'%1$s', self::SELECT => array( 'SELECT %1$s FROM %2$s' => array( array(1 => '%1$s', 2 => '%1$s AS %2$s', 'combinedby' => ', '), null ), 'SELECT %1$s %2$s FROM %3$s' => array( null, array(1 => '%1$s', 2 => '%1$s AS %2$s', 'combinedby' => ', '), null ), ), self::JOINS => array( '%1$s' => array( array(3 => '%1$s JOIN %2$s ON %3$s', 'combinedby' => ' ') ) ), self::WHERE => 'WHERE %1$s', self::GROUP => array( 'GROUP BY %1$s' => array( array(1 => '%1$s', 'combinedby' => ', ') ) ), self::HAVING => 'HAVING %1$s', self::ORDER => array( 'ORDER BY %1$s' => array( array(1 => '%1$s', 2 => '%1$s %2$s', 'combinedby' => ', ') ) ), self::LIMIT => 'LIMIT %1$s', self::OFFSET => 'OFFSET %1$s', 'statementEnd' => '%1$s', self::COMBINE => '%1$s ( %2$s )', ); /** * @var bool */ protected $tableReadOnly = false; /** * @var bool */ protected $prefixColumnsWithTable = true; /** * @var string|array|TableIdentifier */ protected $table = null; /** * @var null|string|Expression */ protected $quantifier = null; /** * @var array */ protected $columns = array(self::SQL_STAR); /** * @var array */ protected $joins = array(); /** * @var Where */ protected $where = null; /** * @var array */ protected $order = array(); /** * @var null|array */ protected $group = null; /** * @var null|string|array */ protected $having = null; /** * @var int|null */ protected $limit = null; /** * @var int|null */ protected $offset = null; /** * @var array */ protected $combine = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param null|string|array|TableIdentifier $table */ public function __construct($table = null) { if ($table) { $this->from($table); $this->tableReadOnly = true; } $this->where = new Where; $this->having = new Having; } /** * Create from clause * * @param string|array|TableIdentifier $table * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Select */ public function from($table) { if ($this->tableReadOnly) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Since this object was created with a table and/or schema in the constructor, it is read only.'); } if (!is_string($table) && !is_array($table) && !$table instanceof TableIdentifier) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('$table must be a string, array, or an instance of TableIdentifier'); } if (is_array($table) && (!is_string(key($table)) || count($table) !== 1)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('from() expects $table as an array is a single element associative array'); } $this->table = $table; return $this; } /** * @param string|Expression $quantifier DISTINCT|ALL * @return Select */ public function quantifier($quantifier) { if (!is_string($quantifier) && !$quantifier instanceof Expression) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Quantifier must be one of DISTINCT, ALL, or some platform specific Expression object' ); } $this->quantifier = $quantifier; return $this; } /** * Specify columns from which to select * * Possible valid states: * * array(*) * * array(value, ...) * value can be strings or Expression objects * * array(string => value, ...) * key string will be use as alias, * value can be string or Expression objects * * @param array $columns * @param bool $prefixColumnsWithTable * @return Select */ public function columns(array $columns, $prefixColumnsWithTable = true) { $this->columns = $columns; $this->prefixColumnsWithTable = (bool) $prefixColumnsWithTable; return $this; } /** * Create join clause * * @param string|array $name * @param string $on * @param string|array $columns * @param string $type one of the JOIN_* constants * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Select */ public function join($name, $on, $columns = self::SQL_STAR, $type = self::JOIN_INNER) { if (is_array($name) && (!is_string(key($name)) || count($name) !== 1)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( sprintf("join() expects '%s' as an array is a single element associative array", array_shift($name)) ); } if (!is_array($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); } $this->joins[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'on' => $on, 'columns' => $columns, 'type' => $type ); return $this; } /** * Create where clause * * @param Where|\Closure|string|array|Predicate\PredicateInterface $predicate * @param string $combination One of the OP_* constants from Predicate\PredicateSet * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return Select */ public function where($predicate, $combination = Predicate\PredicateSet::OP_AND) { if ($predicate instanceof Where) { $this->where = $predicate; } elseif ($predicate instanceof Predicate\PredicateInterface) { $this->where->addPredicate($predicate, $combination); } elseif ($predicate instanceof \Closure) { $predicate($this->where); } else { if (is_string($predicate)) { // String $predicate should be passed as an expression $predicate = (strpos($predicate, Expression::PLACEHOLDER) !