#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Dir::Self; use IO::File; # Use the magic __DIR__ symbol to locate # where we are, and hence where our perl # modules can be found. use lib __DIR__; # # A general purpose Second Factor Authentication scheme, known # as 2FA, but I can't use that as a module name. # So I will use a module name/namepace of Sfa but # use the acronym of SFA when commenting on it. # This is the module entry point, this will load up # all the provider SFA methods as required. use Sfa; # I always like to have a 'main' entry function. sub main { my($sfa) = Sfa->new(qw(Sfa::Duo)); if ($sfa->iserror()) { $sfa->reportandquit(); } $sfa->processargs(__FILE__, @ARGV); if ($sfa->iserror()) { $sfa->reportandquit(); } $sfa->process(); $sfa->reportandquit(); } main(); exit(1);