MAILTO=REPL_MAILTO MAILFROM=REPL_MAILFROM PATH=/p4/common/bin:/p4/REPL_INSTANCE/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin: SHELL=/bin/bash Times are all preset to times that make sense based on UTC time with most users in PST. # common tasks # Auto update the crontab # Commented out since this is only used when the crontab is checked in and updated from Perforce. # */60 * * * * [ -e /p4/p4.crontab ] && crontab /p4/p4.crontab > /dev/null 2>&1 INSTANCE=REPL_INSTANCE # Master Verify - Uncomment this line if you do not have any replica servers. # 5 4 * * 6 [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Run the weekly maintenance script to clean up old users, labels, workspaces and changelists. Be sure to set up the maintenance.cfg file. 0 16 * * * /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/sdp/Maintenance/maintenance ${INSTANCE} 0 16 * * * /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/sdp/Maintenance/edge_maintenance ${INSTANCE} # Run p4 unlock -x on edge servers every six hours to remove exclusive locks that shouldn't be there. 0 */6 * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} p4 unlock -x > /dev/null 2>&1 0 */6 * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} p4 unlock -x > /dev/null 2>&1 # Update the limits group to make sure all users are listed in it. */60 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Checkpoints # Run on the first Saturday afternoon in Jan. and July. # 5 5 * * 6 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # 5 6 * * 6 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # If you enable to, be sure to change 0-6 to 0-5 below. 5 6 * * 0-6 [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # 35 6 * * 6 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # If you enable to, be sure to change 0-6 to 0-5 below. 35 6 * * 0-6 [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # p4review daemon # */5 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Kill IDLE and Init tasks that sit more than 5 minutes. Use on servers where you are having problems with IDLE connections sitting too long. # */10 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/p4master_run ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Replica Tasks # Verify # Run the replica verify quarterly. # Use the -P parameter to run a parallel verify on the replica servers. # 5 21 * * 6 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} -P 8 # */10 * * * * /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} 50 # Sync checkpoints from master 0 22 * * 0-5 [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Run on the first Saturday afternoon in Jan. and July. 5 22 * * 6 [ $(date +\%d) -le 07 ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # If you can't run the scripts above due to rsync issues, then run this one instead. # 0 5 * * 0-5 [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Replica Status */6 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} > /dev/null */6 * * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} > /dev/null # Cache Purge on Edge servers that use lbr.replication=cache # Comment out this line if you are not running with that config. */60 * * * * /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} # Clean structured logs that aren't rotating 0 1 * * * [ -e /p4/common/bin ] && /p4/common/bin/ ${INSTANCE} rm -f /p4/${INSTANCE}/logs/*.csv > /dev/null