VERSION 5.00 Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} ResultForm BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog Caption = "ResultForm" ClientHeight = 5910 ClientLeft = 45 ClientTop = 435 ClientWidth = 7725 ControlBox = 0 'False MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False OleObjectBlob = "ResultForm.dsx":0000 ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False StartUpPosition = 1 'CenterOwner End Attribute VB_Name = "ResultForm" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private m_Listbox As ListBoxCopy Private m_ConfirmDisplay As Boolean Private m_port As String Private Sub cmdClose_Click() On Error GoTo Error_Block Dim t As Tracker: Set t = GStackTrace.Enter(TypeName(Me), "cmdClose_Click") Dim p4 As P4COM.p4 Set p4 = NewP4 If m_ConfirmDisplay Then RegOptions.DisplayConfirmations = (HideDialog.Value = 0) End If If HideConnectionWarning.Value Then g_p4interface.SaveConnectionWarning p4.port End If Unload Me Exit Sub Error_Block: t.Report End Sub Public Sub DisplayResult(Title As String, FilePath As String, Result As Long, _ InfoArr() As String, ErrorArr() As String, _ Optional ConfirmDialog As Boolean = False) Dim t As Tracker: Set t = GStackTrace.Enter(TypeName(Me), "DisplayResult") Dim p4 As P4COM.p4 Set p4 = NewP4 ResultForm.Caption = Title If Len(FilePath) <> 0 Then FileName = FilePath Else FileName.Visible = False FilenameLabel.Visible = False End If ResultBox.Clear If Result <> 0 Then AddToListBox Me, ResultBox, "*** Error ***" ' Assume that other errors will be documented by return value If IsEmptyArray(InfoArr) And IsEmptyArray(ErrorArr) Then AddToListBox Me, ResultBox, "Error communicating with Perforce server (" & p4.port & ")" AddToListBox Me, ResultBox, "Please check that the Perforce server is" AddToListBox Me, ResultBox, "running, and check your environment settings" AddToListBox Me, ResultBox, "(P4PORT, P4CLIENT, P4CONFIG, etc.)." If Not g_p4interface.HideConnectionWarning(p4.port) Then HideConnectionWarning.Visible = True End If End If End If DisplayArray InfoArr, Me, ResultBox DisplayArray ErrorArr, Me, ResultBox If ConfirmDialog Then m_ConfirmDisplay = True Else HideDialog.Visible = False cmdClose.Top = cmdClose.Top - HideDialog.Height HideConnectionWarning.Top = HideConnectionWarning.Top - HideDialog.Height Me.Height = Me.Height - HideDialog.Height End If Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault SetParent2 Me, g_p4interface.App.Caption Me.Show vbModal Unload Me End Sub Private Sub InitForm() Dim t As Tracker: Set t = GStackTrace.Enter(TypeName(Me), "InitForm") Set m_Listbox = New ListBoxCopy m_Listbox.Initialize Me, ResultBox m_ConfirmDisplay = False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ' Allow right click menu for copying to clipboard On Error GoTo Error_Block Dim t As Tracker: Set t = GStackTrace.Enter(TypeName(Me), "UserForm_Initialize") InitForm Exit Sub Error_Block: t.Report End Sub