eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # THE PRECEEDING STUFF EXECS perl via $PATH # # -*-Fundamental-*- # Note: "-v server=2" is only supported in p4d r2001.1 and later, so # this won't work with earlier releases. # # You may need to tweak the script for your platform. See # "CUSTOMIZATION", below. # use Carp; use strict; $| = 1; my $Myname; ($Myname = $0) =~ s%^.*/%%; my $Usage = < ] [ -|f ] LIT sub usage { print STDERR $Usage; exit 1; } sub help { print STDERR < -v server=2") to produce a listing showing the completion times for commands logged therein. This can be useful for proactively monitoring the performance seen by users of a Perforce server, from the server host. Call your frustrated users before they call you! :-) The -p4d_log option specifies the name of the logfile to be used. (If none is used, the logfile is taken from the standard input). If the [ - | -f ] option is given, only the tail of the logfile is processed. ("-f" will use "tail -f", for continuous monitoring of a growing logfile). Here's a sample of the output: 2001/10/23-14:02:33 1 27032 kostadis\@kostadis:h1 'user-diff -dcw' 2001/10/23-14:02:14 34 8239 archana\@archana:main 'user-sync' 2001/10/23-14:02:47 1 31358 archana\@archana:main 'user-client -o' 2001/10/23-14:02:49 1 26775 srikvln\@srikvln:skywalker 'user-client -o srikvln:skywalke 2001/10/23-14:02:49 2 30243 bolinger\@bolinger:dafsu 'user-changes -m 1 ./...' The number in the second column tells how long, in seconds, the command took to complete. ("1" means one second or less, etc). LIT exit 1; } # option switch variables get defaults here... my $p4d_log; my $ntail; while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "-p4d_log") { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $p4d_log = $ARGV[0]; shift; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-(\d+|f)$/) { shift; if ($ARGV[0] < 0) { &usage; } $ntail = $1; shift; next; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-help") { &help; } else { &usage; } } if ($ntail) { my $uname = `uname -a`; chomp $uname; my (@U) = split(/\s+/, $uname); my $cmd; # CUSTOMIZATION # # Just need to add the correct "tail" command to tail the server log # for your host. Please report changes/additions to # "opensource@perforce.com". # my $arg; if ($ntail eq "f") { $arg = "-f"; } else { $arg = "-n $ntail"; } if ($U[0] eq "OSF1") { $cmd = "/bin/tail $arg $p4d_log"; } elsif ($U[0] eq "Linux" && $U[2] =~ /^2\.4\./) { $cmd = "/usr/bin/tail $arg $p4d_log"; } elsif ($U[0] eq "FreeBSD" && $U[2] =~ /^[34]\./) { $cmd = "/usr/bin/tail $arg $p4d_log"; } else { die "I don't know how to run on this <$uname>"; } open(LOG, "$cmd |") || die "open $cmd"; } else { open(LOG, "<&STDIN") || die "open STDIN"; } my %p4d_live; my @p4d_done; my $line = ""; my $type = ""; while () { $_ =~ s/\r{0,1}\n$//; if (/Perforce server (message|error|info):/) { if ($type && $line) { &process_ent($type, $line); } $line = ""; $type = $1; next; } $_ =~ s/\s+/ /; $line .= "$_"; } if ($line) { &process_ent($line); } exit 0; use Time::Local; sub secs { my ($t) = @_; #2001/03/15 16:24:58 if ($t =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)-(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)/) { my ($y, $m, $d, $h, $n, $s) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); $m--; return timelocal($s, $n, $h, $d, $m, $y); } die "bad time: <$t>"; } sub display { my $now = time; @p4d_done = sort(@p4d_done); my @upd_done; foreach my $p4d (@p4d_done) { my ($s_time, $e_time, $elapsed, $pid, $info) = split(/\001/, $p4d); print "$s_time, $e_time, $elapsed, $pid, $info\n"; my ($e_t) = &secs($e_time); if ($now - $e_t < 5) { push(@upd_done, $p4d); } } print "\n\n"; @p4d_done = @upd_done; } # Perforce server info: # 2001/03/15 15:41:15 pid 15331 leonard@leonard:main 'user-sync ...@101822' # Perforce server info: # 2001/03/15 15:41:17 pid 15331: completed sub process_ent { my ($type, $line) = @_; if ($type ne "info") { return; } if ($line =~ /^\s+([\d\/]+) ([\d:]+) pid ([\d:]+) (.*)$/) { my ($date, $time, $pid, $info) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); if ($info =~ "^completed") { $pid =~ s/://; if (defined($p4d_live{$pid})) { my ($s_time, $s_info) = split(/\001/, $p4d_live{$pid}); my $s_t = &secs($s_time); my $e_time = "$date-$time"; my $e_t = &secs($e_time); my $elapsed = ($e_t - $s_t)+1; printf "%19s %4d %5d %s\n", $s_time, $elapsed, $pid, substr($s_info, 0, 70); # push(@p4d_done, "$s_time\001$e_time\001$elapsed\001$pid\001$s_info"); delete $p4d_live{$pid} } # else # { push(@p4d_done, "$date-$time ? $pid ?"); } } else { $p4d_live{$pid} = "$date-$time\001$info"; } } }