Attribute VB_Name = "Startup" Option Explicit Dim m_app As Object Private Const Quote = """" Public Const MsgTitle = "P4OfficeDiff" Function FileExists(FileName As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' get the attributes and ensure that it isn't a directory FileExists = (GetAttr(FileName) And vbDirectory) = 0 ErrorHandler: ' if an error occurs, this function returns False End Function Private Function ConvertSlashes(ByVal path As String) As String ' Ensure slashes in path names are using standard DOS char Dim i As Integer ' For some reason Instr doesn't work here if mixed \ and / appear in string - so we do it the slow way! For i = 1 To Len(path) If Mid$(path, i, 1) = "/" Then ConvertSlashes = Replace(path, "/", "\") Exit Function End If Next ConvertSlashes = path End Function Public Function StripPath(ByVal FileName As String) As String ' Removes any path component from the front of the string Dim i As Integer FileName = ConvertSlashes(FileName) StripPath = FileName i = Len(FileName) While Mid$(FileName, i, 1) <> "\" And i > 0 i = i - 1 Wend If i > 0 Then StripPath = Mid$(FileName, i + 1) End If End Function Public Function StripVersion(ByVal FileName As String) As String ' Removes any P4V version number from end of string Dim i As Integer FileName = ConvertSlashes(FileName) StripVersion = FileName i = Len(FileName) If i > 0 Then Do While Mid$(FileName, i, 1) <> "#" i = i - 1 If i = 0 Then Exit Do End If Loop End If If i > 0 Then StripVersion = Left$(FileName, i - 1) End If End Function Private Function GetVersion(ByVal FileName As String) As Integer ' Removes any P4V version number from end of string Dim i As Integer, j As Integer FileName = ConvertSlashes(FileName) GetVersion = 0 i = Len(FileName) If i > 0 Then Do While Mid$(FileName, i, 1) <> "#" i = i - 1 If i = 0 Then Exit Do End If Loop End If If i > 0 Then Dim digits As String digits = "" For j = i + 1 To Len(FileName) If Mid$(FileName, j, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then digits = digits & Mid$(FileName, j, 1) End If Next GetVersion = CInt(digits) End If End Function Private Sub OrderDocnames(File1 As String, File2 As String) ' P4V includes revision names in names of temp files - we want earliest first Dim tmpFile1 As String Dim tmpFile2 As String tmpFile1 = StripPath(File1) tmpFile2 = StripPath(File2) If StripVersion(tmpFile1) = StripVersion(tmpFile2) Then If GetVersion(tmpFile1) > GetVersion(tmpFile2) Then Dim tempfile As String tempfile = File1 File1 = File2 File2 = tempfile End If End If End Sub Public Sub OpenDocs(File1 As String, File2 As String) On Error GoTo error_block Dim Step As String Step = "starting: " & File1 & "|" & File2 OrderDocnames File1, File2 Step = "ordered doc nameees" If InStr(1, File1, ".do", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then Set m_app = CreateObject("word.application") m_app.Documents.Open FileName:=File1, ReadOnly:=False m_app.Visible = True CompareDocs m_app.ActiveDocument, File2 Else Step = "creating object" Set m_app = CreateObject("powerpoint.application") Step = "created object" m_app.Presentations.Open FileName:=File1, ReadOnly:=False Step = "opened presentation" m_app.Visible = True Step = "made visible" ComparePresentations m_app.ActivePresentation, File2 End If Exit Sub error_block: MsgBox "Error opening document: " & Step & "-" & Err.Description, vbExclamation, MsgTitle End Sub Private Sub CompareDocs(Doc As Object, Fname As String) On Error GoTo error_block Dim Step As String ' Office XP constants - need to remove if built with those type libs Const wdCompareTargetCurrent = 1 Const wdMergeTargetCurrent = 1 Const wdFormattingFromCurrent = 0 Dim SavedType As WdViewType Step = "Getting view" SavedType = Doc.activeWindow.View.Type If Not (SavedType = wdNormalView Or SavedType = wdPrintView) Then