head 1.9; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.9 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.8; 1.8 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.7; 1.7 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.6; 1.6 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.5; 1.5 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.4; 1.4 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date; author ryu; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @#! /usr/local/bin/perl @ 1.9 log @Getting port directions will search for the correct subckt first. @ text @# $Id: common.pl,v 1.8 1999/01/26 18:22:22 ryu Exp ryu $ # Copyright (C) 1999 Robert K. Yu # email: robert@@yu.org # This file is part of Autochar. # Autochar is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # Autochar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Autochar; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. require 'ctime.pl'; # lookup_input -- # GIven a term, figure out if it makes reference to # another term, or how to tie it, either to high or low. # Modifies variables $term_no and @@vcvs_list sub lookup_input { local($term, *inlist, *reflist, $tie, @@tie_list) = @@_; my($expression, $str); my($i, $in, $refname); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#inlist; $i++) { $in = $inlist[$i]; $refname = $reflist[$i]; if ($equivalent{$term} eq $in) { $str = sprintf ("e%s equiv_%s %s %s %s +1", $term_no, $term_no, $low_value, $refname, $low_value); push(@@vcvs_list, $str); return ('equiv_' . $term_no++); } if ($differential{$term} eq $in) { $str = sprintf ("e%s diff_%s %s %s %s -1", $term_no, $term_no, $low_value, $refname, $high_node); push(@@vcvs_list, $str); return ('diff_' . $term_no++); } } foreach $expression (@@tie_list) { if ($term =~ /$expression/) { if ($tie eq 'tie_high') { return $high_node; } else { return $low_node; } } } # does not match any expression, # so tie it to the opposite if ($tie eq 'tie_high') { return $low_node; } elsif ($tie eq 'tie_low') { return $high_node; } elsif ($tie eq '') { return $low_node; } else { die "ERROR: unknown tie '$tie' specified.\n"; } } # # lookup_output_load -- # Modifies variables $term_no and @@output_loads # sub lookup_output_load { my($term, $termname) = @@_; my($lookup, $load_type, $load_value); my($inc, $str); $inc = 0; # give it a name, if not provided if ($termname eq '') { $inc = 1; $termname = 'out_' . $term_no; } # lookup the load value $lookup = $load{$term}; if ($lookup eq '') { $lookup = $load{'default'}; } if ($lookup eq 'none') { $term_no++ if $inc; return ($termname); } else { ($load_type, $load_value) = split(':', $lookup); if ($load_type eq 'cap') { $str = sprintf ("c%s %s %s %s", $term_no, $termname, $low_value, $load_value); push(@@output_loads, $str); $term_no++; return ($termname); } if ($load_type eq 'res') { $str = sprintf ("r%s %s %s %s", $term_no, $termname, $low_value, $load_value); push(@@output_loads, $str); $term_no++; return ($termname); } if ($load_type eq 'subckt') { $str = sprintf ("x%s %s %s", $term_no, $termname, $load_value); push(@@output_loads, $str); $term_no++; return ($termname); } } } sub set_measure_values { local ( *input_prop_r, *input_prop_f, *output_prop_r, *output_prop_f, *trans_r1, *trans_r2, *trans_f1, *trans_f2, *slew_r1, *slew_r2, *slew_f1, *slew_f2) = @@_; # measure prop delays from inputs at these values $input_prop_r = $low_value . '+' . $input_prop_percent . '*' . $high_value; $input_prop_f = $low_value . '+(1-' . $input_prop_percent . ')*' . $high_value; # measure prop delays to outputs at these values $output_prop_r = $low_value . '+' . $output_prop_percent . '*' . $high_value; $output_prop_f = $low_value . '+(1-' . $output_prop_percent . ')*' . $high_value; # measure output rise transitions at these two points $trans_r1 = $low_value . '+' . $start_trans_percent . '*' . $high_value; $trans_r2 = $low_value . '+' . $end_trans_percent . '*' . $high_value; # measure output fall transitions at these two points $trans_f1 = $low_value . '+(1-' . $start_trans_percent . ')*' . $high_value; $trans_f2 = $low_value . '+(1-' . $end_trans_percent . ')*' . $high_value; # measure input rise slew transitions at these two points $slew_r1 = $low_value . '+' . $start_slew_percent . '*' . $high_value; $slew_r2 = $low_value . '+' . $end_slew_percent . '*' . $high_value; # measure output fall slew transitions at these two points $slew_f1 = $low_value . '+(1-' . $start_slew_percent . ')*' . $high_value; $slew_f2 = $low_value . '+(1-' . $end_slew_percent . ')*' . $high_value; } # read_spice_terms -- # Extract the terminal order and direction from the embedded comments # that may be found in the spice netlist sub read_spice_terms { my($filename, $cellname) = @@_; my(@@tlist, %dirlist, $i); @@tlist = &get_subckt_terms($filename, $cellname); %dirlist = &get_subckt_directions($filename, $cellname); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#tlist; $i++) { if ($dirlist{$tlist[$i]} eq 'input') { $tlist[$i] = $tlist[$i] . ':i'; } elsif ($dirlist{$tlist[$i]} eq 'output') { $tlist[$i] = $tlist[$i] . ':o'; } elsif ($dirlist{$tlist[$i]} eq '') { printf STDERR "WARNING: unknown direction for terminal '$tlist[$i]'.\n"; } else { printf STDERR "WARNING: unknown direction '$dirlist{$tlist[$i]}' for terminal '$tlist[$i]'.\n"; } } return @@tlist; } # get_subckt_directions -- # Look for spice comments that indicate direction sub get_subckt_directions { my($filename, $cellname) = @@_; my($found_cell, $found_ports, $count, %tlist); open(FA, $filename) || die "ERROR: Cannot open spice file '$filename'.\n"; $found_cell = 0; $found_ports = 0; $count = 0; while () { if (/^.subckt\s+$cellname\s+(.*)/i) { $found_cell = 1 ; next; } if (/\* Begin port declarations/) { $found_ports = 1 ; next; } if ($found_cell && $found_ports) { if (($direction, $term) = /\* port (input|output) ([<>\w]+)/) { $term =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $tlist{$term} = $direction; $count++; next; } if (/\* End port declarations/) { last; } } } if ($count == 0) { printf STDERR "WARNING: no terminal definitions found in spice netlist.\n"; } return (%tlist); } # # get_subckt_terms -- # Return a list of terminals from the subckt in the given file. # sub get_subckt_terms { my($filename, $cellname) = @@_; my($found, @@tlist); open(FA, $filename) || die "ERROR: Cannot open spice file '$filename'.\n"; @@tlist = (); $found = 0; while () { if (($terms) = /^.subckt\s+$cellname\s+(.*)/i) { $found = 1; $terms =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; @@tlist = split(' ', $terms); next; } if ($found) { if (($terms) = /^\+(.*)/i) { $terms =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; push (@@tlist, split(' ', $terms)); } elsif (/^\s*\*.*/) { # ignore comment } else { last; } } } if ($#tlist == -1) { printf STDERR "WARNING: no terminals found in spice netlist.