Perforce API for the .Net CLR P4.Net

P4Callback Methods

The methods of the P4Callback class are listed below. For a complete list of P4Callback class members, see the P4Callback Members topic.

Public Instance Methods

Cancel Allows consumers to cancel the current command.
Edit Executed when a command requests an editor to launch.
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
Finished Executes when the command is finished.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
InputData Executed when a command expects a file buffer input.
OutputContent Executed when a command outputs file content.
OutputInfo Executed when a textual message is output from the underlying API.
OutputMessage Executed when a textual message is streamed from the server.
OutputRecord Executed when tagged output is streamed from the server.
Prompt Executed when the Perforce command needs to "prompt" the user for a response.
ResolveFile Executed when a 'resolve' command seeks input on how to resolve a file.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

See Also

P4Callback Class | P4API Namespace