Doc.activeWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView End If Step = "Merging" If IsVersion2010OrGreater() Then Doc.Merge Fname, MergeTarget:=wdMergeTargetCurrent, DetectFormatChanges:=True, UseFormattingFrom:=wdFormattingFromCurrent ElseIf IsVersionXPOrGreater() Then Doc.Compare Fname, CompareTarget:=wdCompareTargetCurrent, DetectFormatChanges:=True Else Doc.Compare Fname End If ' Turn off dirty bit Step = "Saving dirty bit" If Not Doc.Saved Then Doc.Saved = True End If Step = "Saving view" If Not (SavedType = wdNormalView Or SavedType = wdPrintView) Then Doc.activeWindow.View.Type = SavedType End If Step = "Activating" ActivateDocumentWindow Doc.activeWindow.hwnd Exit Sub error_block: MsgBox "Error comparing documents: " & Err.Description & " step: " & Step, vbExclamation, MsgTitle End Sub Private Sub ComparePresentations(Doc As Object, Fname As String) On Error GoTo error_block Dim Step As String Const wdCompareTargetCurrent = 1 Const wdMergeTargetCurrent = 1 Const wdFormattingFromCurrent = 0 Step = "Getting view" Step = "Merging" If IsVersion2013OrGreater() Then Step = "2013 merge" Doc.Merge Fname ElseIf IsVersion2010OrGreater() Then Step = "2010 merge" Doc.MergeWithBaseline Fname, "" Else MsgBox "Powerpoint 2010 or greater is required in order to show differences", vbExclamation, MsgTitle Exit Sub End If ' Turn off dirty bit Step = "Saving dirty bit" If Not Doc.Saved Then Doc.Saved = True End If Step = "Activating" ActivateDocumentWindow GetPowerpointWindowHandle Exit Sub error_block: MsgBox "Error comparing documents: " & Err.Description & " step: " & Step, vbExclamation, MsgTitle End Sub Private Function AppVersion() As Integer Dim ver As String ver = m_app.Version AppVersion = CInt(Left$(ver, 2)) End Function Public Function IsVersionXPOrGreater() As Boolean IsVersionXPOrGreater = AppVersion >= 10 End Function Public Function IsVersion2010OrGreater() As Boolean IsVersion2010OrGreater = AppVersion >= 14 End Function Public Function IsVersion2013OrGreater() As Boolean IsVersion2013OrGreater = AppVersion >= 15 End Function Function GetCommandLine(Optional MaxArgs) 'Declare variables. Dim C, CmdLine, CmdLnLen, InArg, i, NumArgs, InQuotes 'See if MaxArgs was provided. If IsMissing(MaxArgs) Then MaxArgs = 10 'Make array of the correct size. ReDim ArgArray(MaxArgs) NumArgs = 0: InArg = False 'Get command line arguments. CmdLine = Command() CmdLnLen = Len(CmdLine) 'Go thru command line one character at a time. For i = 1 To CmdLnLen C = Mid(CmdLine, i, 1) 'Test for space or tab. If (C <> " " And C <> vbTab) Then 'Neither space nor tab. 'Test if already in argument. If Not InArg Then 'New argument begins. 'Test for too many arguments. If NumArgs = MaxArgs Then Exit For NumArgs = NumArgs + 1 InArg = True End If If C = """" Then If InQuotes Then InQuotes = False Else InQuotes = True End If Else 'Concatenate character to current argument. ArgArray(NumArgs) = ArgArray(NumArgs) & C End If Else If InQuotes Then ArgArray(NumArgs) = ArgArray(NumArgs) & C Else 'Found a space or tab. InArg = False End If End If Next 'Resize array just enough to hold arguments. ReDim Preserve ArgArray(NumArgs) ArgArray(0) = NumArgs 'Return Array in Function name. GetCommandLine = ArgArray() End Function Public Sub Main() On Error GoTo error_block Dim Data() As String Dim vCommand Dim File1 As String Dim File2 As String vCommand = GetCommandLine() If vCommand(0) < 2 Then frmSelectFiles.Show vbModal Else File1 = vCommand(1) File2 = vCommand(2) If Not FileExists(File1) Then MsgBox "Error: File does not exist '" & File1 & "'", vbExclamation, MsgTitle ElseIf Not FileExists(File2) Then MsgBox "Error: File does not exist '" & File2 & "'", vbExclamation, MsgTitle Else OpenDocs File2, File1 End If End If Exit Sub error_block: MsgBox "Error - please contact " & Err.Description, vbExclamation, MsgTitle End Sub