// The primary application header. // // This is only shown when the user has logged into the application. // We display a basic breadcrumb on the left, and a logout link on the right. var AppActions = require('../actions/AppActions'); var Location = require('../stores/Location'); var React = require('react'); var ReactBootstrap = require('react-bootstrap'); var Button = ReactBootstrap.Button; var Glyphicon = ReactBootstrap.Glyphicon; var Nav = ReactBootstrap.Nav; var NavItem = ReactBootstrap.NavItem; var Navbar = ReactBootstrap.Navbar; var Header = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return { location: Location.getLocation() }; }, componentDidMount: function() { Location.addNewLocationListener(this.updateLocation); }, componentWillUnmount: function() { Location.removeNewLocationListener(this.updateLocation); }, render: function() { var subPath = null; if (this.state.location.createProject) { subPath = Create Project } else if (this.state.location.project) { subPath = Project Details } return ( ); }, handleLogOut: function() { AppActions.logOut(); }, clickBrand: function() { AppActions.changeLocation({ projectList: 'my' }); }, updateLocation: function() { this.setState({ location: Location.getLocation() }); } }); module.exports = Header;