== false) ? new Predicate\Expression($predicate) : new Predicate\Literal($predicate); $this->where->addPredicate($predicate, $combination); } elseif (is_array($predicate)) { foreach ($predicate as $pkey => $pvalue) { // loop through predicates if (is_string($pkey) && strpos($pkey, '?') !== false) { // First, process strings that the abstraction replacement character ? // as an Expression predicate $predicate = new Predicate\Expression($pkey, $pvalue); } elseif (is_string($pkey)) { // Otherwise, if still a string, do something intelligent with the PHP type provided if ($pvalue === null) { // map PHP null to SQL IS NULL expression $predicate = new Predicate\IsNull($pkey, $pvalue); } elseif (is_array($pvalue)) { // if the value is an array, assume IN() is desired $predicate = new Predicate\In($pkey, $pvalue); } elseif ($pvalue instanceof Predicate\PredicateInterface) { // throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Using Predicate must not use string keys' ); } else { // otherwise assume that array('foo' => 'bar') means "foo" = 'bar' $predicate = new Predicate\Operator($pkey, Predicate\Operator::OP_EQ, $pvalue); } } elseif ($pvalue instanceof Predicate\PredicateInterface) { // Predicate type is ok $predicate = $pvalue; } else { // must be an array of expressions (with int-indexed array) $predicate = (strpos($pvalue, Expression::PLACEHOLDER) !== false) ? new Predicate\Expression($pvalue) : new Predicate\Literal($pvalue); } $this->where->addPredicate($predicate, $combination); } } } return $this; } public function group($group) { if (is_array($group)) { foreach ($group as $o) { $this->group[] = $o; } } else { $this->group[] = $group; } return $this; } /** * Create where clause * * @param Where|\Closure|string|array $predicate * @param string $combination One of the OP_* constants from Predicate\PredicateSet * @return Select */ public function having($predicate, $combination = Predicate\PredicateSet::OP_AND) { if ($predicate instanceof Having) { $this->having = $predicate; } elseif ($predicate instanceof \Closure) { $predicate($this->having); } else { if (is_string($predicate)) { $predicate = new Predicate\Expression($predicate); $this->having->addPredicate($predicate, $combination); } elseif (is_array($predicate)) { foreach ($predicate as $pkey => $pvalue) { if (is_string($pkey) && strpos($pkey, '?') !== false) { $predicate = new Predicate\Expression($pkey, $pvalue); } elseif (is_string($pkey)) { $predicate = new Predicate\Operator($pkey, Predicate\Operator::OP_EQ, $pvalue); } else { $predicate = new Predicate\Expression($pvalue); } $this->having->addPredicate($predicate, $combination); } } } return $this; } /** * @param string|array $order * @return Select */ public function order($order) { if (is_string($order)) { if (strpos($order, ',') !== false) { $order = preg_split('#,\s+#', $order); } else { $order = (array) $order; } } elseif (!is_array($order)) { $order = array($order); } foreach ($order as $k => $v) { if (is_string($k)) { $this->order[$k] = $v; } else { $this->order[] = $v; } } return $this; } /** * @param int $limit * @return Select */ public function limit($limit) { if (!is_numeric($limit)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s expects parameter to be numeric, "%s" given', __METHOD__, (is_object($limit) ? get_class($limit) : gettype($limit)) )); } $this->limit = $limit; return $this; } /** * @param int $offset * @return Select */ public function offset($offset) { if (!is_numeric($offset)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( '%s expects parameter to be numeric, "%s" given', __METHOD__, (is_object($offset) ? get_class($offset) : gettype($offset)) )); } $this->offset = $offset; return $this; } /** * @param Select $select * @param string $type * @param string $modifier * @return Select * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function combine(Select $select, $type = self::COMBINE_UNION, $modifier = '') { if ($this->combine !