# Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Project # # # BUGZILLA.PY -- INTERFACE TO BUGZILLA # # Nick Barnes, Ravenbrook Limited, 2000-11-21 # # # 1. INTRODUCTION # # This module defines a Python interface to the Bugzilla database. Its # design is documented in [NB 2000-11-14c]. It accesses and updates # data according to the Bugzilla schema [NB 2000-11-14a] and schema # extensions [NB 2000-11-14b]. # # The intended readership of this document is project developers. # # This document is not confidential. import catalog import os import re import string import types error = 'Bugzilla database error' class bugzilla: schema_version = '4' bugzilla_version = None db = None cursor = None rid = None sid = None replication = None logger = None processmails=[] # 2. BUGZILLA INTERFACE def __init__(self, db, config): self.db = db self.logger = config.logger self.cursor = self.db.cursor() self.rid = config.rid self.sid = config.sid self.bugzilla_directory = config.bugzilla_directory self.check_bugzilla_version() self.update_p4dti_schema() # Make a configuration dictionary and pass it to set_config to # ensure that the copy of the configuration in the Bugzilla # database is up-to-date. c = { 'replicator_user': config.replicator_address, 'p4_server_description': config.p4_server_description, } if config.changelist_url is not None: c['changelist_url'] = config.changelist_url if config.job_url is not None: c['job_url'] = config.job_url self.set_config(c) # Fetch Bugzilla's configuration parameters (if they can be # found in the database). self.fetch_bugzilla_config() def log(self, id, args = ()): msg = catalog.msg(id, args) self.logger.log(msg) # 3. DATABASE INTERFACE # # The Python database interface [DBAPI 2.0] is very basic. This # section bulds up some layers of abstraction, providing logging # (section 3.1), checking and conversion (section 3.2), quoting # (section 3.3). # 3.1. SQL wrappers # # These three methods directly wrap methods in the database # interface [DBAPI 2.0], logging the executed SQL commands and # the returned results. # execute(sql) executes the given SQL command and returns the number # of rows returned. def execute(self, sql): assert isinstance(sql, types.StringType) # "Executing SQL command '%s'." self.log(100, sql) self.cursor.execute(sql) rows = self.cursor.rowcount # "MySQL returned '%s'." self.log(101, repr(rows)) return rows # fetchone() fetches one row from the current result set and returns # it as a sequence. def fetchone(self): row = self.cursor.fetchone() # "fetchone() returned '%s'." self.log(102, repr(row)) return row # fetchall() fetches all the rows from the current result and # returns them as a sequence of sequences. def fetchall(self): rows = self.cursor.fetchall() # "fetchall() returned '%s'." self.log(103, repr(rows)) return rows # 3.2. Select methods # # These methods select rows from the database, checking that the # results are as expected, and converting the results into various # data structures. # # In all of these select methods, the description argument is a # description of the data being selected; it's used in error # messages. # select_one_row(select, description) executes the SQL select # statement, checks that it returns exactly one row, and returns the # row as a sequence. def select_one_row(self, select, description): nrows = self.execute(select) if nrows == 0: # "Select '%s' of %s returns no rows." raise error, catalog.msg(106, (select, description)) elif nrows > 1: # "Select '%s' of %s expecting one row but returns %d." raise error, catalog.msg(107, (select, description, nrows)) elif self.cursor.description == None: # "Trying to fetch a row from non-select '%s'." raise error, catalog.msg(108, select) row = self.fetchone() if row == None: # "Select '%s' of %s returned an unfetchable row." raise error, catalog.msg(109, (select, description)) else: return row # select_rows(select, description) executes the SQL select # statement, checks that it executed correctly, and returns all the # results as a sequence of sequences. def select_rows(self, select, description): self.execute(select) if self.cursor.description == None: # "Trying to fetch rows from non-select '%s'." raise error, catalog.msg(110, select) rows = self.fetchall() if rows == None: # "Select '%s' of %s returned unfetchable rows." raise error, catalog.msg(111, (select, description)) else: return rows # select_at_most_one_row(select, description) executes the SQL # select statement, check that it returns at most one row, and # returns the row as a sequence, or None if there was no row. def select_at_most_one_row(self, select, description): rows = self.select_rows(select, description) if len(rows) == 0: return None elif len(rows) == 1: return rows[0] else: # "Select '%s' of %s expecting no more than one row but # returns %d." raise error, catalog.msg(112, (select, description, rows)) # column_names() returns a list of the column names of the results # of the most recent select. (It will raise a TypeError if the most # recent operation was not a select.) def column_names(self): return map(lambda d:d[0], self.cursor.description) # row_to_dictionary(row, columns, select, description) takes a row # from the results of the most recent select statement and returns # it as a dictionary mapping column name to value. The columns # argument is a sequence of column names for the results of the # select statement; the select argument is the most recent SQL # select statement; and description is a description of the data # being selected. (The select and description arguments are used in # error messages.) def row_to_dictionary(self, row, columns, select, description): if len(columns) != len(row): # "Select '%s' of %s returns %d columns but %d values." raise error, catalog.msg(113, (select, description, len(columns), len(row))) dict = {} for i in range(len(columns)): dict[columns[i]] = row[i] return dict # fetch_one_row_as_dictionary(select, description) executes the SQL # select statement, checks that it returns exactly one row, and # return that row as a dictionary mapping column name to value. def fetch_one_row_as_dictionary(self, select, description): row = self.select_one_row(select, description) columns = self.column_names() return self.row_to_dictionary(row, columns, select, description) # fetch_at_most_one_row_as_dictionary(select, description) executes # the SQL select statement, check that it returns at most one row, # and returns the row as a dictionary mapping column name to value, # or None if there was no row. def fetch_at_most_one_row_as_dictionary(self, select, description): row = self.select_at_most_one_row(select, description) if row == None: return None columns = self.column_names() return self.row_to_dictionary(row, columns, select, description) # fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries(select, description) executes # the SQL select statement, and returns the results as a list of # dictionaries mapping column name to value. def fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries(self, select, description): rows = self.select_rows(select, description) columns = self.column_names() def r2d(row, self=self, c=columns, s=select, d=description): return