Publishing the p4/p4api source code * Find the branchspec from the previous release. The naming convention is `p4__to_workshop`. * Copy the view from the previous release branchspec, changing the view to map from the r-line of the release you want to an area under `//depot/dev/ecosystem/p4_/...` * Create a new branch and copy in the view created in the previous step *Run `p4 copy -b p4__to_workshop` to branch the files * cd to the newly created directory for the branched files * Run `jam p4` to attempt to build * Look for errors that say "don't know how to make ". These are files that need to be added to the branchspec view. * Add the files to the branchspec view, run the copy command again, and re-run jam. Repeat until it builds. * Submit the files to //depot/dev/ecosystem * Copy the files to an appropriate area in the Workshop