#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: //depot/cad/tools/1.0/icp4-1.1/bin/p4rm#4 $ # # CSWITCH CORPORATION CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY # # This file contains information which is the # proprietary property of Cswitch Corporation. # This file is confidential and its contents may # not be disclosed without the expressed written # consent of Cswitch Corporation. use strict; use warnings; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib "$Bin/../lib"; use Icp4; use Getopt::Std; use File::Basename; our (%opt, $Program); MAIN: { my ($nflag, $cell, $cells); $Program = $FindBin::Script; getopts('hDni', \%opt); if ($opt{h} || $#ARGV < 0) { print "Usage: $Program [-h] [-n] [-i] cell+\n"; print " -h: help usage\n"; print " -n: show operation only\n"; print " -i: ignore pending changes (dangerous!)\n"; print " cell: cell name(s)\n"; exit; } $nflag = "-n" if ($opt{n}); $Icp4::debug = ($opt{D}) ? 1 : 0 ; $Icp4::nflag = ($opt{n}) ? 1 : 0 ; if (!$opt{i} && &Icp4::outstanding_changes()) { exit -1; } $cells = ""; foreach $cell (@ARGV) { if (-d $cell) { $cells = $cells . " ${cell}.* ${cell}/..."; } } if ($cells ne "") { print "INFO: Reverting any unmodified files (\"p4 revert $nflag -a $cells\")\n"; system "p4 delete $nflag $cells"; &Icp4::submit_open_files($cells, ""); } exit 0; }