Instructions for debugging extension (on Windows) ================================================= Robert Cowham Ensure you download and install the ActiveState debug libs from: Edit and uncomment the lines: # extra_compile_args=["/DOS_NT", "/DMT", "/DCASE_INSENSITIVE"], # extra_link_args=["/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt"], Ensure you have deleted any build results in build/temp.win32-2.3 Run "python_d bdist_dumb" Change to directory where built, e.g. \build\lib.win32-2.3 Rename P4Client.pyd to P4Client_d.pyd Run your script in that directory ensuring it is in the path to pick up the local copies before any others. Using MSVC you can then start debugging python_d.exe in that directory. Depending on how you do it you may want to add as an extra DLL p4client_d.pyd. Set breakpoints in and you should be away!