== array()) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('This Select object is already combined and cannot be combined with multiple Selects objects'); } $this->combine = array( 'select' => $select, 'type' => $type, 'modifier' => $modifier ); return $this; } /** * @param string $part * @return Select * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public function reset($part) { switch ($part) { case self::TABLE: if ($this->tableReadOnly) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException( 'Since this object was created with a table and/or schema in the constructor, it is read only.' ); } $this->table = null; break; case self::QUANTIFIER: $this->quantifier = null; break; case self::COLUMNS: $this->columns = array(); break; case self::JOINS: $this->joins = array(); break; case self::WHERE: $this->where = new Where; break; case self::GROUP: $this->group = null; break; case self::HAVING: $this->having = new Having; break; case self::LIMIT: $this->limit = null; break; case self::OFFSET: $this->offset = null; break; case self::ORDER: $this->order = array(); break; case self::COMBINE: $this->combine = array(); break; } return $this; } public function setSpecification($index, $specification) { if (!method_exists($this, 'process' . $index)) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Not a valid specification name.'); } $this->specifications[$index] = $specification; return $this; } public function getRawState($key = null) { $rawState = array( self::TABLE => $this->table, self::QUANTIFIER => $this->quantifier, self::COLUMNS => $this->columns, self::JOINS => $this->joins, self::WHERE => $this->where, self::ORDER => $this->order, self::GROUP => $this->group, self::HAVING => $this->having, self::LIMIT => $this->limit, self::OFFSET => $this->offset, self::COMBINE => $this->combine ); return (isset($key) && array_key_exists($key, $rawState)) ? $rawState[$key] : $rawState; } /** * Prepare statement * * @param AdapterInterface $adapter * @param StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer * @return void */ public function prepareStatement(AdapterInterface $adapter, StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer) { // ensure statement has a ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = $statementContainer->getParameterContainer(); if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) { $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer(); $statementContainer->setParameterContainer($parameterContainer); } $sqls = array(); $parameters = array(); $platform = $adapter->getPlatform(); $driver = $adapter->getDriver(); foreach ($this->specifications as $name => $specification) { $parameters[$name] = $this->{'process' . $name}($platform, $driver, $parameterContainer, $sqls, $parameters); if ($specification && is_array($parameters[$name])) { $sqls[$name] = $this->createSqlFromSpecificationAndParameters($specification, $parameters[$name]); } } $sql = implode(' ', $sqls); $statementContainer->setSql($sql); return; } /** * Get SQL string for statement * * @param null|PlatformInterface $adapterPlatform If null, defaults to Sql92 * @return string */ public function getSqlString(PlatformInterface $adapterPlatform = null) { // get platform, or create default $adapterPlatform = ($adapterPlatform) ?: new AdapterSql92Platform; $sqls = array(); $parameters = array(); foreach ($this->specifications as $name => $specification) { $parameters[$name] = $this->{'process' . $name}($adapterPlatform, null, null, $sqls, $parameters); if ($specification && is_array($parameters[$name])) { $sqls[$name] = $this->createSqlFromSpecificationAndParameters($specification, $parameters[$name]); } } $sql = implode(' ', $sqls); return $sql; } /** * Returns whether the table is read only or not. * * @return bool */ public function isTableReadOnly() { return $this->tableReadOnly; } /** * Render table with alias in from/join parts * * @todo move TableIdentifier concatination here * @param string $table * @param string $alias * @return string */ protected function renderTable($table, $alias = null) { $sql = $table; if ($alias) { $sql .= ' AS ' . $alias; } return $sql; } protected function processStatementStart(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->combine !== array()) { return array('('); } } protected function processStatementEnd(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->combine !== array()) { return array(')'); } } /** * Process the select part * * @param PlatformInterface $platform * @param DriverInterface $driver * @param ParameterContainer $parameterContainer * @return null|array */ protected function processSelect(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { $expr = 1; if (!