WHAT & WHY ==== Auto deployment of the workshop code so review can be done faster. HOW === By leveraging the infra-structure setup by the Swarm team - at swarm-deploy.perforce.com. *swarm-deploy.perforce.com* is the deploy host used by the Swarm team within Perforce. When a review starts Swarm trigger a deploy script via a HTTP request as described in the [documentation](http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/swarm/quickstart.review_deployment.html). Automatic deployment URL in Swarm is set to: http://swarm-deploy.perforce.com/workshop/deploy/{review}/?change={change}&branch={branch}&project={project}&success={success}&fail={fail} A directory "workshop" was created in the document root of *swarm-deploy*. The deployment scripts (*deploy.php* and *update.php*) and the configuration (*config.php*) were updated to support the *workshop* project. Only the *main* project is configured (accepted). *deploy.php* basically validates the URL parameters and do a GET on *update.php* to do the heavy lifting of: - Creating a temp client on the Perforce server. - Syncing the workspace to the change specified. - Unshelving the shelved files from the review. - Resolving any conflicts. - Setting up a *.htaccess* file for the new DocumentRoot. - Creating a demo P4D instance from a ZIP file (defined in config.php) using the RSH hack. - Installing Swarm trigger for the P4D instance. - Setting up Swarm - token/config/email to file etc. Since the workshop code is stored in a stream depot, a virtual stream was created to include only the files required for Swarm - the files under *swarm/tests* are particular large so they are ignored in the stream spec. Also note that since one cannot remap *//workshop/swarm-deploy/swarm/...* to *//workshop/swarm-deploy/...* a direcotry was created in an alternate location and a symlink was used to make the Swarm code available at the location required by the Apache configuration. Notes ===== Review 1011064 tgray authored this 2 days ago for main, committed 4 days ago in 1010791 [Deployment Trigger URL for review 1011064](http://swarm-deploy.perforce.com/workshop/deploy/1011064?change=1010791&branch=main&project=workshop&success=https%3A%2F%2Fswarm.perforce.com%2Freviews%2F1011064%2Fdeploy%2Fsuccess%2F2611C8EE-E527-88DA-1EBC-FFE36680B31A%2F&fail=https%3A%2F%2Fswarm.perforce.com%2Freviews%2F1011064%2Fdeploy%2Ffail%2F2611C8EE-E527-88DA-1EBC-FFE36680B31A%2F)
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