# Sconstruct file for P4Python # see www.scons.org for details. # $Id: //guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/python/main/sconstruct#10 $ import glob import os import sys def dist_name(): "Work out the name of the built windows executable" sys.path.insert(0, '.') from setup import NAME, VERSION ver = sys.version[0:3] name = NAME + "-" + VERSION + ".win32-py" + ver + ".exe" return os.path.join('dist', name) def dist_targets(target, source, env): target = [dist_name()] return target, source create_dist = Builder(action = 'setup.py bdist_wininst', emitter = dist_targets) files = ['p4.py', 'setup.py', 'setup.cfg', 'P4Clientmodule.cc', 'P4.html', 'CHANGELOG.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'DEBUG.txt', 'test_apis.bat'] files.extend(glob.glob('test/*.py')) files.extend(glob.glob('utils/*.py')) zip_file = 'p4python.zip' env = Environment() env.Append(BUILDERS = {'Dist' : create_dist}) dist = dist_name() env.Dist('setup.py') Depends(dist, files) env.Zip(zip_file, files) # Default targets to build Default(zip_file, dist)