P4OFC - Utilities

P4OFC is the Perforce Plug-in for Microsoft® Office which allows documents created using Microsoft® Word, Excel® and PowerPoint® to be easily stored and versioned in the Perforce SCM System. It was written for Perforce by Robert Cowham of Vaccaperna Systems Ltd.

This page contains relevant utilities.

TestDirector Conflict

There is a bug in all versions of Word (97, 2000 and XP) which surfaces when you install P4OFC and you already have the TestDirector macro template installed. This bug may cause Word to crash pretty seriously such that it won't restart (it hangs).

If it has crashed then the way to resolve it is to delete (or rename) the file Normal.dot which is in the Word startup directory. The default locations of this directory are:

An option to avoid the crash is to install the following template in the Word Startup directory (as above).

This template will reset the Word Menu Bar every time Word exits. This action resolves the problem and avoids the crash, but any personal customisations you might have made to the Menu Bar will also be removed.

Download the template:    ResetMenuBar.dot
