export PS1='$USER@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:$PWD ' alias md='mkdir -p' alias rd=rmdir alias cls=clear alias o='p4 opened ...' # Add 'p4h' help alias to pipe pages of help docs to 'less', a popular pager. # Sample Usage: p4h dvcs function p4h () { p4 help "$*" | less; } [[ -r /p4/common/bin/p4_vars ]] && source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars EDITME_SDP_INSTANCE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Independent per-terminal session command history. Over time, this will # create a number of history files that can be cleaned with a command like # this sample, which removes all shell history files over a year old. # $ find ~/.hist -type f -mtime +365 -exec rm -f {} \; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [[ ! -d ~/.hist ]] && mkdir ~/.hist export HISTFILESIZE=5000 export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y/%m/%d %Z %H:%M:%S " export HISTFILE=~/.hist/history.$$.$RANDOM # If you invoke command completion with a path that references a shell variable, # by default the command completion injects an annoying backslash in front of # the '$' character, thus breaking the completion. For example, if you type # 'ls $LOGS/p4' and hit Tab to invoke command completion, it'll get # transmogrified to '\$LOGS/p4', and the completion no longer works. The # 'shopt -s direxpand' disables expansion, which fixes this problem. When you # hit the tab, $LOGS will get expanded the directory, e.g. '/p4/1/logs', and # you the expansion will be '/p4/1/logs/p4', and the tab completion will then # work as expected. shopt -s direxpand