next() * and next($iterator) are equivalent and same for all other pairs. * * @copyright 2011 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. * @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution. * @version / */ namespace P4\Model\Fielded; use P4\Model\Connected\Iterator as ConnectedIterator; class Iterator extends ConnectedIterator { const SORT_ASCENDING = 'ASC'; const SORT_DESCENDING = 'DESC'; const SORT_ALPHA = 'ALPHA'; const SORT_NUMERIC = 'NUMERIC'; const SORT_NATURAL = 'NATURAL'; const SORT_NO_CASE = 'NO_CASE'; const SORT_FIXED = 'FIXED'; const FILTER_NO_CASE = 'NO_CASE'; const FILTER_CONTAINS = 'CONTAINS'; const FILTER_STARTS_WITH = 'STARTS_WITH'; const FILTER_REGEX = 'REGEX'; const FILTER_MATCH_ALL = 'MATCH_ALL'; const FILTER_IMPLODE = 'IMPLODE'; /** * Define the type of models we want to accept in this iterator. */ protected $allowedModelClass = 'P4\Model\Fielded\FieldedInterface'; /** * Get the iterator data as an array. * Calls toArray() on all of the models unless 'shallow' is true. * * @param bool $shallow optional - set shallow to true to avoid calling toArray() * on each of the models - defaults to false. * @return array all model data as an array. */ public function toArray($shallow = false) { if ($shallow) { return $this->getArrayCopy(); } $data = array(); foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $key => $model) { $data[$key] = $model->toArray(); } return $data; } /** * Reorder models by the given field(s). * * Multiple fields can be specified to produce a nested sort. * Comparison behavior defaults to alphabetical, ascending order. * Use the options argument to produce a different order. * * When sorting on multiple fields, separate options can be given * for each field by setting the entry key to the field name and * the value to the array of sort options to use for that field. * * Alternatively, each entry in fields may be an array with two * parts where the first part is the field name and the second is * the array of sort options to use for that field (can be used to * sort on the same field twice with different options). * * Valid sorting options are: * * SORT_ASCENDING - default direction * SORT_DESCENDING - reverse direction * SORT_ALPHA - default alphabetic order comparison * SORT_NUMERIC - perform numeric comparison * SORT_NATURAL - perform natural order comparison * SORT_NO_CASE - perform case-insensitive comparison * SORT_FIXED - put entries in a prescribed order * e.g. SORT_FIXED => array(val, val, ...) * * @param array|string $fields one or more fields to order by * if multiple fields are specified, * performs a nested sort. * @param array $options optional - one or more sorting options * @return Iterator provides fluent interface. */ public function sortBy($fields, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($options)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Cannot sort. Sort options must be an array." ); } // normalize fields to an array. $fields = (array) $fields; // determine comparison function to use for each field. $comparators = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { // three ways to specify fields + options: // - common case: key is an integer and value is a string, // takes value as field name and second func. param as options. // - if key is a string and value is an array, // takes key as field name and value as options. // - if key is an integer and value is an array with two parts, // takes first part as field name and second part as options. if (is_integer($key) && is_string($value)) { $comparators[] = array($value, $this->getSortComparator($options)); } elseif (is_string($key) && is_array($value)) { $comparators[] = array($key, $this->getSortComparator($value)); } elseif (is_integer($key) && is_array($value) && count($value) == 2) { $comparators[] = array($value[0], $this->getSortComparator($value[1])); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Cannot sort. Invalid sort field(s) given."); } } // perform sort. // uses '@' to silence warnings about array being modified by // comparison function - can occur due to lazy loading. @$this->uasort( function ($a, $b) use ($comparators) { foreach ($comparators as $comparator) { $result = call_user_func( $comparator[1], Iterator::implodeValue($a->get($comparator[0])), Iterator::implodeValue($b->get($comparator[0])) ); // if values are equal, compare the next field. if (!