#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use POSIX qw/ceil floor/; use Benchmark; my $argc = @ARGV; if ($argc !=2) { die "Usage: truncJnl.pl \n"; } my $jnl = $ARGV[0]; my $splits = int($ARGV[1]); my $start = new Benchmark; open(IN,"$jnl") or die "Unable to open $jnl: $!\n"; my $count = 0; while() { $count++; } close(IN); print "Total line count of $jnl: " . $count . "\n"; print "The line of each $jnl is " . floor($count/int($splits)) . "\n"; my $chunk = floor($count/int($splits)); open(IN,"$jnl") or die "Unable to open $jnl: $!\n"; my ($jnl_ct,$chunk_bk) = 0; my $line_ct = 0; while() { if($line_ct == 0 || $chunk_bk == 0) { if($line_ct == 0) { #pass } else { close(OUT); print "Done with $jnl.$jnl_ct\n"; } $chunk_bk = $chunk; $jnl_ct++; open(OUT,"> $jnl.$jnl_ct") or die "Unable to open $jnl.$jnl_ct\n"; } print OUT $_; $line_ct++; $chunk_bk--; } close(IN); my $end = new Benchmark; my $diff = timediff($end, $start); print "Time taken was ", timestr($diff, 'all'), " seconds";