#!/usr/local/bin/python #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Perforce Software, Inc. Provided for use as defined in # the Perforce Consulting Services Agreement. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Usage: python protect_groups.py remove_groups.txt p4.protect This script will drop all lines in the protect tabel that have a group referenced from the file groups.txt passed into the script. The list of groups to drop is passed in as the first parameter and the protect table is passed in as the 2nd parameter. remove_groups.txt is generated using protect_groups.py - See that script for details. Run "p4 protect -o > p4.protect" to generate the protections table. You can redirect the output of this script to a file called new.p4.protect and then you can compare the original p4.protect and the new.p4.protect. If everything looks okay, you can update the protections table by running: p4 protect -i < new.p4.protect """ import os import re import string import sys p4groups = [] groups = open( sys.argv[1], "r" ) protect = open( sys.argv[2], "r" ) for group in groups.readlines(): group = group.rstrip() group = group.lower() p4groups.append( group ) for line in protect.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() origline = line line = line.lower() match = re.match(".*group (.*) \* .*", line) if (match != None): if match.group(1).lower() in p4groups: continue else: print(origline) else: print(origline) groups.close() protect.close()