self.row_to_dictionary(row, c, s, d) return map(r2d, rows) # fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences(select, description) executes the # SQL select statement, and returns the result as a list of # sequences. def fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences(self, select, description): rows = self.select_rows(select, description) # select_rows may be any sequence type; we want a list. return list(rows) # fetch_simple_rows_as_dictionary(select, description) executes the # SQL select statement and returns a dictionary mapping the value in # the first column to the value in the second. def fetch_simple_rows_as_dictionary(self, select, description): rows = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences(select, description) dict = {} for row in rows: dict[row[0]] = row[1] return dict # 4. QUOTATION # # We considered using MySQLdb's quoting mechanism (passing a second # argument to the execute method; see [DBAPI 2.0]). MySQLdb # supports both paramstyle="format" and paramstyle="pyformat". # However, we have these concerns: # # 1. Porting this interface to other databases when Bugzilla # supports them (the Python interfaces to these other databases # probably won't use paramstyle="format"). # # 2. For testing and debugging, it's useful to see the exact SQL # statement; this can be copied to an interactive MySQL session. # # Also, the quoting mechanism used here can help us when inserting # rows with fields that should pick up computed values, in # particular times (where we want to specify now()) and encrypted # passwords (where we want to specify encrypt(...)). # # Our approach is to quote values directly by calling the quote() # method, which uses the table and field name to work out how to # quote the value. The default quote method is sqlquote, but the # quote_table provides special quote methods for particular fields. # sqlquote(value) is the default quote method. It takes a string or # an integer, and return a SQL representation ("foo" -> "'foo'", # "O'Malley" -> "'O\\'Malley'", 3 -> 3, 123L -> 123). The # conversion of long integers is awkward to make portable between # Python versions. We can't use '%d' % value because that doesn't # work in Python 1.5.2. So we use str, and remove trailing 'L' if # found -- Python 1.6 adds this. # # Python 2.3 adds types.BooleanType as a subtype of types.IntType, # and str(1 == 1) == 'True' instead of '1'. So we ask isinstance # and take int(value), and try not to pass booleans around when we # want ints. def sqlquote(self, value): if type(value) == types.StringType: return "'" + self.db.escape_string(value) + "'" elif isinstance(value, types.IntType): return str(int(value)) elif type(value) == types.LongType: s = str(value) if s[-1:] == 'L': s = s[:-1] return s else: # "Given '%s' when expecting a string or integer." raise error, catalog.msg(105, str(value)) # if_empty_then_now(value) is the quote method for timestamps # fields. def if_empty_then_now(self, value): if value == '': return 'now()' else: return self.sqlquote(value) # cryptpassword(value) is the quote method for encrypted passwords. def cryptpassword(self, value): if value == '': return 'encrypt(password)' else: return 'encrypt(%s)' % self.sqlquote(value) # quote_table maps (table name, field name) to the quote method for # that field (the default is sqlquote). quote_table = { ('bugs', 'creation_ts'): if_empty_then_now, ('bugs', 'delta_ts'): if_empty_then_now, ('longdescs', 'bug_when'): if_empty_then_now, ('p4dti_bugs', 'migrated'): if_empty_then_now, ('p4dti_replications', 'end'): if_empty_then_now, ('profiles', 'cryptpassword'): cryptpassword, } # quote(table, field, value) quotes the value for inclusion in a SQL # command, for inclusion in the given field in the given table. def quote(self, table, field, value): quoter = self.quote_table.get((table, field)) if quoter: return quoter(self, value) else: return self.sqlquote(value) # 5. TYPES # # # 5.1. MySQL column types # # These functions allow us to interrogate the database schema and # determine column types. A column type is returned from MySQL as a # row with these columns (note that we don't make use of 'Key' or # 'Extra'): # # Field The column name. # Type SQL type. # Default Default value or None. # Null 'YES' if Null is allowed, '' if not. # Key How column is indexed ('PRI', 'UNI', 'MUL', or ''). # Extra Column attributes (for example, auto_increment). # # # 5.2. P4DTI column types # # We decode the type into a dictionary with these keys: # # field The column name. # type The SQL type (enum/int/float/date/timestamp/text); # 'user' if it contains a Bugzilla user id; 'other' if # we don't recognise it. # length Length (for text and integer fields). # null Null allowed? (0 or 1) # default The default value or None. # values Legal values (for enum fields). # sql_type The original SQL type. # user_fields is a dictionary mapping (table name, field name) to # to a suitable Perforce default value, for user fields only # (their database type is integer but we need to treat them # specially). user_fields = { ('bugs', 'assigned_to') : '$user', ('bugs', 'reporter'): '$user', ('bugs', 'qa_contact'): 'None', } # convert_type(table, dict) converts dict, a MySQL column # description (section 5.1) for the specified table, into a P4DTI # column description (section 5.2) and returns it. def convert_type(self, table, dict): name = dict['Field'] sql_type = dict['Type'] column = { 'field': name, 'sql_type': sql_type, 'default': dict['Default'], 'null': dict['Null'] == 'YES', } # User fields. if self.user_fields.has_key((table, name)): column['type'] = 'user' column['default'] = self.user_fields[(table, name)] return column # Enumerated fields. match = re.match("^enum\('(.*)'\)$", sql_type) if match: enum_values = string.split(match.group(1), "','") column['type'] = 'enum' column['length'] = max(map(len, enum_values)) column['values'] = enum_values return column # Integer fields. match = re.match("^(tinyint|smallint|mediumint|int|bigint)" "\((.*)\)$", sql_type) if match: column['type'] = 'int' column['length'] = int(match.group(2)) return column # Date fields. match = re.match("^datetime", sql_type) if match: column['type'] = 'date' # We don't support default dates. column['default'] = None return column # Timestamp fields. match = re.match("^timestamp", sql_type) if match: column['type'] = 'timestamp' # We don't support default timestamps. column['default'] = None return column # Sized text fields. match = re.match("^(char|varchar)\((.