USAGE for v1.0.8: [-y] [-d ] [-L ] [-v] [-n] [-D] or [-h|-man|-V] DESCRIPTION: The HMS "tight ship" setup script transforms a standard SDP installation into a tight-ship style installation on the master server machine. A tight ship installation is one in which: * The key SDP folders, e.g. /p4/common and /p4/N/bin (for each instance) are versioned locally using SDP. workspaces in a local HMS instance, /p4/hms, which this script creates and initializes. * The crontab for the Perforce user is versioned. * Any local configuration and/or customizations of the SDP are versioned. * The HMS instance is aware of The Workshop, a public Helix server hosted by Perforce Software. It fetches SDP updates from The Workshop into the local hms instance using Helix DVCS features. This simplifies future updates of the SDP, allowing them to be done with a 'p4 fetch' followed by a 'p4 merge' on your local server (if the server can reach The Workshop directly; if not an alternative approach using an interim personal repo can be used to bridge 'air gap' networks). PRE-REQUISITES: The following are pre-requisites to running 1. The SDP configuration script, must have been configured and run. The SDP is expected to exist in /hxdepots/sdp (or whatever diretory is specified with '-d '). This may have been populated via a tar file or workspace pulling files from The Workshop (, pulling files from //guest/perforce_software/sdp/main on that server. The /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup/ must already be configured correctly, and have been run for at least one instance. The password stored in the newest of the /p4/common/config/.p4passwd.*.p4admin files will be used for the perforce user for the hms instance. 2. The /p4/common/config/sdp_hosts.cfg file is configured to reference only this current master server machine. If this file does not exist, a template can be copied from /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/p4/common/config/sdp_hosts.cfg. 3. Perforce crontab initialized. The crontab for the perforce user must already be configured as intended. 4. No cruft symlinks in /p4. In the /p4 directory, and /p4/ symlinks which contain a /p4//root/ file are considered to be valid SDP instances. This script will attempt to manage any such files. 5. The OSUSER (typically 'perforce') has full sudo privs. The OSUSER must be able to execute 'sudo su' commands without a password. This can be accomplished on modern Linux systems by creating /etc/sudoers.d/perforce, with this one line of contents: perforce ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL If configured properly, the following command should execute without error: sudo /bin/ls /etc/sudoers.d 6. No hms instance There should not (yet) be an hms instance. ADDITIONAL SETUP: The following setup is necessary before operating in a tight ship environment, but are not necessary before running this script. 1. The SSH keys must be configured enabling the 'perforce' user to ssh without a password to all machines listed in sdp_hosts.cfg configured above, including the current host (i.e. it must be able to ssh to itself using the current hostname). OPTIONS: -y Continue past the preflight without an interactive prompt. -d Specify the root of the directory tree where the SDP package is available, the directory which contains an already-configured SDP configuration script, The default is: /hxdepots/sdp The version of the SDP installed must be recent enough to contain the 'hms' setup directory: /hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup/hms. -v Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). -L Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to: .. NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -n No-Op. Prints commands instead of running them. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. FILES: EXAMPLES: This is best done immediately after a standard SDP installation, and must be run on the same master server machine where the SDP was installed. SEE ALSO: