VSS working directory. VCP::Source::vss will cd to this directory before calling vss, and won't initialize a VSS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::vss does a "vss checkout" in a temporary directory). Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_vss_working_directory_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; Enter VSS working directory END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/^/, 'dest_prompt', undef, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Used to set the VSS working directory. VCP::Source::vss will cd to this directory before calling vss, and won't initialize a VSS workspace of it's own (normally, VCP::Source::vss does a "vss checkout" in a temporary directory). END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =item source_revml_filespec_prompt: revml filespec Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. Valid answers: => dest_prompt =cut sub source_revml_filespec_prompt { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; revml filespec END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [ '', qr/./, 'dest_prompt', sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_; $ui->{Source}->ui_set_revml_repo_spec( "revml:" . $answer ); }, ], ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; Enter the revml repo spec. 'revml:' will be prefixed to it then parsed as if it was entered on the vcp command line. END_DESCRIPTION while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } else { ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } =back =head1 WARNING: AUTOGENERATED This module is autogenerated in the pre-distribution build process, so to change it, you need the master repository files in ui_machines/..., not a CPAN/PPM/tarball/.zip/etc. distribution. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker =cut 1;