\n"; } return @@tlist; } # print_header: # Print out to the give $fname a standard header. The 'comment' # argument is the character(s) used to denote the beginning of # a comment, typically the "#" or "*" character. # sub print_header { my($fname, $comment) = @@_; my($user, $date); $user = $ENV{'USER'}; $date = &ctime(time); # use select(); printf $fname "$comment \$\Id\$\n\n"; printf $fname "$comment DO NOT EDIT. This file generated automagically.\n"; printf $fname "$comment Created: $date"; printf $fname "$comment User: $user\n\n"; } # uniq_run_file_name: # Removes any offensive characters that are not allowed in # unix filenames. Modifies $spice_run. # sub uniq_run_file_name { my($cellname, @@items) = @@_; my($name, $item); $name = $cellname; foreach $item (@@items) { $name = $name . '.' . $item } $name = $name . '_' . $spice_run . '.sp'; $spice_run++; # get rid of any illegal characters here. ($name = $name) =~ tr/\[\]/--/; ($name = $name) =~ tr/\<\>/--/; return $name; } # run_file_name: # sub run_file_name { my($cellname, @@items) = @@_; my($tryname); # funny, this routine fails if you use $spice_run_list{'$tryname'} do { $tryname = &uniq_run_file_name($cellname, @@items); } until $spice_run_list{$tryname} != 1; $spice_run_list{$tryname} = 1; return ($tryname); } sub run_spice { my($run_name) = @@_; my($base,$dir,$type,$spiceout); ($base,$dir,$type) = fileparse($run_name, '\.sp'); $spiceout = $base . '.out'; # Run hspice if ($skip && (-e $spiceout)) { printf STDERR "Found \"%s\", skipping run.\n", $spiceout; } else { printf STDERR "Running %s on \"%s\" ...\n", $spice_cmd, $run_name; `$spice_cmd $run_name`; } } sub check_spice_run { if (/^\s*\*\*error\*\*/) { printf STDERR "ERROR: spice '$run_name' failed.\n"; return; } if (/\*\*\*\*\* job aborted/) { printf STDERR "ERROR: spice '$run_name' failed.\n"; return; } } sub trig_word { if ($spice_type eq 'smartspice') { return 'delay'; } else { return 'trig='; } } 1; @ 1.8 log @smartspice trig_word @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: common.pl,v 1.7 1999/01/20 07:44:59 ryu Exp ryu $ d196 1 a196 1 my($found, $count, %tlist); d200 2 a201 1 $found = 0; d205 4 d210 1 a210 1 $found = 1 ; d213 1 a213 1 if ($found) { @ 1.7 log @No perl header @ text @d1 1 a1 1 # $Id: common.pl,v 1.6 1999/01/19 11:20:05 ryu Exp ryu $ d347 9 @ 1.6 log @wip @ text @d1 1 a1 3 #! /usr/bin/perl # $Id: common.pl,v 1.5 1999/01/14 10:19:02 ryu Exp ryu $ @ 1.5 log @Using /usr/bin/perl @ text @d3 1 a3 1 # $Id: common.pl,v 1.4 1999/01/13 07:18:42 ryu Exp ryu $ d206 1 a206 1 if (/\* Terminals for cell $cellname/i) { d265 1 @ 1.4 log @GPL @ text @d1 1 a1 1 #! /usr/local/bin/perl d3 1 a3 1 # $Id$ @ 1.3 log @*** empty log message *** @ text @d3 1 a3 5 # Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Robert K. Yu. All Rights Reserved. # # No part of this program may be used, reproduced, stored in a # retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any # means without the prior permission of the author. d5 2 a6 3 # $Id: common.pl,v 1.2 1998/09/13 03:31:44 ryu Exp ryu $ # Common routines # Author: Robert K. Yu d8 16 @ 1.2 log @common stuff @ text @d9 2 a10 2 # $Id: common.pl,v 1.1 1998/09/13 03:29:12 ryu Exp ryu $ # Utilities d325 12 @ 1.1 log @entered into RCS @ text @d9 1 a9 1 # $Id: utils.pl,v 1.26 1998/09/12 19:54:02 ryu Exp ryu $ a15 184 # dump_list: # Prints out to STDERR the contents of a given list. # For