/ */ namespace Jira; use Application\Filter\Linkify; use Jira\Model\Linkage; use P4\Spec\Change; use P4\Spec\Definition; use P4\Spec\Exception\NotFoundException as SpecNotFoundException; use P4\Spec\Job; use Record\Exception\NotFoundException; use Reviews\Model\Review; use Zend\Http\Client as HttpClient; use Zend\Json\Json; use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent; use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface as ServiceLocator; class Module { /** * The JIRA module performs a few tasks assuming it has configuration data available. * * On worker 1 startup (so every ~10 minutes) we cache a copy of all valid JIRA project * ids by querying the JIRA server's 'project' route. This data is used for the later * work described below. * * Whenever text is linkified we link any JIRA issues that appear. * * When reviews are added/updated we ensure all JIRA issues they reference either in * their description or via associated jobs have links back to the review and that the * links labels have the current review status. * * When changes are committed we ensure all JIRA issues they reference either in * their description or via associated jobs have links back to the change in Swarm. * * @param MvcEvent $event the bootstrap event * @return void */ public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $event) { $services = $event->getApplication()->getServiceManager(); $events = $services->get('queue')->getEventManager(); $config = $this->getJiraConfig($services); $projects = $this->getProjects(); $module = $this; // bail out if we lack a host, we won't be able to do anything if (!$config['host']) { return; } // add the linkify callback if we have projects defined if ($projects) { // prepare a regex based on the configured projects then register with the linkifier $host = $config['host']; $regex = "/^@?(?P(?:" . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $projects)) . ")-[0-9]+)('s)?$/"; Linkify::addCallback( function ($value, $escaper) use ($regex, $host) { // if it looks like a jira issue for a known project linkify if (preg_match($regex, $value, $matches)) { return '' . $escaper->escapeHtml($value) . ''; } // not a hit; tell caller we didn't handle this one return false; }, 'jira', min(array_map('strlen', $projects)) + 2 ); } // connect to worker 1 startup to refresh our cache of jira project ids $events->attach( 'worker.startup', function ($event) use ($services, $module) { // only run for the first worker. if ($event->getParam('slot') !== 1) { return; } // attempt to request the list of projects, if the request fails keep // whatever list we have though as something is better than nothing. $cacheDir = $module->getCacheDir(); $result = $module->doRequest('get', 'project', null, $services); if ($result !== false) { $projects = array(); foreach ((array) $result as $project) { if (isset($project['key'])) { $projects[] = $project['key']; } } file_put_contents($cacheDir . '/projects', Json::encode($projects)); } }, -300 ); // the remaining work requires either project ids or a defined job field to // have any shot at functioning; if that isn't the case bail early. if (!$projects && !$config['job_field']) { return; } // when a job task flies by it may represent the job being added to or removed // from a change or review. fetch associated changes and ensure they are linked $events->attach( array('task.job'), function ($event) use ($services, $module) { $p4Admin = $services->get('p4_admin'); $job = $event->getParam('job'); // if we don't have a job; nothing to do if (!$job instanceof Job) { return; } // figure out the changes that are, or were, impacted by this job $linkages = Linkage::fetchAll(array(Linkage::FETCH_BY_JOB => $job->getId()), $p4Admin); $ids = array_merge($linkages->invoke('getId'), $job->getChanges()); // fetch any items that represent submitted changes or represent reviews // note, we only deal with JIRA links for committed changes and reviews $changes = Change::fetchAll( array(Change::FETCH_BY_IDS => $ids, Change::FETCH_BY_STATUS => Change::SUBMITTED_CHANGE), $p4Admin ); $reviews = Review::fetchAll( array(Review::FETCH_BY_IDS => array_diff($ids, $changes->invoke('getId'))), $p4Admin ); // for each change/review we found, update the JIRA links foreach ($changes->merge($reviews) as $item) { try { $module->updateIssueLinks($item, $services); } catch (\Exception $e) { $services->get('logger')->err($e); } } }, -300 ); // when a change is submitted or updated, find any associated JIRA issues; // either via associated jobs or callouts in the description, and ensure // the JIRA issues link back to the change in Swarm. $events->attach( array('task.commit', 'task.change'), function ($event) use ($services, $module) { // task.change doesn't include the change object; fetch it if we need to $change = $event->getParam('change'); if (!$change instanceof Change) { try { $change = Change::fetch($event->getParam('id'), $services->get('p4_admin')); $event->setParam('change', $change); } catch (SpecNotFoundException $e) { } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { } } // if this isn't a submitted change; nothing to do if (!$change instanceof Change || !$change->isSubmitted()) { return; } try { $module->updateIssueLinks($change, $services); } catch (\Exception $e) { $services->get('logger')->err($e); } }, -300 ); // when a review is created or updated, find any associated JIRA issues; // either via associated jobs or callouts in the description, and ensure // the JIRA issues link back to the review in Swarm. $events->attach( 'task.review', function ($event) use ($services, $module) { $review = $event->getParam('review'); if (!