#!/usr/bin/env python # #Copyright (c) 2009, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #******************************************************************************* #Author: Stephen Moon #This program spawns processes using Python's multiprocessing module. #You can't have more clients than the available commands because there is at least #one client for each commands. If there are more commands than the available #clients, there will be more than one command running in each client. # #So far, I have tried to implement this for the commands worked on for lockless reads. #But, the list may get expanded to be comprehensive. # #By manually modifying the code in main, you can increase the number of files to be #added as well as number of runs for each command. Each command will be put in a loop #so that it runs continuously. Each process will have the client number and # the command that it is associated with as well as the instance number and run number. #If any one instance of a command finishes the specified number of runs, it will kill #all processes running concurrently. # #CAUTION: If you have more than one writer, you need to run them in a separate client #for now. Otherwise, you will get "No files in default changelist" error message. #If you have two writers, specify at least two clients and so on. import os, sys, shutil, time, re, socket, sqlite3 import multiprocessing, logging, create_client_win, create_file_win, create_user_win from subprocess import PIPE, Popen ''' p4 fstat (have and working tables peeked and processed early - all tables except hx/dx) p4 filelog (lockless) p4 diff lockless (some options are not) p4 submit (rewritten into two-stage commit, also updates 'maxCommitChange' post change p4 integ/merge/copy (copy uses buffered hx/dx) p4 interchanges (streams/copy uses hx/dx) p4 istat p4 changes p4 dirs (lockless) p4 sync p4 streams p4 files/sizes/print (-a only) p4 diff2 p4 cstat (partial) p4 opened (partial) p4 resolved p4 have p4 annotate p4 depots p4 fixes p4 jobs (-e still read locks indexes) p4 integed p4 verify p4 describe ''' class P4_Process(object): count = 0 #counts for commands with single parameter icount = 0 #counts for commands with two parameters scount = 0 #counts for commands which submit def __init__(self, port, depot_name, super_user, program_instance): #port string from the stdin argument self.super_cmds = ('verify','admin','archive','restore','obliterate','load','unload') self.no_param = ('branches','clients','counters','depots','jobs','keys','labels','streams','users') self.one_param = ('annotate','branches','changes','clients','counters','cstat','depots','dirs', 'filelog','files','fixes','fstat','have','integrated','istat','jobs','keys', 'labels','opened','print','resolved','sizes','sync','verify','describe') self.two_param = ('diff','interchanges','diff2','populate') self.two_param_submit = ('integ','copy','merge') self.PREFIX = '//' + depot_name + '/' self.DEPOT_NAME = depot_name self.SUPER_USER = super_user self.P4 = 'p4' self.P4_Ztrack = '-Ztrack' self.P4PORT = port self.run_cmd = [self.P4, self.P4_Ztrack, '-p', self.P4PORT, '-c'] self.cmds_dict = dict() self.program_instance = program_instance def exit_message(self, process_name, cmd, count): msg = '' bool_writer = False if cmd in self.two_param_submit: msg = "Last " + str(cmd) + ": Process " + str(count) + " Name: " + process_name bool_writer = True elif cmd in self.one_param: msg = "Last " + str(cmd) + ": Process " + str(count) + " Name: " + process_name elif cmd in self.two_param: msg = "Last " + str(cmd) + ": Process " + str(count) + " Name: " + process_name self.write_to_sqlite3(cmd, process_name, count, bool_writer) print(msg.center(80,' ')) def write_to_sqlite3(self, cmd, process_name, count, bool_writer): process_type = 'writer' if bool_writer else 'reader' self.insert_values_to_table(process_name, cmd, count, process_type) def insert_values_to_table(self, process_name, cmd, count, process_type): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(self.program_instance +'_DB') cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("insert into processes values (?, ?, ?, ?)", (process_name, cmd, count, process_type)) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print(e) def calculate_elapsed_time(self, e, start_time, sentinel): current_time = time.time() elapsed_time = int(current_time - start_time) if int(sentinel) == elapsed_time: #passed sentinel is string msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = " Sentinel: " + sentinel + ", Elapsed: " + str(elapsed_time) + " " print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) e.set() return True #yes, it hit sentinel if (elapsed_time % 100) == 0: #passed sentinel is string msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = " Sentinel: " + sentinel + ", Elapsed: " + str(elapsed_time) + " " print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) return False #no, it needs to wait def p4process(self, e, start_time, sentinel, process_name, fq_port, port, cmd, mcount, dirname, client_number): src_path = self.PREFIX + dirname #//depot_/qa_test dest_path = self.PREFIX + process_name #//depot_/integ1_t11112 client_used = self.DEPOT_NAME + '_t' + str(int(port) + client_number) user_used = self.DEPOT_NAME + '_u' + str(int(port) + client_number) if cmd in self.one_param: self.run_cmd.append(client_used) self.run_cmd.append('-u') self.run_cmd.append(user_used) self.run_cmd.append(cmd) if cmd in self.no_param: pass elif cmd == 'dirs': self.run_cmd.append(self.PREFIX + '*') #//depot_/* elif cmd == 'have': create_file_win.sync_files('sync', fq_port, client_used, user_used, dirname) self.run_cmd.append(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... else: self.run_cmd.append(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... P4_Process.count = 0 while(P4_Process.count < mcount): try: P4_Process.count += 1 (out,err) = Popen(self.run_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() msg = cmd + " from " + self.DEPOT_NAME + " p4process: " + process_name + "_PROCESS " + str(P4_Process.count) print(msg.center(80,'.')) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(2) if e.is_set() or self.calculate_elapsed_time(e, start_time, sentinel): self.exit_message(self.DEPOT_NAME + '_' + process_name, cmd, P4_Process.count) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: p4error.exception(e) e.set() self.exit_message(process_name, cmd, P4_Process.count) elif cmd in self.two_param: self.run_cmd.append(client_used) self.run_cmd.append('-u') self.run_cmd.append(user_used) if cmd == 'interchanges': self.run_cmd.append(cmd) self.run_cmd.append('-f') elif cmd == 'populate': self.run_cmd.append(cmd) P4_Process.icount = 0 while(P4_Process.icount < mcount): P4_Process.icount += 1 if cmd == 'interchanges': self.run_cmd.append(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... self.run_cmd.append(self.PREFIX + 'integ...') #//depot_/qa_test0/... elif cmd == 'populate': self.run_cmd.append('-d') self.run_cmd.append('submitting_change of ' + process_name) self.run_cmd.append(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... self.run_cmd.append(dest_path + str(P4_Process.icount) + 'p/...') #//depot_/qa_test0p/... try: #print("cmd: " + cmd + " run: ",self.run_cmd) (out,err) = Popen(self.run_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() msg = cmd + " from " + self.DEPOT_NAME + " p4process: " + process_name + "_PROCESS " + str(P4_Process.icount) print(msg.center(80,'.')) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(2) if e.is_set() or self.calculate_elapsed_time(e, start_time, sentinel): self.exit_message(self.DEPOT_NAME + '_' + process_name, cmd, P4_Process.icount) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: p4error.exception(e) finally: if cmd == 'populate': self.run_cmd.remove(dest_path + str(P4_Process.icount) + 'p/...') #//depot_/qa_test0p/... self.run_cmd.remove(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... self.run_cmd.remove('submitting_' + process_name) self.run_cmd.remove('-d') elif cmd == 'interchanges': self.run_cmd.remove(self.PREFIX + 'integ...') #//depot_/qa_test0p/... self.run_cmd.remove(src_path + '/...') #//depot_/qa_test/... e.set() self.exit_message(self.DEPOT_NAME + '_' + process_name, cmd, P4_Process.icount) elif cmd in self.two_param_submit: create_file_win.sync_files('sync', fq_port, client_used, user_used, dirname, self.PREFIX) while(P4_Process.scount < mcount): P4_Process.scount += 1 try: (integ_array, resolve_array, submit_array) = create_file_win.integ_files(fq_port, client_used, user_used, process_name, cmd, P4_Process.scount, dirname, self.PREFIX) msg = cmd + " from " + self.DEPOT_NAME + " p4process: " + process_name + "_PROCESS " + str(P4_Process.scount) print(msg.center(80,'#')) sys.stdout.flush() if e.is_set() or self.calculate_elapsed_time(e, start_time, sentinel): self.exit_message(self.DEPOT_NAME + '_' + process_name, cmd, P4_Process.scount) sys.exit(1) except Exception as err: p4error.exception(err) e.set() self.exit_message(self.DEPOT_NAME + '_' + process_name, cmd, P4_Process.scount) def p4info(self, port, user_name): info_cmd = ['p4','-p',port, '-u', user_name, 'info'] configure_cmd = ['p4','-p',port, '-u', user_name, 'configure','show'] try: (info_out,info_err) = Popen(info_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() except Exception as e: print(e) try: (conf_out,conf_err) = Popen(configure_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate() except Exception as e: print(e) def pick_changes_delete(port_num, chg, user_name): describe_cmd = ['p4','-p',port_num, '-u', user_name, 'describe','-s',chg] submit = re.compile(r'^\s+submitting_change\s\w+\s(.