*)\)$", sql_type) if match: column['type'] = 'text' column['length'] = int(match.group(2)) return column # Implicit-sized text fields. text_length = { 'tinyblob': 0xff, 'tinytext': 0xff, 'blob': 0xffff, 'text': 0xffff, 'mediumblob': 0xffffff, 'mediumtext': 0xffffff, 'longblob': 0xffffffffL, 'longtext': 0xffffffffL, } if text_length.has_key(sql_type): column['type'] = 'text' column['length'] = text_length[sql_type] return column # Floating-point fields. match = re.match("^(float|double|decimal)", sql_type) if match: column['type'] = 'float' return column # Field types we don't know how to handle includes date, time, # year, set(...). We don't raise an exception here because we # might not look at this field so might not care that we don't # know what type it is. column['type'] = 'other' return column # fake_fields is a dictionary mapping a table name to the fake # columns for that table (these are columns not actually present in # that table, but which are treated as being present in the table). # The fake columns are specified as a dictionary mapping column name # to column description (suitable for returning by convert_type). fake_fields = { 'bugs': { 'longdesc': { 'field': 'longdesc', 'type': 'text', 'length': 0, 'default': None, 'null': 0, }, }, } # get_types(table) returns a dictionary mapping name to type for all # the columns in the table. def get_types(self, table): results = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( 'describe %s;' % table, 'describe %s' % table) columns = {} for result in results: columns[result['Field']] = self.convert_type(table, result) columns.update(self.fake_fields.get(table, {})) return columns # 6. BASIC OPERATIONS # table_present(tablename) returns 1 if the named table is present # in the database, 0 otherwise. def table_present(self, tablename): assert isinstance(tablename, types.StringType) rows = self.execute("show tables like %s;" % self.sqlquote(tablename)) return rows == 1 # insert_row(table, dict) inserts a row (specified as a dictionary # mapping column name to value) into the given table. def insert_row(self, table, dict): columns = "" values = "" for key in dict.keys(): value = self.quote(table, key, dict[key]) columns = columns + key + ", " values = values + value + ', ' columns = columns[:-2] values = values[:-2] command = ("insert %s ( %s ) values ( %s );" % (table, columns, values)) rows = self.execute(command) if rows != 1: # "Couldn't insert row in table '%s'." raise error, catalog.msg(116, table) # insert_row_rid_sid is the same as insert_row, but includes rid and # sid columns in the inserted row. def insert_row_rid_sid(self, table, dict): dict['rid'] = self.rid dict['sid'] = self.sid self.insert_row(table, dict) # update_row(table, dict, where) updates the rows in the given table # matching the "where" clause so that they have have the values # specified by the dictionary mapping column name to value. An # error is raised if there is no row, or more than one row, matching # the "where" clause. def update_row(self, table, dict, where): updates = "" for key in dict.keys(): value = self.quote(table, key, dict[key]) updates = updates + key + ' = ' + value + ', ' updates = updates[:-2] command = "update %s set %s where %s;" % (table, updates, where) rows = self.execute(command) if rows != 1: # "Couldn't update row in table '%s' where %s." raise error, catalog.msg(117, (table, where)) # update_row_rid_sid is the same as update_row, but includes rid and # sid columns in the "where" clause. def update_row_rid_sid(self, table, dict, where): self.update_row(table, dict, where + (' and rid = %s and sid = %s' % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid)))) # delete_rows(table, where) deletes all rows in the given table # matching the "where" clause. def delete_rows(self, table, where): self.execute('delete from %s where %s;' % (table, where)) # delete_rows_rid_sid is the same as delete_rows, but includes rid # and sid columns in the "where" clause. def delete_rows_rid_sid(self, table, where): self.delete_rows(table, where + (' and rid = %s and sid = %s' % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid)))) # 7. BUGZILLA VERSIONS # # The methods in this section detect the Bugzilla version (by # analyzing the database schema) and handle these differences # between Bugzilla versions. # # bugzilla_version_map is a list of triplets. Each triplet is # (Bugzilla version, tables added, tables removed). Using this # table we can work out the Bugzilla version by executing "show # tables" and then going through the versions until we find one # whose tables are not all present. See [NB 2000-11-14a] for a # variorum edition of the schemas for many Bugzilla versions. bugzilla_version_map = [ ('2.0', ['bugs', 'bugs_activity', 'cc', 'components', 'logincookies', 'profiles', 'versions', ], []), ('2.2', ['products', ], []), ('2.4', ['attachments', 'groups', ], []), ('2.6', ['dependencies', ], []), ('2.8', ['votes', ], []), ('2.10', ['watch', 'longdescs', 'profiles_activity', 'namedqueries', 'fielddefs', 'keywords', 'keyworddefs', 'milestones', 'shadowlog', ], []), ('2.12', ['duplicates', ], []), ('2.14', ['tokens', ], []), ('2.16', ['attachstatusdefs', 'attachstatuses', ], []), ('2.17.1', ['bug_group_map', 'user_group_map', 'group_group_map', 'flags', 'flagtypes', 'flaginclusions', 'flagexclusions', 'quips', ], ['attachstatusdefs', 'attachstatuses', ]), ('2.17.3', ['group_control_map', ], ['shadowlog', ]), ('2.17.5', ['series', 'series_categories', 'series_data', 'user_series_map', ], []), ] # The list of Bugzilla versions supported by the P4DTI: bugzilla_versions_supported = ['2.14', '2.16', ] # find_bugzilla_version() determines the Bugzilla version. It # returns a pair: a string containing the Bugzilla version and a # list of names of tables which are present in the database but not # in the schema for that version of Bugzilla (this will mean either # that the Bugzilla has been modified or extended, or is a future # version). def find_bugzilla_version(self): # Get tables tables = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences('show tables', 'list all tables') # Use table names only. tables = map(lambda x:x[0], tables) # Eliminate P4DTI table (these all start with "p4dti_"). tables = filter(lambda x:x[:6] != 'p4dti_', tables) # Work out the version. best_version = None version_tables = [] for (version, added, removed) in self.bugzilla_version_map: version_tables = version_tables + added for table in removed: version_tables.remove(table) # version_tables is now the list of tables in this version. extra = tables[:] missing = [] for table in version_tables: if table in extra: extra.remove(table) else: missing.append(table) badness = len(missing) + len(extra) if ((best_version is None) or (badness < best_version[1])): best_version = (version, badness, extra, missing) if badness == 0: # exact match break return best_version # check_bugzilla_version() finds the Bugzilla version (by inspecting # the database, using find_bugzilla_version above), checks that it # is supported by the P4DTI, and causes an error if not. def check_bugzilla_version(self): version, badness, extra, missing = self.find_bugzilla_version() if missing: if extra: # "Bugzilla version %s detected, with these tables # missing: %s and these additional tables present: %s. # The P4DTI may fail to operate correctly." self.log(131, (version, missing, extra)) else: # "Bugzilla version %s detected, with these tables # missing: %s. The P4DTI may fail to operate correctly." self.log(132, (version, missing)) else: if extra: # "Bugzilla version %s detected, with these additional # tables present: %s." self.log(124, (version, extra)) else: # "Bugzilla version %s detected." self.log(125, version) if version not in self.bugzilla_versions_supported: # "Bugzilla version %s is not supported by the P4DTI." raise error, catalog.msg(123, version) self.bugzilla_version = version # 8. P4DTI SCHEMA EXTENSIONS # # See [NB 2000-11-14b] for the definition of the schema extensions. # # The P4DTI schema extensions have gone through a number of # versions, described in detail in [NB 2000-11-14b, 5]. When the # P4DTI is upgraded, it must check to see if the schema extensions # belong to an old schema version; if so, they must be upgraded to # the new schema version. # p4dti_schema_extensions is a list of pairs (table, sql) giving the # name of a table in the P4DTI schema extensions and the SQL command # used to create it. p4dti_schema_extensions = [ ('p4dti_bugs', "create table p4dti_bugs " " ( bug_id mediumint not null primary key, " " rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " jobname text not null, " " migrated datetime, " " index(bug_id) " " );"), ('p4dti_bugs_activity', "create table p4dti_bugs_activity " " ( bug_id mediumint not null, " " who mediumint not null, " " bug_when datetime not null, " " fieldid mediumint not null, " " oldvalue tinytext, " " newvalue tinytext, " " rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " index(bug_id), " " index(bug_when) " " );"), ('p4dti_changelists', "create table p4dti_changelists " " ( changelist int not null, " " rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " user mediumint not null, " " flags int not null, " " description longtext not null, " " client text not null, " " p4date text not null, " " unique (changelist, rid, sid) " " );"), ('p4dti_fixes', "create table p4dti_fixes " " ( changelist int not null, " " bug_id mediumint not null, " " rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " user mediumint not null, " " client text not null, " " status text not null, " " p4date text not null, " " unique (bug_id, changelist, rid, sid), " " index (bug_id) " " );"), ('p4dti_filespecs', "create table p4dti_filespecs " " ( bug_id mediumint not null, " " rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " filespec longtext not null, " " index(bug_id)" " );"), ('p4dti_config', "create table p4dti_config " " ( rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " config_key text not null, " " config_value longtext, " " index(rid, sid)" " );"), ('p4dti_replications', "create table p4dti_replications " " ( rid varchar(32) not null, " " sid varchar(32) not null, " " start datetime not null, " " end datetime not null, " " id int not null auto_increment, " " unique (id), " " unique (start, rid, sid, id), " " index (rid, sid), " " index (end) " " );"), ] # schema_upgrade maps each old schema version to a list of SQL # commands which will bring the schema up to date, as explained in # [NB 2000-11-14a, 5]. schema_upgrade = { '0': ['alter table p4dti_bugs' ' drop action', 'alter table p4dti_replications' ' add id int not null auto_increment,' ' drop index start,' ' add unique (start, rid, sid, id),' ' add unique (id)'], '1': ['alter table p4dti_bugs' ' add migrated datetime,' ' drop replication', 'alter table p4dti_changelists' ' drop replication', 'alter table p4dti_fixes' ' drop replication', 'alter table p4dti_filespecs' ' drop replication'], # There was never a schema version 2 (it was used briefly on a # branch, but never merged into the master sources). '3': [], } schema_config = { 'config_key': 'schema_version', 'config_value': schema_version, 'rid': '', 'sid': '', } # update_p4dti_schema() ensures that the P4DTI schema extensions are # present in the Bugzilla database and up to date. def update_p4dti_schema(self): # Create missing tables. up_to_date = 0 for table, sql in self.p4dti_schema_extensions: if not self.table_present(table): self.execute(sql) # When we create the p4dti_config table for the first # time, set the 'schema_version' configuration parameter # so that in future we'll be able to tell whether the # schema is up to date. if table == 'p4dti_config': up_to_date = 1 self.insert_row('p4dti_config', self.schema_config) # If we just created the p4dti_config table, then we know there # was no previous P4DTI installation (since the p4dti_config # table has been there since before release 1.0.0), and so the # schema is now up to date. if up_to_date: return row = self.select_at_most_one_row( "select config_value from p4dti_config" " where config_key='schema_version';", "schema_version configuration parameter") if row: old_schema_version = row[0] if old_schema_version == self.schema_version: return else: # The database specifies no schema_version. We call this # "schema version 0"; see [NB 2000-11-14b, 5.2]. # Unfortunately there are two different varieties of schema # version 0. Make sure that we have the canonical one. self.ensure_schema_version_0() old_schema_version = 0 if not self.schema_upgrade.has_key(old_schema_version): # "Unknown or future P4DTI/Bugzilla schema version %s # detected." raise error, catalog.msg(120, old_schema_version) # "Old P4DTI/Bugzilla schema version %s detected; altering # tables to upgrade to schema version %s." self.log(119, (old_schema_version, self.schema_version)) for sql in self.schema_upgrade[old_schema_version]: self.execute(sql) # Update schema version in configuration. if row: self.update_row('p4dti_config', self.schema_config, "config_key = 'schema_version'") else: self.insert_row('p4dti_config', self.schema_config) # drop_p4dti_tables() drops all the P4DTI schema extensions. Not # used by the P4DTI, but useful when testing. def drop_p4dti_tables(self): for table, _ in self.p4dti_schema_extensions: if self.table_present(table): self.execute("drop table %s;" % table) # Ensure that schema version 0 is canonical. We need to do this # because we had two different schema both with no schema version. # See [NB 2000-11-14a, 5.1] for details. def ensure_schema_version_0(self): # Do we have a schema from before release 1.0.2? replications_indexes = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( "show index from p4dti_replications", "Getting indexes for the p4dti_replications table.") for i in replications_indexes: if i['Column_name'] == 'end': # We're in release 1.0.2 or later. return # "Your P4DTI/Bugzilla schema is prior to release 1.0.2. # Altering tables to upgrade schema to release 1.0.2." self.log(121) for alteration in [ 'alter table p4dti_bugs' ' add index(bug_id)', 'alter table p4dti_fixes' ' drop index bug_id,' ' drop index changelist,' ' add unique (bug_id, changelist, rid, sid),' ' add index (bug_id)', 'alter table p4dti_replications' ' drop index rid,' ' add unique (start, rid, sid),' ' add index (rid, sid),' ' add index (end)' ]: self.execute(alteration) # 9. BUGZILLA DATABASE OPERATIONS # # This section provides abstractions for operations on the Bugzilla # schema [NB 2000-11-14a] and the P4DTI schema extensions [NB # 2000-11-14b]. # # Many of the update methods take a dict argument mapping column # name to value. This means we can restrict our update to a part of # a record by passing a dictionary with only a few fields. # 9.1. Table "bugs" def bug_from_bug_id(self, bug_id): bug = self.fetch_one_row_as_dictionary( "select * from bugs where bug_id = %d;" % bug_id, "bug id %d" % bug_id) bug['longdesc'] = self.bug_get_longdesc(bug) return bug def all_bugs_since(self, date): # Find all bugs replicated by this replicator, and all # unreplicated bugs new, touched, or changed since the given # date. bugs = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( ("select bugs.* from bugs " " left join p4dti_bugs using (bug_id) " # what replication " where (bugs.delta_ts >= %s " # (recently changed " or bugs.creation_ts >= %s " # or recently created " and p4dti_bugs.rid is null) " # and not replicated) " or (p4dti_bugs.rid = %s " # or replicated by me. " and p4dti_bugs.sid = %s)" % (self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid))), "all bugs since '%s'" % date) for bug in bugs: bug['longdesc'] = self.bug_get_longdesc(bug) return bugs def changed_bugs_since(self, date): # Find bugs new, touched, or changed (by someone other than # this replicator) since the given date, which are not # being replicated by any other replicator. # We exclude changes which have the same timestamp as the # current replication; they will get picked up by the next # replication. This avoids these changes being replicated by # two consecutive replications (which causes an overwrite). # See job000235. NB 2001-03-01. However, it causes # job000337. # We do this by combining the results of three SELECTs. # These results are disjoint. We could almost certainly # do it in a smaller number of SELECTs. # First, bugs which have been created since the date (but not # by migration by me from a new Perforce job), which are not # being replicated by any other replicator. new = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( ("select bugs.* from bugs " " left join p4dti_bugs using (bug_id) " # what replication " where bugs.creation_ts >= %s " # recent timestamp " and bugs.creation_ts < %s " # NOT just now " and (p4dti_bugs.rid is null " # NOT replicated " or (p4dti_bugs.rid = %s " # or replicated by me. " and p4dti_bugs.sid = %s " " and p4dti_bugs.migrated is null))" % # but not migrated by me. (self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.replication), self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid))), "new bugs since '%s'" % date) # Next, bugs which are not new but have been touched since the # date, but not changed, (no matching rows in bugs_activity), # which are not being replicated by any other replicator. # # Note that we have to specifically exclude bugs which we have # just migrated, as the migration might set creation_ts. touched = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( ("select bugs.* from bugs " " left join p4dti_bugs using (bug_id) " # what replication " left join bugs_activity " # what activity " on (bugs_activity.bug_when >= %s and " # since 'date' " bugs_activity.bug_when < %s and " # and NOT just now " bugs.bug_id = bugs_activity.bug_id) " # on this bug " where bugs.delta_ts >= %s " # since 'date' " and bugs.delta_ts < %s " # NOT just now " and creation_ts < %s " # NOT brand new " and bugs_activity.fieldid is null" # NO recent activity " and (p4dti_bugs.rid is null " # NOT replicated " or (p4dti_bugs.rid = %s " # or replicated by me. " and p4dti_bugs.sid = %s)) " " and (p4dti_bugs.migrated is null " # NOT migrated lately " or p4dti_bugs.migrated < %s) " % (self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.replication), self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.replication), self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid), self.sqlquote(date))), "bugs touched since '%s'" % date) # Next, bugs which have been changed since the date, by # someone other than me, which are not being replicated by # any other replicator. changed = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( ("select bugs.* from bugs, bugs_activity ba " # bug activity "left join p4dti_bugs using (bug_id) " # what replication "left join p4dti_bugs_activity pba " # what replication activity " on (ba.bug_id = pba.bug_id and " # by me " ba.bug_when = pba.bug_when and " " ba.who = pba.who and " " ba.fieldid = pba.fieldid and " " ba.removed = pba.oldvalue and " " ba.added = pba.newvalue and " " pba.rid = %s and " " pba.sid = %s) " " where ba.bug_when >= %s " # recent bug activity " and ba.bug_when < %s " # but not too recent " and bugs.bug_id = ba.bug_id " # on this bug " and pba.rid is null " # NO recent activity by me " and (p4dti_bugs.rid is null " # NOT replicated " or (p4dti_bugs.rid = %s " # or replicated by me " and p4dti_bugs.sid = %s))" " and (bugs.creation_ts < %s or " # NOT new, or newly " p4dti_bugs.migrated is not null) " # migrated " group by bugs.bug_id " % # each bug only once (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid), self.sqlquote(date), self.sqlquote(self.replication), self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid), self.sqlquote(date))), "changed bugs since '%s'" % date) bugs = new + touched + changed for bug in bugs: bug['longdesc'] = self.bug_get_longdesc(bug) return bugs def add_bug(self, bug, email): longdesc = bug['longdesc'] del bug['longdesc'] if not bug.has_key('creation_ts'): bug['creation_ts'] = '' # gets now() self.insert_row('bugs', bug) bug_id = int(self.select_one_row('select last_insert_id();', 'id of bug just created')[0]) bug['bug_id'] = bug_id self.add_longdesc(bug_id, bug['reporter'], longdesc) if self.bugzilla_directory != None: self.defer_processmail([self.sqlquote(bug_id), email]) return bug_id def update_bug(self, dict, bug, user): bug_id = bug['bug_id'] if dict: changes = dict.copy() if changes.has_key('longdesc'): self.update_longdesc(bug_id, user, bug['longdesc'], changes['longdesc']) # don't put longdesc into bugs or bugs_activity tables del changes['longdesc'] # if we wanted to update delta_ts, this is where # we would do it. job000484. # changes['delta_ts'] = changes.get('delta_ts', '') if changes: self.update_row('bugs', changes, 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id) self.update_bugs_activity(user, bug_id, bug, changes) def delete_bug(self, bug_id): where = 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id self.delete_rows('bugs', where) self.delete_rows('longdescs', where) self.delete_rows('bugs_activity', where) self.delete_rows('p4dti_bugs_activity', where) # 9.2. Table "bugs_activity" # Some fields don't get recorded in bugs_activity fields_not_in_bugs_activity = ['longdesc', 'delta_ts'] # After making a change to a bugs record, we have to record the # change in the bugs_activity and p4dti_bugs_activity tables. def update_bugs_activity(self, user, bug_id, bug, changes): activity = {} activity['bug_id'] = bug_id activity['who'] = user activity['bug_when'] = self.now() p4dti_activity = activity.copy() for key, newvalue in changes.items(): if key not in self.fields_not_in_bugs_activity: oldvalue = str(bug[key]) newvalue = str(newvalue) fieldid = self.fieldid(key) if fieldid is not None: activity['fieldid'] = fieldid p4dti_activity['fieldid'] = fieldid activity['removed'] = oldvalue activity['added'] = newvalue p4dti_activity['oldvalue'] = oldvalue p4dti_activity['newvalue'] = newvalue self.insert_row('bugs_activity', activity) self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_bugs_activity', p4dti_activity) # 9.3. Table "cc" # Figure out cc's to give to processmail def ccs(self, bug_id): ccrows = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences( "select login_name from cc,profiles" " where cc.bug_id = %d" " and profiles.userid = cc.who" % bug_id, "ccs for bug %d" % bug_id) ccs = map(lambda x:x[0], ccrows) return '"' + string.join(ccs,',') + '"' # 9.4. Table "components" def components_of_product(self, product): rows = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries ( "select * from components where program=%s" % self.sqlquote(product), "components of product '%s'" % product) components={} for row in rows: components[row['value']] = row return components # 9.5. Table "dependencies" # Figure out the list of additional bug id's to give to processmail. # This is less complex than in Bugzilla's process_bug.cgi because # the replicator doesn't write to the dependencies table. def dependency_bugs(self, bug_id): blocked = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences( "select blocked from dependencies where dependson = %d" % bug_id, "blocked bugs for bug %d" % bug_id) blocking = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences( "select dependson from dependencies where blocked = %d" % bug_id, "blocking bugs for bug %d" % bug_id) return map(lambda x: x[0], blocked + blocking) # 9.6. Table "fielddefs" def fielddefs(self): return self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( 'select * from fielddefs', 'all fielddefs'); # fields field_by_name = {} def init_field_tables(self): fielddefs = self.fielddefs() for fielddef in fielddefs: self.field_by_name[fielddef['name']] = fielddef # return the fieldid of the field with this name, # or None if this field does not have a fieldid. def fieldid(self, name): if not self.field_by_name.has_key(name): self.init_field_tables() if not self.field_by_name.has_key(name): return None return self.field_by_name[name]['fieldid'] # 9.7. Table "groups" def product_group(self, product): return self.fetch_at_most_one_row_as_dictionary( "select * from groups " " where name = %s and " " isbuggroup = 1" % self.sqlquote(product), "group for product %s" % product) def groups(self): return self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( 'select * from groups', 'all groups'); # 9.8. Table "longdescs" # Regular expression to match a non-empty blank line, i.e. a line # containing space and/or tab characters but nothing else. # See job000375. blank_line_re = re.compile('^[ \t]+$', re.M) def bug_get_longdesc(self, bug): bug_id = bug['bug_id'] longdescs = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( "select profiles.login_name, profiles.realname, " " longdescs.bug_when, longdescs.thetext " " from longdescs, profiles " " where profiles.userid = longdescs.who " " and longdescs.bug_id = %d" " order by longdescs.bug_when" % bug_id, "long descriptions for bug %d" % bug_id) longdesc = "" first = 1 for record in longdescs: thetext = record['thetext'] # replace blank lines with empty lines. job000375. thetext = self.blank_line_re.sub('', thetext) if first: longdesc = thetext first = 0 else: longdesc = (longdesc + ("\n\n------- %s <%s> at %s -------\n" % (record['realname'], record['login_name'], record['bug_when'])) + thetext) longdesc = (longdesc + "\n\n" "------- Append additional comments below -------") return longdesc def add_longdesc(self, bug_id, user, comment): longdesc = {} longdesc['bug_id'] = bug_id longdesc['who'] = user # Empty "bug_when" defaults to now(); see section 4. longdesc['bug_when'] = '' longdesc['thetext'] = string.strip(comment) self.insert_row('longdescs', longdesc) def update_longdesc(self, bug_id, user, old, new): new_comment = string.strip(new[len(old):]) self.add_longdesc(bug_id, user, new_comment) # 9.9. Table "products" def products(self): rows = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( "select * from products;", "list of products") products={} for row in rows: products[row['product']] = row return products # 9.10. Table "profiles" def add_user(self, dict): # The quote_table will make sure that the password is encrypted # before being written to the database. dict['cryptpassword'] = dict['password'] del dict['password'] self.insert_row('profiles', dict) userid = int(self.select_one_row('select last_insert_id();', 'id of user just created')[0]) return userid def user_id_and_email_list(self): users = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences ( "select userid, login_name from profiles;", "all user ids and emails") if self.params.get('emailsuffix'): def add_suffix(u, suffix=self.params['emailsuffix']): return u[0], u[1] + suffix users = map(add_suffix, users) return users def groupset_from_userid(self, user): row = self.select_one_row("select groupset from profiles where" " userid = %d;" % user, "groupset for user %d" % user) return row[0] def user_is_disabled(self, user): row = self.select_one_row("select disabledtext from profiles" " where userid = %d;" % user, "disabledtext for user %d" % user) return row[0] != '' def email_from_userid(self, user): row = self.select_one_row("select login_name from profiles" " where userid = %d;" % user, "email for user %d" % user) return row[0] def userid_from_email(self, email): row = self.select_at_most_one_row("select userid from profiles" " where login_name = %s;" % self.sqlquote(email), "id for user %s" % email) if row == None: return row else: return row[0] def real_name_from_userid(self, user): row = self.select_one_row("select realname from profiles where" " userid = %d;" % user, "real name for user %d" % user) return row[0] # 9.11. Table "versions" def versions_of_product(self, product): rows = self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_sequences ( "select value from versions where program=%s" % self.sqlquote(product), "versions of product '%s'" % product) return map(lambda x:x[0], rows) # 10. P4DTI DATABASE OPERATIONS # # This section provides abstractions for operations on the P4DTI # schema extensions [NB 2000-11-14b]. # 10.1. Table "p4dti_bugs" def bug_p4dti_bug(self, bug): bug_id = bug['bug_id'] p4dti_bug = self.fetch_at_most_one_row_as_dictionary( ("select * from p4dti_bugs " " where bug_id = %d" % bug_id), 'p4dti_bug %d' % bug_id) return p4dti_bug def add_p4dti_bug(self, dict, created): if created: # Empty "migrated" defaults to now(); see section 4. dict['migrated'] = '' self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_bugs', dict) def update_p4dti_bug(self, dict, bug_id): if dict: self.update_row_rid_sid('p4dti_bugs', dict, 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id) def delete_p4dti_bug(self, bug_id): self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_bugs', 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id) # 10.2. Table "p4dti_bugs_activity" # # The p4dti_bugs_activity table is updated by the P4DTI whenever the # bugs_activity is updated. See section 9.2. # 10.3. Table "p4dti_bugzilla_parameters" # Bugzilla's configuration parameters are wanted over here, for # example so that we can fix job000352. def fetch_bugzilla_config(self): # Check that the p4dti_bugzilla_parameters table exists. Its # presense depends on a new configuration step; its absense is # not an error as most users do not need the information # stored in it. if not self.table_present("p4dti_bugzilla_parameters"): # "The Bugzilla configuration parameters are missing from # the Bugzilla database. This means that the P4DTI won't # support Bugzilla features like 'emailsuffix'. If you need # these features, edit your Bugzilla configuration # parameters and restart the P4DTI. See section 5.3.3 of # the P4DTI Administrator's Guide." self.log(129) self.params = {} else: self.params = self.fetch_simple_rows_as_dictionary( "select parameter_name, parameter_value " "from p4dti_bugzilla_parameters;", "bugzilla parameters") if self.params['p4dti'] == '0': # "Bugzilla configuration parameter 'p4dti' is turned # off. You won't see Perforce fixes in Bugzilla until # you turn it on. See section 5.3.3 of the P4DTI # Administrator's Guide." self.log(130) # 10.4. Table "p4dti_changelists" def changelists(self, number): return self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries( "select * from p4dti_changelists " " where changelist = %d and " " rid = %s and " " sid = %s;" % (number, self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid)), "changelist %d" % number) def add_changelist(self, dict): self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_changelists', dict) def update_changelist(self, dict, number): if dict: self.update_row_rid_sid('p4dti_changelists', dict, 'changelist = %d' % number) # 10.5. Table "p4dti_config" # Configuration parameters which we pass through the database # to Bugzilla. def get_config(self): return self.fetch_simple_rows_as_dictionary( "select config_key, config_value from p4dti_config " "where rid = %s and sid = %s;" % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid)), 'p4dti configuration') def add_config(self, key, value): self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_config', {'config_key' : key, 'config_value': value}) def update_config(self, key, value): self.update_row_rid_sid('p4dti_config', {'config_value': value}, ('config_key = %s' % self.sqlquote(key))) def delete_config(self, key): self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_config', ('config_key = %s' % self.sqlquote(key))) def set_config(self, dict): old_config = self.get_config() for key, value in dict.items(): if old_config.has_key(key): if old_config[key] != value: self.update_config(key, value) del old_config[key] else: self.add_config(key, value) for key in old_config.keys(): self.delete_config(key) # 10.6. Table "p4dti_filespecs" def filespecs_from_bug_id(self, bug_id): return self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries ( ("select * from p4dti_filespecs " " where rid = %s and " " sid = %s and " " bug_id = %d" % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid), bug_id)), "fixes for bug %d" % bug_id) def add_filespec(self, filespec): self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_filespecs', filespec) def delete_filespec(self, filespec): self.delete_rows_rid_sid( 'p4dti_filespecs', ('bug_id = %d and filespec = %s' % (filespec['bug_id'], self.sqlquote(filespec['filespec'])))) def delete_filespecs_for_bug(self, bug_id): self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_filespecs', 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id) # 10.7. Table "p4dti_fixes" def fixes_from_bug_id(self, bug_id): return self.fetch_rows_as_list_of_dictionaries ( ("select * from p4dti_fixes " " where rid = %s and " " sid = %s and " " bug_id = %d" % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid), bug_id)), "fixes for bug %d" % bug_id) def add_fix(self, fix): self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_fixes', fix) def update_fix(self, dict, bug_id, changelist): if dict: self.update_row_rid_sid('p4dti_fixes', dict, ('bug_id = %d and changelist = %d' % (bug_id, changelist))) def delete_fix(self, fix): self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_fixes', ('bug_id = %d and changelist = %d ' % (fix['bug_id'], fix['changelist']))) def delete_fixes_for_bug(self, bug_id): self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_fixes', 'bug_id = %d' % bug_id) # 10.8. Table "p4dti_replications" def now(self): return self.select_one_row('select now();', 'now')[0] # If there are no replications, in the replications table, insert a # record whose 'end' is the date given by start_date. That is, # pretend that we last did a replication on start_date. This # ensures that (a) when you run the replicator for the first time, # all issues changed since the start date get replicated (see # job000355), and (b) the replications table is never empty and we # always have a valid self.replication (see job000221). def first_replication(self, start_date): date = self.latest_complete_replication_no_checking() if date == None: self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_replications', { 'start': start_date, 'end': start_date }) self.replication = start_date else: self.replication = date def new_replication(self): self.replication = self.now() self.insert_row_rid_sid('p4dti_replications', { 'start': self.replication, 'end': '0' } ) return self.replication def end_replication(self): assert self.replication != None self.update_row_rid_sid('p4dti_replications', {'end': ''}, 'start = %s and end = 0' % self.sqlquote(self.replication)) # clean out old complete replication records from the # p4dti_replications table (job000236). self.delete_rows_rid_sid('p4dti_replications', 'end != 0 and ' 'end < date_sub(now(), ' 'INTERVAL 1 HOUR)') def latest_complete_replication_no_checking(self): return self.select_one_row( "select max(start) from p4dti_replications where " " rid = %s and " " sid= %s and " " end != 0;" % (self.sqlquote(self.rid), self.sqlquote(self.sid)), "select latest complete replication")[0] # Start time of last complete replication. def latest_complete_replication(self): start = self.latest_complete_replication_no_checking() if start == None: # "Nothing in p4dti_replications table: database corrupted?" raise error, catalog.msg(122) return start # 11. PROCESSMAIL def defer_processmail(self, args): argstring = string.join(args,' ') if os.name == 'posix': command = ("./processmail %s > /dev/null" % argstring) elif os.name == 'nt': command = ("perl processmail.pl %s > nul" % argstring) self.processmails.append(command) def processmail(self, bug_id, user): if self.bugzilla_directory == None: return who = self.email_from_userid(user) self.defer_processmail(['-forcecc', self.ccs(bug_id), str(bug_id), who]) dependency_bugs = self.dependency_bugs(bug_id) for bug in dependency_bugs: self.defer_processmail([str(bug), who]) def clear_processmails(self): self.processmails = [] def invoke_processmails(self): if self.processmails: # "Running processmail for %d bugs..." self.log(128, len(self.processmails)) cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(self.bugzilla_directory) for command in self.processmails: # "Running command '%s'." self.log(104, command) os.system(command) finally: os.chdir(cwd) # 12. LOCKING def lock_tables(self): self.execute("lock tables " " bugs write, " " bugs_activity write, " " longdescs write, " " p4dti_bugs write, " " p4dti_bugs_activity write, " " p4dti_changelists write, " " p4dti_fixes write, " " p4dti_filespecs write, " " p4dti_replications write, " " profiles read, " " groups read, " " fielddefs read, " " cc read, " " dependencies read, " " products read, " " components read, " " versions read, " " bugs_activity as ba read, " " p4dti_bugs_activity as pba read;") def unlock_tables(self): self.execute("unlock tables;") # A. REFERENCES # # [DBAPI 2.0] "Python Database API Specification 2.0"; # . # # [NB 2000-11-14a] "Bugzilla database schema"; Nick Barnes; Ravenbrook # Limited; 2000-11-14; # . # # [NB 2000-11-14b] "Bugzilla database schema extensions for integration # with Perforce"; Nick Barnes; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-11-14; # . # # [NB 2000-11-14c] "Python interface to Bugzilla: design"; Nick Barnes; # Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-11-14; # . # # # B. DOCUMENT HISTORY # # 2000-12-05 NB Fixes for job job000089 and job000118. We update # bugs_activity and have a new table p4dti_bugs_activity which # duplicates bugs_activity rows added by this replicator. A complicated # select then identifies bugs which have been changed other than by the # replicator. Locking added. Fixes, filespecs, and changelists now # work. # # 2000-12-07 RB Abolished "config" in favour of explicit parameters so # that this is callable from the configurator (which doesn't have a # config when it needs to call). # # 2000-12-08 NB Add p4dti_config table and code to manipulate it. This # gets configuration from the replicator to Bugzilla. # # 2000-12-13 NB Stop replicating historical bugs, and add code to find # bugs which have been 'touched'. Put output through the logger. Add # indices to the tables. # # 2000-12-15 NB Added verbosity control. # # 2001-01-11 NB Added MySQL type parsing code so that we can do # replicated_fields. Also take code to make the MySQL connection out to # configure_bugzilla.py so we only make one connection when starting up. # # 2001-01-12 NB Added longdesc support. # # 2001-01-15 NB Defaults for date types don't work. # # 2001-01-22 NB Fix job000184, if database isn't called 'bugs'. # # 2001-01-26 NB Added processmail support and tidied up our response to # a zero-row select. # # 2001-02-08 NB Added some checking. # # 2001-02-20 GDR Removed unused 'dict' argument from # delete_rows_rid_sid, to fix job000222. # # 2001-02-23 NB Made error messages more regular (job000227). # # 2001-03-01 NB Fixes for job000235, job000236, job000238. # # 2001-03-02 NB Fix for job000241 (convert_type for other MySQL # versions). # # 2001-03-02 RB Transferred copyright to Perforce under their license. # # 2001-03-12 GDR Use new message classes when logging debug messages. # Fixed bug in error reporting for # fetch_at_most_one_row_as_dictionary(). # # 2001-03-13 GDR Removed verbose parameter (made redundant by # log_level). Removed action field from table p4dti_bugs (since # conflict resolution is now always immediate). # # 2001-03-15 GDR Get configuration from module. # # 2001-03-29 NB Fix for job000283 (non-uniqueness in p4dti_replications # index). # # 2001-04-10 NB Fix for job000291 (new message; add to catalog). # # 2001-04-23 NB Initial code to add bugs to Bugzilla. # # 2001-05-09 NB Now able to add bugs to Bugzilla. Also fixed job000262. # # 2001-06-26 NB Add functions for deleting a bug (needed when creating a # new bug from a new Perforce job fails half-way). Also added a # 'migrate' field to the p4dti_bugs table, so we can tell whether and # when a bug was migrated from Perforce. # # 2001-06-27 NB split all_bugs_since into all_bugs_since and # changed_bugs_since, to correctly pick up or ignore migrated bugs # accordingly. This also fixes an obscure bug which could sometimes # miss bugs, and thinking about it revealed job000339. # # 2001-06-27 NB change logic of all_issues_since: it needs to return all # issues replicated by this replicator regardless of their timestamps. # # 2001-07-09 NB Only set creation_ts on a new bug if it's not already # set. # # 2001-07-09 NB Added job_url config item. # # 2001-07-13 NB Workaround for MySQL bug (left join with non-null # datetime field) # # 2001-07-16 NB Old schema versions get upgraded. Made schema_version a # string (so we can have schema_version='' if we need it). # Delete config entries from the p4dti_config table if necessary. # # 2001-07-16 GDR Ensured that there's always a row in the replications # table. On the first replication, this pretends that the last # replication was on the start_date. all_bugs_since() says "fieldid is # null" rather than "bug_when is null" to work around bug in MySQL. # # 2001-07-19 NB Always strip longdesc records on the way in or out of # the database. # # 2001-07-19 NB Because we were setting creation_ts on migration, to a # time in the (usually recent) past, the SQL to find recently touched # bugs was always returning newly migrated bugs as well, and generating # conflicts (job000016 means that they show up as changed in Perforce # too). # # 2001-07-25 NB job000375: non-empty blank lines must be cleared when # reading from Bugzilla, or Perforce will do it for us and confuse the # replicator. # # 2001-09-10 NB Added auto-quoting for integral types. See job000262. # # 2001-09-19 NB Bugzilla 2.14 (job000390). # # 2001-10-18 NB Exclude from "new and touched" those bugs which have a # bugs_activity row whose bug_when is more recent than the since # argument to changed_bugs_since (job000406). # # 2001-10-25 NB Accept any sequence type from MySQLdb, where previously # we sometimes required a list type (job000411). # # 2001-10-26 NB Fix for job000410: only attempt to record field changes # in bugs_activity if the field has a fieldid. # # 2001-11-01 NB Add user_is_disabled() method, to determine whether a # user is disabled. # # 2001-11-26 NDL Read p4dti_bugzilla_parameters table into params # dictionary. # # 2001-11-27 GDR Handle Bugzilla 2.14 change to profiles table. # # 2002-01-24 GDR Support Bugzilla emailsuffix parameter. Better # warning messages. # # 2002-02-01 GDR Removed unused method incomplete_replications. # # 2002-02-04 GDR Organized code into sections, added comments and # references to design. # # 2002-03-28 NB We would like to always update delta_ts when we update # a bug. job000484. # # 2002-04-03 NB User fields in the bugs database need a sensible # default value for Perforce. qa_contact should default to None (0) # because that's the same as the Bugzilla default. The other user # fields should default to $user. # # 2002-04-19 NB job000512: has_key can't take multiple arguments # instead of a tuple. # # 2002-05-06 Ram Fix Processmail and system command interface for Win2000 # # 2002-07-23 NB Add Bugzilla 2.16 support. # # 2002-10-29 NB Move directory-changing commands around in processmail # so that it stands a chance of working on Windows. Also send the # output to nul. # # 2003-05-23 NB Remove support for older versions of Bugzilla. # # 2003-05-30 NB When getting a bug record, always find the current rid # and sid even if they aren't ours. # # 2003-09-24 NB Improved Bugzilla version detection. # # 2003-11-04 NB Add tables for recognizing the schema of Bugzilla 2.17.5. # # # C. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE # # This file is copyright (c) 2001 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights # reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR # TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. # # # $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/version/2.1/code/replicator/bugzilla.py#3 $