$review instanceof Review) { return; } try { // update any associated issues $module->updateIssueLinks($review, $services); } catch (\Exception $e) { $services->get('logger')->err($e); } }, -300 ); } /** * This method figures out which JIRA issues are involved with the passed review or * change either via mentions in the description or associated jobs and updates them: * - JIRA issues that are no longer associated have their Swarm links deleted. * - JIRA issues that are new have Swarm links added. * - If the link title or summary has changed, any old JIRA issue links are updated. * * @param Change|Review $item the change or review we're linking to * @param ServiceLocator $services the service locator */ public function updateIssueLinks($item, ServiceLocator $services) { $p4Admin = $services->get('p4_admin'); $qualifiedUrl = $services->get('viewhelpermanager')->get('qualifiedUrl'); $truncate = $services->get('ViewHelperManager')->get('truncate'); $icon = $qualifiedUrl() . '/favicon.ico'; $summary = (string) $truncate($item->getDescription(), 80); $linkedIssues = $this->getLinkedJobIssues($item->getId(), $services); $callouts = $this->getJiraCallouts($item->getDescription(), $services); $issues = array_merge($linkedIssues, $callouts); $issues = array_values(array_unique(array_filter($issues, 'strlen'))); sort($issues); // get the linkage details for this issue; creating a new record if needed try { $linkage = Linkage::fetch($item->getId(), $p4Admin); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $linkage = new Linkage($p4Admin); $linkage->setId($item->getId()); } // the title, URL and jira global id vary by type (review/change); figure that out if ($item instanceof Review) { $title = 'Review ' . $item->getId() . ' - ' . $item->getStateLabel() . ', '; $title .= $item->isCommitted() ? 'Committed' : 'Not Committed'; $url = $qualifiedUrl('review', array('review' => $item->getId())); $jiraId = 'swarm-review-' . md5(serialize(array('review' => $item->getId()))); // if this is a legacy record where the JIRA state is stored on the // review upgrade that data to being stored in the linkage record if ($item->get('jira')) { $old = $item->get('jira') + array('label', 'issues'); $linkage->set('title', $old['label']) ->set('issues', $old['issues']); // strip the jira value off of the review so we don't do this again $item->unsetRawValue('jira')->save(); } } elseif ($item instanceof Change) { $title = 'Commit ' . $item->getId(); $url = $qualifiedUrl('change', array('change' => $item->getId())); $jiraId = 'swarm-change-' . md5(serialize(array('change' => $item->getId()))); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Update Issue Links expects a Change or Review'); } // pull out the 'old' issues/title/summary/jobs before we update the linkage $old = $linkage->get(); // record the new values before we start mucking with JIRA. this should help // ensure we don't get into a loop where we update JIRA, it tickles DTG which // updates jobs; round and round we go. $linkage->set('title', $title) ->set('jobs', array_keys($linkedIssues)) ->set('issues', $issues) ->set('summary', $summary) ->save(); // remove links from any issues which are no longer impacted $delete = array_diff($old['issues'], $issues); foreach ($delete as $issue) { $this->doRequest( 'delete', 'issue/' . $issue . '/remotelink', array('globalId' => $jiraId), $services ); } // time to deal with new/added issues // if the title and summary are unchanged; only add new issues. otherwise we add new // issues and update existing issues to match the new title/summary. $updates = $issues; if ($title == $old['title'] && $summary == $old['summary']) { $updates = array_diff($issues, $old['issues']); } foreach ($updates as $issue) { $this->doRequest( 'post', 'issue/' . $issue . '/remotelink', array( 'globalId' => $jiraId, 'object' => array( 'url' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'summary' => $summary, 'icon' => array( 'url16x16' => $icon, 'title' => 'Swarm' ) ) ), $services ); } } /** * Given a change or change id this method will find all associated perforce jobs * and return the list of JIRA issue ids that appear in the 'job_field'. * * @param string|int|Change $change the change to examine * @param ServiceLocator $services the service locator * @return array an array of JIRA issues keyed on associated job id */ public function getLinkedJobIssues($change, ServiceLocator $services) { $p4Admin = $services->get('p4_admin'); $config = $this->getJiraConfig($services); $jobField = $config['job_field']; $change = $change instanceof Change ? $change->getId() : $change; // nothing to do if no job field or job field isn't defined in our spec if (!$jobField || !Definition::fetch('job', $p4Admin)->hasField($jobField)) { return array(); } // determine the ids of affected jobs $jobs = $p4Admin->run('fixes', array('-c', $change))->getData(); $ids = array(); foreach ($jobs as $job) { $ids[] = $job['Job']; } // fetch the jobs and collect the issues; keyed by job id $issues = array(); $jobs = Job::fetchAll(array(Job::FETCH_BY_IDS => $ids), $p4Admin); foreach ($jobs as $job) { $issues[$job->getId()] = $job->get($jobField); } // return the trimmed non-empty values return array_filter(array_map('trim', $issues), 'strlen'); } /** * Given a string of text, this method will try and locate any JIRA issue * ids that are present either raw e.g. SW-123, at prefixed e.g. @SW-123 * or listed in a full url e.g. http:///browse/SW-123. * * @param string $value the text to examine for JIRA issue ids * @param ServiceLocator $services the service locator * @return array an array of unique JIRA issue ids referenced in the passed text */ public function getJiraCallouts($value, ServiceLocator $services) { $config = $this->getJiraConfig($services); $url = $config['host'] ? $config['host'] . '/browse/' : false; $trimPattern = '/^[”’"\'(<{\[]*@?