The Perforce Defect Tracking Gateway
Configuration Editor

Copyright 2008-2010 Perforce Software
All rights reserved

2012 04 27

Rev. p4dtg-config/NTX86/2010.2/452775

Loaded Plugins:
Perforce Jobs(.\plugins\p4jobdt.dll): Rev. p4jobdt/NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
Redmine MySQL 5(.\plugins\redminemysql5.dll): Rev. redminemysql5/NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
Quality Center 9.0(.\plugins\qc90dtg.dll): Rev. qc90dtg/NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
MySQL 5(.\plugins\mysql5.dll): Rev. Perforce Jobs to MySQL5 plugin NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
JIRA(.\plugins\jiradtg.dll): Rev. jiradtg/NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
Bugzilla 3 MySQL 5(.\plugins\bugz3mysql5.dll): Rev. bugz3mysql5/NTX86/2010.2/452775 2012 04 27