$result) { continue; } return $result; } return 0; } ); return $this; } /** * Reorder models using a callback function for the comparison. * Effectively just a wrapper for the uasort() method. * * @param callable $callback the function to pass to uasort(). * @return Iterator provides fluent interface. */ public function sortByCallback($callback) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Cannot sort iterator. Given callback is not callable." ); } // perform sort. // uses '@' to silence warnings about array being modified by // comparison function - can occur due to lazy loading. @$this->uasort($callback); return $this; } /** * Implodes arrays into comma-separated strings, returns non-arrays unmodified. * * @param mixed $value A value to be imploded; only arrays will be modified. * @return mixed An imploded array, or unmodified value. */ public static function implodeValue($value) { return is_array($value) ? implode(', ', $value) : $value; } /** * Filter items of this instance. * * You may specify one or more fields to check for one or more acceptable * values. Models that do not have acceptable values will be removed from * the iterator. * * Valid filter options are: * * FILTER_NO_CASE - perform case insensitive comparisons * FILTER_CONTAINS - fields only need to contain a value to match * FILTER_STARTS_WITH - fields only need to start with a value to match * FILTER_REGEX - value is a regular expression * FILTER_INVERSE - inverse filtering behavior - items that match are removed * FILTER_MATCH_ALL - require all values to match at least once per model * FILTER_COPY - return a filtered copy without modifying original * FILTER_IMPLODE - fields that contain arrays will be flattened prior to matching * * @param string|array $fields one or more fields to check for acceptable values. * @param string|array $values one or more acceptable values/patterns * @param string|array $options optional - one or more filtering options * @return Iterator provides fluent interface */ public function filter($fields, $values, $options = array()) { // normalize arguments to arrays. $fields = is_null($fields) ? $fields : (array) $fields; $values = (array) $values; $options = (array) $options; $copy = new static; // remove items that don't pass the filter. foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $key => $model) { $passesFilter = $this->passesFilter($model, $fields, $values, $options); // inverse behavior if FILTER_INVERSE option is set if (in_array(static::FILTER_INVERSE, $options, true)) { $passesFilter = !$passesFilter; } if (!$passesFilter && !in_array(static::FILTER_COPY, $options, true)) { $this->offsetUnset($key); } elseif ($passesFilter && in_array(static::FILTER_COPY, $options, true)) { $copy[$key] = $model; } } return in_array(static::FILTER_COPY, $options, true) ? $copy : $this; } /** * Search (filters) this iterator instance by user-provided query. * * Splits the given query string on whitespace and comma, * then filters the iterator with the following options: * * FILTER_NO_CASE - perform case insensitive comparisons * FILTER_CONTAINS - fields only need to contain a value to match * FILTER_IMPLODE - fields that contain arrays will be flattened prior to matching * FILTER_MATCH_ALL - require all values to match at least once per model * * The options can be overridden via the optional $options param. * * @param array|string $fields the fields to match on * @param string $query the user-supplied search string * @param array $options optional - flags to pass to the filter. * @return Iterator provides fluent interface. */ public function search($fields, $query, array $options = null) { // normalize fields to array. $fields = (array) $fields; // split query into words. $query = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', trim($query)); // use default options if none provided. $options = $options !== null ? $options : array( Iterator::FILTER_CONTAINS, Iterator::FILTER_NO_CASE, Iterator::FILTER_IMPLODE, Iterator::FILTER_MATCH_ALL ); // remove models that don't match search query. return $this->filter($fields, $query, $options); } /** * Check if model passes the given filter criteria. * * @param P4\ModelInterface $model the model to test against filter * @param string|array $fields one or more fields to check for * acceptable values * @param string|array $values one or more acceptable values/patterns * @param string|array $options optional - one or more filtering options * @return bool true if the model passes filter; false otherwise */ protected function passesFilter($model, $fields, $values, $options) { $fields = is_array($fields) ? array_intersect($fields, $model->getFields()) : $model->getFields(); $matches = array(); $matchAll = in_array(static::FILTER_MATCH_ALL, $options, true); foreach ($fields as $field) { $value = $model->get($field); foreach ($values as $filter) { if ($this->valueMatches($value, $filter, $options)) { $matches[$filter] = true; // exit if we have satisfied match. if (!