; $Id: startup.il,v 1.1 2004/09/13 23:39:45 ryu Exp ryu $ ; ; CSWITCH CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY ; ; This file contains information which is the ; proprietary property of Cswitch Corporation. ; This file is confidential and its contents may ; not be disclosed without the expressed written ; consent of Cswitch Corporation. procedure(MTX_Setup() ;_Jun 26 01 sikand 798 ; Matrix startup. let(( MTX_ProjSkillDir MTX_SkillDirs pdata proj fixed_menu_item1_load fixed_menu_item2_load fixed_menu_item3_load processSpecificBindkeys processConfigFileStartup processSpecificHilightTechFile gridSettingsFile CDSP4 ); end ; when( hiGraphicMode() ; nil ; ) proj = getShellEnvVar("PROJECT") CDSP4 = getShellEnvVar("CDSP4") unless(CDSP4 error("Session init aborted, CDSP4 not set.") ) unless(proj error("Session init aborted, PROJECT not set.") ) pdata=parseString(proj "/") pdata=reverse(pdata) CDS_Project = cadr(pdata) CDS_ProjectRev = car(pdata) printf(";; INFO: PROJECT = %s\n" proj) printf(";; INFO: CDSP4 = %s\n" CDSP4) printf(";; INFO: CDS_Project = %s\n" CDS_Project) printf(";; INFO: CDS_ProjectRev = %s\n" CDS_ProjectRev) ;; look for a branch definition when(isFileName(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.branchrc.il")) printf(";; Loading branch setup file\n") load(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.branchrc.il")) ) ; MTX_ProjSkillDir="/opt/cadroot/skill" ; ; ; MTX_SkillDirs=list( "config" ; "cdsp4/Common" ; "cdsp4/CdsP4Core" ; "cdsp4/ListBoxBrowser" ; "cdsp4/Triggers" ; "cdsp4/Toolbox" ; "layout" ; "layout/menus" ; ; moved this to the process specific area ; ;"tech/phoenix" ; "utils" ; "verification/hercules_drclvs_interface" ; "schematic" ; "bindkeys" ; "triggers" ; ) MTX_ProjSkillDir=strcat(CDSP4 "/Skill") MTX_SkillDirs=list( "Common" "CdsP4Core" "ListBoxBrowser" "Triggers" "Toolbox" ) foreach(skillDir MTX_SkillDirs when( isDir(strcat(MTX_ProjSkillDir "/" skillDir)) setSkillPath(strcat(MTX_ProjSkillDir "/" skillDir)) when(isFile("setup.il") printf(";; Loading %s\n" skillDir) loadi("setup.il") );when ) ; ** when isDir ** );foreach ; ;; this is needed for bindkeys which perform loads ; setSkillPath(strcat(MTX_ProjSkillDir "/" "bindkeys")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Stream in setting ; This fixes "Unable to stream-in to a library where the techfile ; binary is locked. ; see Cadence Solution number 1814693 at: ; http://sourcelink.cadence.com/docs/db/kdb/1814693.html ; ; loadContext(prependInstallPath("etc/context/transUI.cxt")) ; callInitProc("transUI") ; streamInSetup->pipoSkipUndefinedLPP->value = t ; hp plotter setup ; lePlotTemplate = strcat(getShellEnvVar("PROJECT") "/layout/cadence/lePlot.template") ) ; ** let ** ) ; ** procedure MTX_Setup ** ;; run it MTX_Setup() ;when(isFileName(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.cdsenv")) ; envLoadFile(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.cdsenv")) ; printf(";; Loaded user's local .cdsenv\n") ;) ;when(isFileName(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.cdslocal")) ; load(strcat(getWorkingDir() "/.cdslocal")) ; printf(";; Loaded .cdslocal\n") ;); end when CDS_P4StartAutoSync() printf(";; INFO: Welcome to the Cswitch cdsp4 Environment\n") printf(";; INFO: Project: \"%s\" ; Revision: \"%s\"\n\n" CDS_Project CDS_ProjectRev)