BaseFile | Base file for the 3-way merge. |
BaseName | Perforce name of the base file. Format is '//depot/path/file.ext#rev'. |
BothChunks | Returns the number of chunks that have the same change in both files. |
ConflictChunks | Returns the number of chunks that have conflicts. |
MergeDigest | Returns the MD5 checksum of WHAT?? file. |
MergeHint | Perforce's recommended merge action. |
ResultFile | File where merged result should be written. |
TheirChunks | Returns the number of chunks with changes in their file. |
TheirDigest | Returns the MD5 checksum of their file. |
TheirFile | Thier file for the 3-way merge. |
TheirName | Perforce name of their file. Format is '//depot/path/file.ext#rev'. |
YourChunks | Returns the number of chunks changed in your file. |
YourDigest | Returns the MD5 checksum of your file. |
YourFile | Your file for the 3-way merge. |
YourName | Perforce name of your file. Format is '//client/path/file.ext'. |
Dispose | Frees unmanaged memory. |
Equals (inherited from Object) | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. |
GetType (inherited from Object) | Gets the Type of the current instance. |
RunMergeTool | Runs the external merge tool configured by P4MERGE. |
ToString (inherited from Object) | Returns a String that represents the current Object. |
Finalize (inherited from Object) | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. |
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. |
MergeData Class | P4API Namespace