(.+?)[.”’"\'\,!?:;)>}\]]*$/'; $projects = array_map('preg_quote', $this->getProjects()); $calloutPattern = "/^(?:" . implode('|', $projects) . ")-[0-9]+$/"; $words = preg_split('/(\s+)/', $value); $callouts = array(); foreach ($words as $word) { if (!strlen($word)) { continue; } // strip the leading/trailing punctuation from the actual word preg_match($trimPattern, $word, $matches); $word = $matches[1]; // if it looks like a full JIRA url strip it down to just the potential issue id if ($url && stripos($word, $url) === 0) { $word = rtrim(substr($word, strlen($url)), '/'); } // if the trimmed word isn't empty, matches our pattern and we haven't // seen before it counts towards callouts. if (strlen($word) && preg_match($calloutPattern, $word) && !in_array($word, $callouts)) { $callouts[] = $word; } } return $callouts; } /** * Convenience function to ease RESTful interaction with the JIRA service. * * @param string $method one of get, post, delete * @param string $resource the resource e.g. 'project' or 'issue//remoteLinks' * @param mixed $data get/post data to include on the request or null/false for none * @param ServiceLocator $services the service locator * @return mixed the response or false if request fails */ public function doRequest($method, $resource, $data, ServiceLocator $services) { // we commonly do a number of requests and don't want one failure to bork them all, // if anything goes wrong just log it try { // setup the client and request details $config = $this->getJiraConfig($services); $url = $config['host'] . '/rest/api/latest/' . $resource; $client = new HttpClient; $client->setUri($url) ->setHeaders(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json')) ->setMethod($method); // set the http client options; including any special overrides for our host $options = $services->get('config') + array('http_client_options' => array()); $options = (array) $options['http_client_options']; if (isset($options['hosts'][$client->getUri()->getHost()])) { $options = (array) $options['hosts'][$client->getUri()->getHost()] + $options; } unset($options['hosts']); $client->setOptions($options); if ($method == 'post') { $client->setRawBody(Json::encode($data)); } else { $client->setParameterGet((array) $data); } if ($config['user']) { $client->setAuth($config['user'], $config['password']); } // attempt the request and log any errors $services->get('logger')->info('JIRA making ' . $method . ' request to resource: ' . $url, (array) $data); $response = $client->dispatch($client->getRequest()); if (!$response->isSuccess()) { $services->get('logger')->err( 'JIRA failed to ' . $method . ' resource: ' . $url . ' (' . $response->getStatusCode() . " - " . $response->getReasonPhrase() . ').', array( 'request' => $client->getLastRawRequest(), 'response' => $client->getLastRawResponse() ) ); return false; } // looks like it worked, return the result return json_decode($response->getBody(), true); } catch (\Exception $e) { $services->get('logger')->err($e); } return false; } /** * Get the project ids that are defined in JIRA from cache. * * @return array array of project ids in JIRA, empty array if cache is missing/empty */ public function getProjects() { $file = DATA_PATH . '/cache/jira/projects'; if (!file_exists($file)) { return array(); } return (array) json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true); } /** * Get the path to write cache entries to. Ensures directory is writable. * * @return string the cache directory to write to * @throws \RuntimeException if the directory cannot be created or made writable */ public function getCacheDir() { $dir = DATA_PATH . '/cache/jira'; if (!is_dir($dir)) { @mkdir($dir, 0700, true); } if (!is_writable($dir)) { @chmod($dir, 0700); } if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_writable($dir)) { throw new \RuntimeException( "Cannot write to cache directory ('" . $dir . "'). Check permissions." ); } return $dir; } /** * Normalize and return the JIRA portion of the system configuration. * * @param ServiceLocator $services service locator to get at the config details * @return array normalized JIRA config details */ public function getJiraConfig(ServiceLocator $services) { $config = $services->get('config'); $config = isset($config['jira']) ? $config['jira'] : array(); $config += array('host' => null, 'user' => null, 'password' => null, 'job_field' => null); $config['host'] = rtrim($config['host'], '/'); if ($config['host'] && strpos(strtolower($config['host']), 'http') !== 0) { $config['host'] = 'http://' . $config['host']; } return $config; } /** * The config defaults. * * @return array the default config for this module */ public function getConfig() { return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php'; } public function getAutoloaderConfig() { return array( 'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array( 'namespaces' => array( __NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__, ), ), ); } }