debugging. # sub dump_list { my($name, @@l) = @@_; my($i); printf STDERR "dump_list: @@%s = (", $name; foreach $i (@@l) { printf STDERR " '$i',"; } printf STDERR ");\n"; } # dump_hash: # Prints out to STDERR the contents of a given hash list. # For debugging. # sub dump_hash { my($name, %l) = @@_; my($key); printf STDERR "dump_hash: %%%s = (\n", $name; foreach $key (keys(%l)) { printf STDERR " $key => $l{$key},\n"; } printf STDERR ");\n"; } # print_header: # Print out to the give $fname a standard header. The 'comment' # argument is the character(s) used to denote the beginning of # a comment, typically the "#" or "*" character. # sub print_header { my($fname, $comment) = @@_; my($user, $date); $user = $ENV{'USER'}; $date = &ctime(time); # use select(); printf $fname "$comment \$\Id\$\n\n"; printf $fname "$comment DO NOT EDIT. This file generated automagically.\n"; printf $fname "$comment Created: $date"; printf $fname "$comment User: $user\n\n"; } # uniq_run_file_name: # Removes any offensive characters that are not allowed in # unix filenames. Modifies $spice_run. # sub uniq_run_file_name { my($cellname, @@items) = @@_; my($name, $item); $name = $cellname; foreach $item (@@items) { $name = $name . '.' . $item } $name = $name . '_' . $spice_run . '.sp'; $spice_run++; # get rid of any illegal characters here. ($name = $name) =~ tr/\[\]/--/; ($name = $name) =~ tr/\<\>/--/; return $name; } # run_file_name: # sub run_file_name { my($cellname, @@items) = @@_; my($tryname); # funny, this routine fails if you use $spice_run_list{'$tryname'} do { $tryname = &uniq_run_file_name($cellname, @@items); } until $spice_run_list{$tryname} != 1; $spice_run_list{$tryname} = 1; return ($tryname); } # vary_list: # sub vary_list { my($start, $incr, $N, $units) = @@_; my($i, @@list, $value); for ($i = 0; $i <= $N; $i++) { $value = $start+$i*$incr . $units; push(@@list, $value); } return @@list; } sub convert_spice_values { my(@@list) = @@_; my(@@newlist, $value); foreach $value (@@list) { push(@@newlist, &spice2float($value)); } return (@@newlist); } sub spice2float { my($value) = @@_; my($number, $units); ($number, $units) = $value =~ /([\d\.]+)([a-zA-Z]+)/; $units =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if ($units eq 'AF') { $number *= 1e-18; } if ($units eq 'FF') { $number *= 1e-15; } if ($units eq 'PF') { $number *= 1e-12; } if ($units eq 'PS') { $number *= 1e-12; } if ($units eq 'NS') { $number *= 1e-9; } if ($units eq 'K') { $number *= 1e3; } return ($number); } sub mult_list { my($scale, @@oldvalues) = @@_; my($v, @@newvalues); if ($scale == 1) { return(@@oldvalues); } foreach $v (@@oldvalues) { push(@@newvalues, $v*$scale); } return (@@newvalues); } sub div_list { my($scale, @@oldvalues) = @@_; my($v, @@newvalues); if ($scale == 0) { die "ERROR: cannot scale by 0.\n"; } if ($scale == 1) { return(@@oldvalues); } foreach $v (@@oldvalues) { push(@@newvalues, $v/$scale); } return (@@newvalues); } sub halve_list { my(@@oldlist) = @@_; my($i, @@newlist); for ($i = 0; (2 * $i) <= $#oldlist; $i++) { push (@@newlist, @@oldlist[(2*$i)]); } return (@@newlist); } d254 8 d263 2 a264 2 sub max { my ($a, $b) = @@_; d266 5 a270 2 return ($a) if ($a > $b); return ($b); d272 7 d280 3 a282 8 sub check_spice_run { if (/^\s*\*\*error\*\*/) { printf STDERR "ERROR: spice '$run_name' failed.\n"; return; } if (/\*\*\*\*\* job aborted/) { printf STDERR "ERROR: spice '$run_name' failed.\n"; return; d284 24 @