#!/usr/bin/env python #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ This script will add a user to all the groups of another user in Perforce. Usage: python mirroraccess.py instance user1 user2 ... user1 = user to mirror access from. user2 = user to mirror access to. ... = additional users to mirror access to. """ import os import re import string import sys import time import platform import ConfigParser if len (sys.argv) < 4: print ("You have to pass three parameters in for this script.") print ("The instance number of the server, the User to mirror access from, and the user to mirror access to.") sys.exit(1) SDP_INSTANCE = str(sys.argv[1]) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read('maintenance.cfg') ########################################################################## ##### ##### ##### CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: Modify in maintenance.cfg as needed. ##### ##### ##### server = (config.get(SDP_INSTANCE, 'server')) p4user = (config.get(SDP_INSTANCE, 'p4user')) passwd = (config.get(SDP_INSTANCE, 'passwd')) if platform.system() == "Windows": p4="p4.exe -p %s -u %s" % (server, p4user) else: p4="/p4/1/bin/p4_1 -p %s -u %s" % (server, p4user) os.system('echo %s| %s login' % (passwd, p4)) ###################################################################################################### def main(): mirroreduser = sys.argv[2] os.system ("p4 groups %s > mirror_groups.txt" % (mirroreduser)) groups = open ("mirror_groups.txt", "r") for group in groups.readlines(): group = group.rstrip() os.system ("p4 group -o %s > mirror_group.txt" % (group)) input = open ("mirror_group.txt", "r") output = open ("mirror_newgroup.txt", "w") for line in input.readlines(): if line != "\n": output.write (line) for newuser in sys.argv[3:]: output.write ("\t%s\n" % (newuser)) input.close () output.close () os.system ("p4 group -i < mirror_newgroup.txt") os.remove ("mirror_group.txt") os.remove ("mirror_newgroup.txt") groups.close () os.remove ("mirror_groups.txt") ###################################################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()