+)$') try: (describe_out,describe_err) = Popen(describe_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() for each_line in describe_out.split(os.linesep): m = submit.match(each_line) if m != None: return (chg, m.group(1)) except Exception as e: print(e) return (chg,'no_submit') def get_changes(port_num, user_name): changes = [] submits = [] port = str(port_num) chg_regex = re.compile(r'^Change (\d+) on') changes_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'changes'] try: (changes_out,changes_err) = Popen(changes_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() for each_line in changes_out.split(os.linesep): m = chg_regex.match(each_line) if m != None: (each_change, each_submit) = pick_changes_delete(port, m.group(1), user_name) if each_submit != 'no_submit': changes.append(each_change) submits.append(each_submit) except Exception as e: print(e) return (changes, submits) def get_shelved_changes(port_num, user_name): changes = [] submits = [] port = str(port_num) chg_regex = re.compile(r'^Change (\d+) on') changes_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'changes', '-s', 'shelved'] try: (changes_out,changes_err) = Popen(changes_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() for each_line in changes_out.split(os.linesep): m = chg_regex.match(each_line) if m != None: (each_change, each_submit) = pick_changes_delete(port, m.group(1), user_name) if each_submit != 'no_submit': changes.append(each_change) submits.append(each_submit) except Exception as e: print(e) return (changes, submits) def get_clients(port_num, user_name, depot_name): clients = [] port = str(port_num) client = re.compile(r'^Client (' + depot_name + '_t\d+) .+$') clients_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'clients'] try: (clients_out,clients_err) = Popen(clients_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() for each_line in clients_out.split(os.linesep): m = client.match(each_line) if m != None: clients.append(m.group(1)) except Exception as e: print(e) return clients def delete_clients(port, user_name, depot_name): clients = get_clients(port, user_name, depot_name) client_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'client', '-d', '-f'] for each_num in clients: client = each_num try: client_cmd.append(client) (client_out,client_err) = Popen(client_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print("client_delete:",client_out) print("client_delete_error:",client_err) shutil.rmtree(client) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: client_cmd.remove(client) def get_users(port_num, user_name, depot_name): users = [] port = str(port_num) user = re.compile(r'^(' + depot_name + '_u\d+) .+$') users_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'users'] try: (users_out,users_err) = Popen(users_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() for each_line in users_out.split(os.linesep): m = user.match(each_line) if m != None: users.append(m.group(1)) except Exception as e: print(e) return users def delete_users(port, user_name, depot_name): users = get_users(port, user_name, depot_name) user_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'user', '-d', '-f'] for each_num in users: user = each_num try: user_cmd.append(user) (user_out,user_err) = Popen(user_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print("user_delete:",user_out) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: user_cmd.remove(user) def delete_changes(port, user_name): deleted_changes = [] chg_regex = re.compile(r'^Change (\d+) deleted.') (changes, submits) = get_changes(port, user_name) change_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'change', '-d', '-f'] for each_change in changes: try: change_cmd.append(each_change) (change_out,change_err) = Popen(change_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() m = chg_regex.match(change_out) if m != None: deleted_changes.append(m.group(1)) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: change_cmd.remove(each_change) print("Changes