#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; =head1 Notices Originally developed for Perforce by VIZIM (www.vizim.com) Copyright (c) 2014 Perforce Software, Inc. and VIZIM Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution for license information =cut use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use Digest::MD5; use v5.14.0; # Earliest version testing was performed against my $APPNAME = "profile.pl"; my $APPWHAT = 'Directory structure profiler; version 1.15'; my $APPNOTICES = "Copyright (c) 2014 Perforce Software, Inc. and VIZIM Worldwide, Inc. All rights reserved. See LICENSE.txt for license information."; =head1 Directory structure profiler Profile the contents of a directory structure. The profile indicates directories and files. Files contain BOM and the content MD5 signature information. =cut =head2 Tool focus The focus of this tool is file existence and content. Ownership, access rights, time, date, and other metadata is not output. Metadata is dependent on the workspace population characteristics of the tool in use rather than being a direct result of an import process. =cut =head2 Tool output Files within a directory are listed first. Subdirectories are then listed recursively. File and directory names are listed in alphabetical order to make comparison of results more deterministic. File details are prefixed with 'F ' while directory details are prefixed with 'P '. The prefix values make it easier for comparison tools to resynchronize at directories. The primary use of this tool is to compare directory structures. Typically these directory structures are workspaces created during import processing. Comparison is provided by profileCompare.pl. To help normalize structure comparison the top level directory is specified by two arguments. The first argument is a top level directory path that is not listed in generated output. The second argument is a directory path that is listed in generated output. Either or both of the arguments may be relative paths. =cut =head2 Directory separators Argument path specification is independent of the OS on which this tool operates. The tool adjusts directory separators so that they are consistent and OS appropriate. =cut =head2 Case sensitivity The -u option causes all file and directory names to be converted to upper case. This creates a uniformly sorted output that is useful when only content and existence is important. This option is only useful on Windows systems. =cut =head2 Examples For example, to compare two workspaces with a common top level workspace directory name such as (C:\usr\fred\ws) and (C:/usr/joe/ws) you could use: profile.pl C:\usr\fred ws >fred profile.pl C:/usr/joe ws > joe profileCompare.pl fred joe To compare the workspaces with different top level workspace directory names such as (C:/usr/fred/ws) and (C:/usr/joe/workspace) you could use: profile.pl C:/usr/fred/ws . >fred profile.pl C:/usr/joe/workspace . >joe profileCompare.pl fred joe Note the use of '.' as the second argument to remove all parts of the workspace path from the output. =cut sub isDirectoryEmpty($); sub isDirectoryEmpty($) { my $path = $_[0]; return 0 if ! -e $path; return 0 if ! -d $path; my $hDir; return 0 if !opendir($hDir, $path); my $isEmpty = 1; while ($_ = readdir($hDir)) { next if m!^\.{1,2}$!; my $thisPath = "$path/$_"; next if -d $thisPath && isDirectoryEmpty( $thisPath ); $isEmpty = 0; last; } closedir($hDir); return $isEmpty; } sub FileDetails($) { my $path = $_[0]; return 'Does Not Exist' unless -e $path; if( -d $path ) { return 'Directory (no files)' if isDirectoryEmpty( $path ); return 'Directory'; } return 'Directory' if -d $path; return 'Not A File' unless -f $path; my $hLocal; if( ! open( $hLocal, '<:bytes', $path ) ) { return "Can Not Open - $!"; } my $type = ''; my $header = ''; read $hLocal, $header, 3, 0; if( $header =~ m!^\xEF\xBB\xBF! ) { $type = 'UTF8'; } elsif( $header =~ m!^\xFE\xFF! ) { $type = 'UTF16BE'; } elsif( $header =~ m!^\xFF\xFE! ) { $type = 'UTF16LE'; } else { $type = -z $path ? 'EMPTY' : 'NOBOM'; } seek $hLocal, 0, 0; my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new; $ctx->reset(); $ctx->addfile( $hLocal ); close( $hLocal ); return ($type, uc $ctx->hexdigest() ); } my $ifUpperNames = 0; if( defined $ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] =~ m!\-+V!) ) { print "$APPWHAT\n"; exit(0); } if( defined $ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] =~ m!\-+u!) ) { $ifUpperNames = 1; shift @ARGV; } if( (defined $ARGV[0] && ($ARGV[0] =~ m!\-+[h\?]!i)) || (scalar @ARGV != 2) ) { print "$APPWHAT $APPNOTICES Usage: $APPNAME -V $APPNAME [-h|-?] $APPNAME [-u] CommonRoot TopDirectory\n"; exit(0); } my @list = (); sub buildList($$); sub buildList($$) { my ($root, $dir) = @_; my $rootPath = catfile( $ARGV[0], $root, $dir ); die "$rootPath does not exist" if ! -e $rootPath; die "$rootPath is not a directory" if ! -d $rootPath; my $hDIR; opendir( $hDIR, $rootPath ) || die "Can't open $rootPath $!"; my @files = (); my @dirs = (); while(readdir($hDIR)) { next if $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..' || uc $_ eq '$TF'; my $local = $ifUpperNames ? uc $_ : $_; my $full = catfile( $rootPath, $_ ); push @files, catfile( $root, $dir, $local ) if -f $full; push @dirs, $local if -d $full; } closedir( $hDIR ); foreach( sort @files ) { push @list, $_; } foreach( sort @dirs ) { push @list, catfile( $root, $dir, $_ ); buildList( catfile( $root, $dir ), $_ ); } } buildList( '', $ARGV[1] ); foreach(@list) { my $full = catfile( $ARGV[0], $_ ); if( -f $full ) { print "F $_ ", FileDetails($full), "\n"; } elsif( -d $full ) { print "P $_ ", FileDetails($full), "\n"; } else { print "? $_ ", FileDetails($full), "\n"; } }