RSpec Code Examples



HelixWebServicesClient branches
should create a new branch - and return it via #branches0.05125s
should load a single branch created via #create_branch0.03014s
should be able to update the branch description0.04753s
should be able to delete a branch created via #create_branch0.02485s
HelixWebServicesClient changes
should list change 10.02554s
should describe two files in change 10.02270s
should allow us to integrate0.03187s
should allow us to upload two files to //depot/dev/Experimental0.03833s
should be able to submit changes shelved on classic clients0.04983s
should be able to submit changes shelved on stream clients0.05407s
HelixWebServicesClient clients
should create a new client - and return it via #clients0.02076s
should load a single client created via #create_client0.01254s
'should be able to update the client description'0.02688s
'should be able to delete a client created via #create_client'0.01827s
HelixWebServicesClient commands
should allow you to run a whitelisted command without input0.01280s
HelixWebServicesClient config
should allow you to fetch an empty service list0.01506s
HelixWebServicesClient counters
can create a numerical counter0.01003s
can create a text counter0.01246s
can include our test counters in the list0.00997s
can list our numerical counter0.00928s
can list the text counter0.00976s
can increment the numerical counter0.01560s
can delete our test counters0.01878s
HelixWebServicesClient depots
should create a new depot - and return it via #depots0.01587s
should load a single depot created via #create_depot0.01026s
'should be able to update the depot description'0.02159s
'should be able to delete a depot created via #create_depot'0.01492s
HelixWebServicesClient files
should list the depots with no arguments0.00930s
should list 'dev' and 'main' dirs at the /depot path0.01243s
should list 'README' at the depot/dev/Experimental path0.01247s
should allow me to upload a new README to depot/dev/Experimental0.02770s
should allow me to upload the README and a new_file to depot/dev/Experimental0.04475s
should allow me to delete a file0.02734s
HelixWebServicesClient groups
should create a new group - and return it via #groups0.01683s
should load a single group created via #create_group0.01077s
should be able to add a group user0.02336s
should be able to delete a group created via #create_group0.01402s
HelixWebServicesClient Helix Sync
should create a new client for a user0.01254s
should create or return a pending changelist for a user0.01852s
should return a pending changelist for a user0.01462s
should return a latest changelist for a user0.01105s
should submit a pending change for a project0.04732s
should login to a web services instance0.00512s
should throw an unauthenticated error with the wrong login during init0.00538s
HelixWebServicesClient jobs
should create a new job - and return it via #jobs0.01521s
should load a single job created via #create_job0.01068s
'should be able to change status'0.02335s
'should be able to delete a job created via #create_job'0.01473s
HelixWebServicesClient labels
should create a new label - and return it via #labels0.01527s
should load a single label created via #create_label0.00918s
'should be able to update the label description'0.02497s
'should be able to delete a label created via #create_label'0.01622s
HelixWebServicesClient login
should generate the same ticket0.01200s
can find a method with the captialized version of the symbol0.00017s
can match a snake_case name with snakeCase0.00018s
can find alternatives using [name]_or_[name]0.00020s
can convert numeric-style strings to Time via [name]_as_time0.00060s
can convert string dates to Time via [name]_as_time(offset)0.00226s
HelixWebServicesClient projects
should not fail when listing projects0.01002s
HVE Projects
should list project ids when details are not specified0.01030s
should list project details when details are specified0.01329s
should trigger a 404 when fetching a project by invalid id0.01009s
HVE Projects
should fetch my project details0.00882s
HelixWebServicesClient protections
should return an array with at least two protections0.00939s
should add a protections entry for the user jdoe0.02258s
should remove the protections entry for user jdoe0.02311s
HelixWebServicesClient servers
should create a new server - and return it via #servers0.01536s
should load a single server created via #create_server0.01128s
'should be able to update the server description'0.02351s
'should be able to delete a server created via #create_server'0.01647s
HelixWebServicesClient streams
should create a new stream - and return it via #streams0.01747s
should load a single stream created via #create_stream0.01106s
should be able to update the stream description0.01897s
'should be able to delete a stream created via #create_stream'0.01740s
should allow us to update and fetch a new example trigger line0.02253s
should allow us to clear out the triggers table0.02112s
HelixWebServicesClient users
should at least return the 'jdoe' and 'super' users0.01160s
should return the user 'mmustermann' who has the name 'Max Mustermann'0.01188s
should be able to create a new user and load it0.01919s
should be able update mmusterman's email to max_power@example.com0.02739s
should be able to delete the newuser user0.01689s