]> cvsroot Enter the cvsroot spec. Leave empty to use the CVSROOT environment variable if set. cvs require VCP::Dest::cvs; $ui->{Dest} = VCP::Dest::cvs->new; $ui->{Dest}->repo_scheme( 'cvs' ); cvsroot spec $ui->{Dest}->repo_server( $answer ) unless empty $answer; cvs filespec Enter the cvs filespec. This must be in the form "module/filespec". The filespec may contain trailing wildcards, like "a/b/..." to extract an entire directory tree. $ui->{Dest}->repo_filespec( $answer ); Change branch rev #1 Initialize a cvs repository in the directory indicated in the cvs CVSROOT spec? $ui->{Dest}->init; $ui->{Dest}->{CVS_INIT_CVSROOT} = 1; $ui->{Dest}->init;