deleted: ",deleted_changes) return (deleted_changes, submits) def delete_shelved_changes(port, user_name): deleted_changes = [] chg_regex = re.compile(r'^Shelved Change (\d+) deleted.') (changes, submits) = get_shelved_changes(port, user_name) change_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'shelve', '-df', '-c'] for each_change in changes: try: change_cmd.append(each_change) (change_out,change_err) = Popen(change_cmd,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE).communicate() m = chg_regex.match(change_out) if m != None: deleted_changes.append(m.group(1)) except Exception as e: print(e) finally: change_cmd.remove(each_change) print("Changes deleted: ",deleted_changes) return (deleted_changes, submits) def obliterate(port, submits, dirname, depot_name, user_name): oblit_cmd = ['p4','-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'obliterate', '-y'] for each_submit in submits: try: oblit_cmd.append('//' + depot_name + '/' + each_submit + "*/...") (out,err) = Popen(oblit_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print("Obliterated: branch //" + depot_name + '/' + each_submit + "*/...") except Exception as e: print(e) finally: oblit_cmd.remove('//' + depot_name + '/' + each_submit + "*/...") try: oblit_cmd.append('//' + depot_name + '/' + dirname + "/...") (out,err) = Popen(oblit_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print("Obliterated: branch //" + depot_name + '/' + dirname + "/...") except Exception as e: print(e) def p4_clean(port_num, dirname, depot_name, user_name): port = str(port_num) (changes, submits) = delete_shelved_changes(port, user_name) delete_clients(port, user_name, depot_name) (changes, submits) = delete_changes(port, user_name) obliterate(port, submits, dirname, depot_name, user_name) (changes, submits) = delete_changes(port, user_name) delete_users(port, user_name, depot_name) #delete_depot(port, depot_name, user_name) def delete_depot(port, depot_name, user_name): depot_cmd = ['p4', '-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'depot', '-f', '-d', depot_name] try: (out,err) = Popen(depot_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print("Deleted: Depot {0}".format(depot_name)) print("Error in delete_cmd: ", err) except Exception as e: print(e) def build_cmd_list(writer_names, reader_names): cmds_list = [] for name, nums in writer_names.iteritems(): for i in range(nums): cmds_list.append(name) print("WRITER: {0} Counts: {1}".format(name, str(nums))) for name, nums in reader_names.iteritems(): for i in range(nums): cmds_list.append(name) print("READER: {0} Counts: {1}".format(name, str(nums))) return cmds_list def get_depot(port, user_name): depot_name = socket.gethostname() depot_cmd = ['p4', '-p', port, '-u', user_name, 'depots'] depot_re = re.compile(r'^Depot\s+(.+)\s[\d/]+') depots = [] new_depot = '' try: (out,err) = Popen(depot_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate() print(out) for each_line in out.split(os.linesep): m = depot_re.match(each_line) if m is not None: depots.append(m.group(1)) count = 0 new_depot = depot_name + '_' + str(count) #this is needed because p4 creates a client #which is the same name as hostname by default while(new_depot in depots): count += 1 new_depot = depot_name + '_' + str(count) new_depot = create_depot(new_depot, port, user_name) except Exception, e: print(e) return new_depot def create_depot(depot_name, port, user_name): depot_type = 'local' depot_cmd = ['p4', '-p', str(port), '-u', user_name, 'depot', '-i'] depot_spec = 'Depot: ' + depot_name + '\n' depot_spec += 'Description: ' + depot_name + ' desc' + '\n' depot_spec += 'Type: ' + depot_type + '\n' depot_spec += 'Map: ' + depot_name + os.sep + '...' try: (out,err) = Popen(depot_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(input=depot_spec) print("STDOUT: {0}".format(out)) print("STDERR: {0}".format(err)) except Exception as e: print(e) return depot_name def create_table(program_name): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(program_name + '_DB') c = conn.cursor() c.execute('drop table if exists processes') c.execute("create table processes (process_name text, cmd text, process_count integer, type text)") conn.commit() c.close() conn.close() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print(e) def read_table(cmds_dict, program_instance, p_type): try: conn = sqlite3.connect(program_instance + '_DB') c = conn.cursor() p_writer = ('writer') for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM processes where type =?", (p_type,)): cmd = row[1].encode('ascii','ignore') p_count = int(row[2]) p_type = row[3].encode('ascii','ignore') try: if cmds_dict[cmd]: cmds_dict[cmd]['p_count'] += p_count #summing up process counts except KeyError: cmds_dict[cmd] = { 'p_type': p_type, 'p_count': p_count } c.close() conn.close() except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: print e return cmds_dict def report_summary(start_time, program_instance): cmds_dict = dict() cmds_dict = read_table(cmds_dict, program_instance, 'writer') tmp_dict = read_table(cmds_dict, program_instance, 'reader') cmds_dict.update(tmp_dict) #combine two dictionaries msg = '' print('\n') print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = ' Report Summary ' print(msg.center(80,'@')) msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) writer_count = reader_count = 0 for cmd, val in sorted(cmds_dict.iteritems(), key = lambda x: x[1]['p_count']): print("{0:<10}\t{1:<5}\t{2:<5}".format(cmd, val['p_type'],val['p_count'])) if val['p_type'] == 'writer': writer_count += val['p_count'] elif val['p_type'] == 'reader': reader_count += val['p_count'] msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) print("Total of Readers: {0:<5} ".format(reader_count)) print("Total of Writers: {0:<5} ".format(writer_count)) print("Total of Readers and Writers: {0:<5} ".format(writer_count + reader_count)) msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time print("Elapsed time: {0}".format(elapsed_time)) msg = '' print(msg.center(80,'@')) def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 5 or len(sys.argv) > 6: print("Usage: {0} [clean]".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) port = sys.argv[1] num_client = sys.argv[2] p4_super_user = sys.argv[3] sentinel = sys.argv[4] clean = (sys.argv[5] if len(sys.argv) == 6 else "") depot_name = get_depot(port, p4_super_user) dir_or_fname = 'qa_test' if len(sys.argv) == 6 and clean.strip() == 'clean': p4_clean(port, dir_or_fname, depot_name, p4_super_user) sys.exit(1) elif len(sys.argv) == 6 and clean.strip() != 'clean': print("Usage: {0} [clean]".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) #writer_names = {'copy':20,'integ':20} #':' writer_names = {'merge':10,'copy':10,'integ':15} #':' #reader_names = {} reader_names = {'filelog':5,'fstat':5,'interchanges':10,'diff':5,'changes':5,'obliterate':5,'diff2':5,'integed':10,'sync':10,'print':5} cmds_list = build_cmd_list(writer_names, reader_names) print(cmds_list) print("Number of commands: {0}".format(len(cmds_list))) if int(num_client) < 1 or len(cmds_list) < int(num_client): if not int(num_client): print("No client specified") else: print("Number of clients greater than the available commands") sys.exit(1) cmd = '' program_instance = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).split('.')[0] + '_' + port + '_' + num_client + '_' + sentinel create_table(program_instance) p_obj = P4_Process(port, depot_name, p4_super_user, program_instance) sys.stdout.flush() p_obj.p4info(port,p4_super_user) for each_item in range(int(num_client)): new_user = create_user_win.create_user(port, each_item, p4_super_user, depot_name) time.sleep(1.5) create_client_win.create_client(port, each_item, new_user, depot_name) #file_num = 20000 integ_repeated = 4 fq_port = '' #fully qualified port if port.isdigit(): fq_port = 'localhost:' + str(port) else: fq_port = port #perforce.com:1666 port = port.split(':')[1] #1666 #cmd, fq_port, client, user, path, dirname, integ_repeated, p4debug, p4error client = depot_name + '_t' + str(port) user = depot_name + '_u' + str(port) path = depot_name + '_t' + str(port) create_file_win.fast_open_files('add', fq_port, depot_name, client, user, path, dir_or_fname, integ_repeated) file_num = 500 * (2 ** integ_repeated) msg = " Done adding " + str(file_num) + " files. " print(msg.center(80,'#')) jobs = [] count = 1000000 #multiprocessing.log_to_stderr() #logger = multiprocessing.get_logger() #logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) e = multiprocessing.Event() seq = 0 elapsed_time = 0.0 start_time = time.time() for cmd in cmds_list: seq += 1 client_number = seq % int(num_client) process_name = cmd + str(seq) + '_t' + str(int(port) + client_number) p = multiprocessing.Process(name=process_name, target=p_obj.p4process,args=(e, start_time, sentinel, process_name, fq_port, port, cmd, count, dir_or_fname, client_number)) p.start() jobs.append(p) for each_p in jobs: print('process_name from {0}: {1}'.format(depot_name , each_p)) each_p.join() report_summary(start_time, program_instance) if __name__ == '__main__': main()