# This file is "sourced" by /p4/common/bin/p4_vars # Some values are set globally in that file, or they can be optionally # set in this file as noted below. # P4MASTERNAME is server.id of Master for this instance export P4MASTERNAME=MASTER_NAME # dns name for master server export P4MASTER=REPL_DNSNAME # Optional to set this per instance - otherwise in p4_vars #export SSL_PREFIX=REPL_SSLPREFIX # Port of master instance for this instance # There is often a global value in p4_vars, but this should be set for this # instance if it is for example replicating from an intermediate replica #export P4MASTERPORTNUM=REPL_P4PORT # Port for this instance export P4PORT=${SSL_PREFIX}${P4MASTERPORTNUM} # Optional to set this per instance - otherwise in p4_vars #export P4D_FLAGS="-p $P4PORT -r $P4ROOT -J $P4JOURNAL -L $P4LOG -q -d" export P4BROKERPORTNUM=REPL_P4BROKERPORT export P4BROKERPORT=${SSL_PREFIX}${P4BROKERPORTNUM} export PROXY_TARGET=${SSL_PREFIX}${P4MASTER}:${P4MASTERPORTNUM} export PROXY_PORT=$P4PORT # Optional to set this per instance - otherwise in p4_vars # Values: TRUE or FALSE #export P4REPLICA=FALSE