#!/usr/bin/python #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Perforce Software, Inc. Provided for use as defined in # the Perforce Consulting Services Agreement. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Usage: remove_jobs.py list_of_jobs This script will remove all of the fixes associated with jobs and then delete the jobs listed in the file passed as the first argument. The list can be created with p4 jobs > jobs.txt. The script will handles the extra text one the lines. """ import os import re import string import sys import time import platform import ConfigParser USAGE = """ Usage: remove_jobs.py textfile should be a file containing 1 job per line. """ if len (sys.argv) < 2: print (USAGE) sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) > 2: P4INSTANCE = str(sys.argv[1]) jobs_file = sys.argv[2] else: P4INSTANCE = '1' jobs_file = sys.argv[1] config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read('maintenance.cfg') ########################################################################## ##### ##### ##### CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: Modify in maintenance.cfg as needed. ##### ##### ##### server = (config.get(P4INSTANCE, 'server')) p4user = (config.get(P4INSTANCE, 'p4user')) passwd = (config.get(P4INSTANCE, 'passwd')) if platform.system() == "Windows": p4="p4.exe -p %s -u %s" % (server, p4user) else: p4="/p4/1/bin/p4_1 -p %s -u %s" % (server, p4user) os.system('echo %s| %s login' % (passwd, p4)) def main(): try: input = open( jobs_file, "r" ) except: print("Unable to open file %s." % jobs_file) sys.exit(2) for job in input.readlines(): job = re.sub(r" on .*", r"", job) job = re.sub(r"< ", r"", job) job = job.strip() command = "%s fixes -j %s > fixes.txt" % (p4, job) os.system(command) if os.path.isfile("fixes.txt"): fixes = open("fixes.txt", "r") for fixline in fixes.readlines(): if re.search("fixed by", fixline): match = re.match(".* fixed by change (\d+) on .*", fixline).groups()[0] os.system("%s fix -d -c %s %s" % (p4, match, job)) fixes.close() os.system("%s job -d %s" % (p4, job)) input.close() os.remove("fixes.txt") ############################################################################### # main if __name__ == "__main__": main()