#!/bin/bash if [ ! -d "tmp/p4api" ]; then if [ ! -d "tmp" ]; then mkdir tmp fi if [ ! -f "tmp/p4api.tgz" ]; then if [ `uname`="Darwin" ]; then cd tmp && p4 print -o p4api.tgz //builds/r13.1/p4-bin/bin.darwin90x86_64/p4api.tgz && cd .. else echo "Please update the script to download the right p4api" fi fi if [ ! -d tmp/p4api ]; then cd tmp && tar xzf p4api.tgz && cd .. echo "Please rename the directory in tmp (like p4api-X.X.X) to tmp/p4api" exit 1 fi fi echo rm -fr build && node-gyp configure && node-gyp build && node test/test.js