/* * GLOBAL VARIABLES */ variable "stack_name" { description = "The name of the stack, applied as a tag to all resources" default = "perforce" } variable "aws_region" { description = "AWS Region" default = "eu-west-1" } variable "env" { description = "The environment, e.g. stage, dev, production (this changes some resources, e.g. multi NAT gateway or MultiAZ in case of production)" default = "dev" } variable "owner" { description = "The owner of this stack" } /* * NETWORK */ module "networking" { source = "./networking" cidr = "" "az-subnet-mapping" = [ { name = "subnet1" az = "eu-west-1a" cidr = "" }, // { // name = "subnet2" // az = "eu-west-1c" // cidr = "" // }, ] } variable "key_name" { description = "Name of the public key used for SSH, will be uploaded from ./files/key_name.pem" } variable "additional_public_keys" { description = "A list of additional public keys to inject (bastion only)" default = [] type = "list" } variable "instance_type" { default = "t2.small" type = "string" } // If we have a certificate to assign // variable "certificate_arn" { // type = "string" // } // variable "public_hosted_zone_name" { // type = "string" // description = "The name of the public hosted zone the services will run in, must already exist" // }