$this->table) { return null; } $table = $this->table; $schema = $alias = null; if (is_array($table)) { $alias = key($this->table); $table = current($this->table); } // create quoted table name to use in columns processing if ($table instanceof TableIdentifier) { list($table, $schema) = $table->getTableAndSchema(); } if ($table instanceof Select) { $table = '(' . $this->processSubselect($table, $platform, $driver, $parameterContainer) . ')'; } else { $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($table); } if ($schema) { $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($schema) . $platform->getIdentifierSeparator() . $table; } if ($alias) { $fromTable = $platform->quoteIdentifier($alias); $table = $this->renderTable($table, $fromTable); } else { $fromTable = $table; } if ($this->prefixColumnsWithTable) { $fromTable .= $platform->getIdentifierSeparator(); } else { $fromTable = ''; } // process table columns $columns = array(); foreach ($this->columns as $columnIndexOrAs => $column) { $columnName = ''; if ($column === self::SQL_STAR) { $columns[] = array($fromTable . self::SQL_STAR); continue; } if ($column instanceof Expression) { $columnParts = $this->processExpression( $column, $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . ((is_string($columnIndexOrAs)) ? $columnIndexOrAs : 'column') ); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($columnParts->getParameterContainer()); } $columnName .= $columnParts->getSql(); } else { $columnName .= $fromTable . $platform->quoteIdentifier($column); } // process As portion if (is_string($columnIndexOrAs)) { $columnAs = $platform->quoteIdentifier($columnIndexOrAs); } elseif (stripos($columnName, ' as ') === false) { $columnAs = (is_string($column)) ? $platform->quoteIdentifier($column) : 'Expression' . $expr++; } $columns[] = (isset($columnAs)) ? array($columnName, $columnAs) : array($columnName); } $separator = $platform->getIdentifierSeparator(); // process join columns foreach ($this->joins as $join) { foreach ($join['columns'] as $jKey => $jColumn) { $jColumns = array(); if ($jColumn instanceof ExpressionInterface) { $jColumnParts = $this->processExpression( $jColumn, $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . ((is_string($jKey)) ? $jKey : 'column') ); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($jColumnParts->getParameterContainer()); } $jColumns[] = $jColumnParts->getSql(); } else { $name = (is_array($join['name'])) ? key($join['name']) : $name = $join['name']; if ($name instanceof TableIdentifier) { $name = $platform->quoteIdentifier($name->getSchema()) . $separator . $platform->quoteIdentifier($name->getTable()); } else { $name = $platform->quoteIdentifier($name); } $jColumns[] = $name . $separator . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($jColumn); } if (is_string($jKey)) { $jColumns[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($jKey); } elseif ($jColumn !== self::SQL_STAR) { $jColumns[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($jColumn); } $columns[] = $jColumns; } } if ($this->quantifier) { if ($this->quantifier instanceof Expression) { $quantifierParts = $this->processExpression($this->quantifier, $platform, $driver, 'quantifier'); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($quantifierParts->getParameterContainer()); } $quantifier = $quantifierParts->getSql(); } else { $quantifier = $this->quantifier; } } if (isset($quantifier)) { return array($quantifier, $columns, $table); } else { return array($columns, $table); } } protected function processJoins(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if (!$this->joins) { return null; } // process joins $joinSpecArgArray = array(); foreach ($this->joins as $j => $join) { $joinSpecArgArray[$j] = array(); $joinName = null; $joinAs = null; // type $joinSpecArgArray[$j][] = strtoupper($join['type']); // table name if (is_array($join['name'])) { $joinName = current($join['name']); $joinAs = $platform->quoteIdentifier(key($join['name'])); } else { $joinName = $join['name']; } if ($joinName instanceof TableIdentifier) { $joinName = $joinName->getTableAndSchema(); $joinName = $platform->quoteIdentifier($joinName[1]) . $platform->getIdentifierSeparator() . $platform->quoteIdentifier($joinName[0]); } else { if ($joinName instanceof Select) { $joinName = '(' . $joinName->processSubSelect($joinName, $platform, $driver, $parameterContainer) . ')'; } else { $joinName = $platform->quoteIdentifier($joinName); } } $joinSpecArgArray[$j][] = (isset($joinAs)) ? $joinName . ' AS ' . $joinAs : $joinName; // on expression // note: for Expression objects, pass them to processExpression with a prefix specific to each join (used for named parameters) $joinSpecArgArray[$j][] = ($join['on'] instanceof ExpressionInterface) ? $this->processExpression($join['on'], $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . 'join' . ($j+1) . 'part') : $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($join['on'], array('=', 'AND', 'OR', '(', ')', 'BETWEEN', '<', '>')); // on if ($joinSpecArgArray[$j][2] instanceof StatementContainerInterface) { if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($joinSpecArgArray[$j][2]->getParameterContainer()); } $joinSpecArgArray[$j][2] = $joinSpecArgArray[$j][2]->getSql(); } } return array($joinSpecArgArray); } protected function processWhere(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->where->count() == 0) { return null; } $whereParts = $this->processExpression($this->where, $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . 'where'); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($whereParts->getParameterContainer()); } return array($whereParts->getSql()); } protected function processGroup(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->group === null) { return null; } // process table columns $groups = array(); foreach ($this->group as $column) { $columnSql = ''; if ($column instanceof Expression) { $columnParts = $this->processExpression($column, $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . 'group'); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($columnParts->getParameterContainer()); } $columnSql .= $columnParts->getSql(); } else { $columnSql .= $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($column); } $groups[] = $columnSql; } return array($groups); } protected function processHaving(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->having->count() == 0) { return null; } $whereParts = $this->processExpression($this->having, $platform, $driver, $this->processInfo['paramPrefix'] . 'having'); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($whereParts->getParameterContainer()); } return array($whereParts->getSql()); } protected function processOrder(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if (empty($this->order)) { return null; } $orders = array(); foreach ($this->order as $k => $v) { if ($v instanceof Expression) { /** @var $orderParts \Zend\Db\Adapter\StatementContainer */ $orderParts = $this->processExpression($v, $platform, $driver); if ($parameterContainer) { $parameterContainer->merge($orderParts->getParameterContainer()); } $orders[] = array($orderParts->getSql()); continue; } if (is_int($k)) { if (strpos($v, ' ') !== false) { list($k, $v) = preg_split('# #', $v, 2); } else { $k = $v; $v = self::ORDER_ASCENDING; } } if (strtoupper($v) == self::ORDER_DESCENDING) { $orders[] = array($platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($k), self::ORDER_DESCENDING); } else { $orders[] = array($platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($k), self::ORDER_ASCENDING); } } return array($orders); } protected function processLimit(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->limit === null) { return null; } $limit = (int) $this->limit; if ($driver) { $sql = $driver->formatParameterName('limit'); $parameterContainer->offsetSet('limit', $limit, ParameterContainer::TYPE_INTEGER); } else { $sql = $platform->quoteValue($limit); } return array($sql); } protected function processOffset(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->offset === null) { return null; } $offset = (int) $this->offset; if ($driver) { $parameterContainer->offsetSet('offset', $offset, ParameterContainer::TYPE_INTEGER); return array($driver->formatParameterName('offset')); } return array($platform->quoteValue($offset)); } protected function processCombine(PlatformInterface $platform, DriverInterface $driver = null, ParameterContainer $parameterContainer = null) { if ($this->combine == array()) { return null; } $type = $this->combine['type']; if ($this->combine['modifier']) { $type .= ' ' . $this->combine['modifier']; } $type = strtoupper($type); if ($driver) { $sql = $this->processSubSelect($this->combine['select'], $platform, $driver, $parameterContainer); return array($type, $sql); } return array( $type, $this->processSubSelect($this->combine['select'], $platform) ); } /** * Variable overloading * * @param string $name * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @return mixed */ public function __get($name) { switch (strtolower($name)) { case 'where': return $this->where; case 'having': return $this->having; default: throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Not a valid magic property for this object'); } } /** * __clone * * Resets the where object each time the Select is cloned. * * @return void */ public function __clone() { $this->where = clone $this->where; $this->having = clone $this->having; } }