#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ NAME: RequireJob.py DESCRIPTION: This is a trigger which allows admins to require a job to be linked with any submits. It takes a config file of the format for Workflow.yaml which controls whether this trigger fires or not (in addition to trigger table entries). It refers to field 'swarm_user' and allows that user, if specified, to bypass this trigger. Also one or more users specified by 'submit_without_review_users'. To install, add a line to your Perforce triggers table like the following: require-job change-submit //... "python /p4/common/bin/triggers/RequireJob.py -c /p4/common/config/Workflow.yaml -p %serverport% -u perforce %change% " or (if server is standard SDP and has appropriate environment defaults for P4PORT and P4USER): require-job change-submit //... "python /p4/common/bin/triggers/RequireJob.py -c /p4/common/config/Workflow.yaml %change% " You may need to provide the full path to python executable, or edit the path to the trigger. Also, don't forget to make the file executable. """ # Python 2.7/3.3 compatibility. from __future__ import print_function import sys import WorkflowTriggers import yaml ERROR_MSG = """ Submit failed because this codeline requires a job to be linked to every changelist! Please retry your submit/shelve after linking a job to it. You may need to create a P4 job from the related Jira issue. """ class RequireJob(WorkflowTriggers.WorkflowTrigger): """See module doc string for details""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): WorkflowTriggers.WorkflowTrigger.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.parse_args(__doc__, args) def add_parse_args(self, parser): """Specific args for this trigger - also calls super class to add common trigger args""" parser.add_argument('-c', '--config-file', default=None, help="Configuration file for trigger. Default: RequireJob.yaml") parser.add_argument('change', help="Change to process - %%change%% argument from triggers entry.") super(RequireJob, self).add_parse_args(parser) def run(self): """Runs trigger""" try: self.logger.debug("RequireJob trigger firing") self.setupP4() self.p4.connect() change = self.getChange(self.options.change) config = self.load_config(self.options.config_file) if 'swarm_user' in config and config['swarm_user'] == change.user: self.logger.debug("RequireJob: swarm user - no job needed") return 0 prj = self.get_project(config, change) self.logger.debug("prj: %s" % prj) if not 'require_job' in prj or not prj['require_job'] == 'y': self.logger.debug("RequireJob: no job needed") return 0 if 'submit_without_review_users' in config: for user in config['submit_without_review_users']: if user == change.user: self.logger.debug("RequireJob: user allowed to submit without job: %s" % (user)) return 0 # Look for jobs attached to this changelist fixes = self.p4.run_fixes("-c", self.options.change) if not fixes or len(fixes) == 0: self.logger.debug("RequireJob: no job found") print(ERROR_MSG) return 1 self.logger.debug("RequireJob: job found") return 0 except Exception: return self.reportException() if __name__ == '__main__': """ Main Program""" trigger = RequireJob(*sys.argv[1:]) sys.exit(trigger.run())