$matchAll || count($matches) == count($values)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Evaluate if value matches given filter with respect to options. * * @param string $value the value to test against filter/pattern * @param string $filter the filter/pattern to match against * @param array $options filter options * @return bool true if the value matches the filter. */ protected function valueMatches($value, $filter, $options) { // array comparisons require FILTER_IMPLODE so we can convert to a string if (is_array($value) && in_array(static::FILTER_IMPLODE, $options, true)) { $value = static::implodeValue($value); } // evaluate matching against null if (is_null($filter)) { return is_null($value); } // evaluate only string, numeric, and boolean values if (!is_string($value) && !is_numeric($value) && !is_bool($value)) { return false; } $noCase = in_array(static::FILTER_NO_CASE, $options, true); // perform 'contains' comparison. if (in_array(static::FILTER_CONTAINS, $options, true)) { return false !== ($noCase ? stripos($value, $filter) : strpos($value, $filter)); } // perform 'starts with' comparison. if (in_array(static::FILTER_STARTS_WITH, $options, true)) { return 0 === ($noCase ? stripos($value, $filter) : strpos($value, $filter)); } // perform 'regex' comparison. if (in_array(static::FILTER_REGEX, $options, true)) { // make pattern case insensitive if no-case set. if ($noCase) { $filter .= 'i'; } return preg_match($filter, $value); } // default literal/exact comparison. return 0 === ($noCase ? strcasecmp($value, $filter) : strcmp($value, $filter)); } /** * Return the appropriate comparison function to use * for the given sort options. * * @param array $options sort options @see sortBy() * @return mixed a callable comparison function. */ protected function getSortComparator($options) { // ensure options are in an expected format. $options = $this->normalizeSortOptions($options); // select the comparison function to use based on flags given. if ($options[static::SORT_FIXED]) { $order = array_flip((array) $options[static::SORT_FIXED]); $comparator = function ($a, $b) use ($order) { $c = isset($order[$a]) ? $order[$a] : PHP_INT_MAX; $d = isset($order[$b]) ? $order[$b] : PHP_INT_MAX; // fall back to default comparison if not all values specified if ($c === PHP_INT_MAX and $d === PHP_INT_MAX) { return strcmp($a, $b); } return $c - $d; }; } elseif ($options[static::SORT_NUMERIC]) { $comparator = function ($a, $b) { // for float numbers comparison. // round() function does not work here since round(-0.01) = -0, // but array.sort() expects -1. $c = $a - $b; if ($c < 0) { return -1; } elseif ($c > 0) { return 1; } return 0; }; } elseif ($options[static::SORT_NATURAL] && $options[static::SORT_NO_CASE]) { $comparator = 'strnatcasecmp'; } elseif ($options[static::SORT_NATURAL]) { $comparator = 'strnatcmp'; } elseif ($options[static::SORT_NO_CASE]) { $comparator = 'strcasecmp'; } else { $comparator = 'strcmp'; } // optionally reverse the sort order by // inverting result of comparison function. if ($options[static::SORT_DESCENDING]) { return function ($a, $b) use ($comparator) { return call_user_func($comparator, $b, $a); }; } return $comparator; } /** * Normalize sort options to ensure consistent structure * and to catch invalid/malformed options. * * @param array $options sort options @see sortBy() * @return array the normalized options array. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if invalid/malformed options are found. */ protected function normalizeSortOptions(array $options) { // ensure options are specified as option => value // instead of having the option name as the value // (value can be true/false or an array in the case // of sort fixed). $validSortOptions = $this->getValidSortOptions(); $normalizedOptions = array_fill_keys($validSortOptions, false); foreach ($options as $key => $value) { // check if the key is a valid sort option. // if not, the value must be the sort option // otherwise, it's invalid. if (in_array($key, $validSortOptions, true)) { $normalizedOptions[$key] = $value; } elseif (in_array($value, $validSortOptions, true)) { $normalizedOptions[$value] = true; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( "Unexpected sort option(s) encountered." ); } } return $normalizedOptions; } /** * Get a list of the available sorting options. * * @return array all valid sort options. */ protected function getValidSortOptions() { return array( static::SORT_ALPHA, static::SORT_ASCENDING, static::SORT_DESCENDING, static::SORT_FIXED, static::SORT_NATURAL, static::SORT_NO_CASE, static::SORT_NUMERIC ); } }