/ */ namespace P4Test\Spec; use P4Test\TestCase; use P4\Spec\Label; use P4\Spec\User; class LabelTest extends TestCase { /** * Test initial conditions. */ public function testInitialConditions() { $labels = Label::fetchAll(); $this->assertSame(0, count($labels), 'Expected labels at start.'); $this->assertFalse( Label::exists('foobar'), 'Expect bogus label to not exist.' ); $this->assertFalse( Label::exists(123), 'Expect invalid label to not exist.' ); } /** * Test a fresh in-memory Label object. */ public function testFreshObject() { $label = new Label; $this->assertSame( null, $label->getUpdateDateTime(), 'Expected update datetime' ); $this->assertSame( null, $label->getAccessDateTime(), 'Expected access datetime' ); } /** * Test accessors/mutators. */ public function testAccessorsMutators() { $label = new Label; $tests = array( 'Label' => 'zlabel', 'Owner' => 'bob', 'Description' => 'zdescription', 'Options' => 'zoptions', 'Revision' => 'zrevision', ); foreach ($tests as $key => $value) { $label->set($key, $value); $this->assertSame($value, $label->get($key), "Expected value for $key"); } $view = array('aview'); $label->set('View', $view); $this->assertSame( $view, $label->get('View'), 'Expected view.' ); } /** * Test setView. */ public function testSetView() { $badTypeError = "Each view entry must be a non-empty string."; $tests = array( array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': null', 'view' => null, 'error' => 'View must be passed as array.', ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': empty array', 'view' => array(), 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': array containing int', 'view' => array(12), 'error' => $badTypeError, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': array with string', 'view' => array('a string'), 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': array with strings', 'view' => array('a string', 'another string', "third 'entry'"), 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': array with empty array', 'view' => array(array()), 'error' => $badTypeError, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': array with good array + bad array', 'view' => array( '//test/path', array(), ), 'error' => $badTypeError, ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $title = $test['label']; $label = new Label; try { $label->setView($test['view']); if ($test['error']) { $this->fail("$title - unexpected success"); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($test['error']) { $this->assertSame( $test['error'], $e->getMessage(), "$title - Expected error message." ); } else { $this->fail("$title - unexpected argument exception."); } } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$title - Unexpected exception (". get_class($e) .") - ". $e->getMessage() ); } if (!$test['error']) { $expect = array_key_exists('expect', $test) ? $test['expect'] : $test['view']; $this->assertSame( $expect, $label->getView(), "$title - expected view after set" ); } } } /** * Test addView. */ public function testAddView() { $error = "Each view entry must be a non-empty string."; $tests = array( array( 'title' => __LINE__ .': int', 'view' => 12, 'error' => $error, ), array( 'title' => __LINE__ .': string', 'view' => 'a string', 'out' => array('a string'), 'error' => false, ), array( 'title' => __LINE__ .': empty string', 'view' => '', 'error' => $error, ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $title = $test['title']; $label = new Label; try { $label->addView($test['view']); if ($test['error']) { $this->fail("$title - unexpected success"); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($test['error']) { $this->assertSame( $test['error'], $e->getMessage(), 'Expected error message.' ); } else { $this->fail("$title - unexpected argument exception."); } } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$title - Unexpected exception (". get_class($e) .") - ". $e->getMessage() ); } if (!$test['error']) { $this->assertSame( $test['out'], $label->getView(), "$title - expected view after set" ); } } } /** * Test calling setOwner with a User */ public function testSetOwnerByObject() { $user = new User; $user->setId('user1'); $label = new Label; $label->setId('test')->setOwner($user); $this->assertSame( 'user1', $label->getOwner(), 'Expected matching owner' ); $label->save(); $this->assertSame( 'user1', $label->getOwner(), 'Expected matching owner post save' ); } /** * Test setId, setDescription, setOptions, setRevision */ public function testSetIdDescriptionOptionsOwnerRevision() { $tests = array( array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': null', 'value' => null, 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': empty string', 'value' => '', 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': string', 'value' => 'bob', 'error' => false, ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': integer', 'value' => 3, 'error' => true, ), ); $types = array( 'Id' => 'Cannot set id. Id is invalid.', 'Description' => "Description must be a string or null.", 'Options' => "Options must be a string or null.", 'Owner' => "Owner must be a string, P4\Spec\User or null.", 'Revision' => "Revision must be a string or null." ); foreach ($types as $type => $expectedError) { $setMethod = "set$type"; $getMethod = "get$type"; foreach ($tests as $test) { $title = $test['label'] ." ($type)"; $label = new Label; // id fails on empty string; adjust expectation here if ($type == 'Id' && preg_match('/empty string/', $title)) { $test['error'] = true; } try { $label->$setMethod($test['value']); if ($test['error']) { $this->fail("$title - unexpected success"); } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($test['error']) { $this->assertSame( $expectedError, $e->getMessage(), "$title - Expected error message." ); } else { $this->fail("$title - unexpected argument exception."); } } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { $this->fail($e->getMessage()); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( "$title - Unexpected exception (". get_class($e) .") - ". $e->getMessage() ); } if (!$test['error']) { $this->assertSame( $test['value'], $label->$getMethod(), "$title - expected $type after set" ); } } } } /** * Exercises the set revision function with quotes/hashes in it which could cause issue */ public function testSetRevisionWithHash() { $tests = array( array( 'value' => '#1', 'out' => '#1', ), array( 'value' => '\'#1', 'out' => '\'#1', ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $label = new Label; $label->setId('test'); $label->setRevision($test['value']); $this->assertSame( $test['out'], $label->getRevision(), 'Expected matching revision for input: '.$test['value'] ); $label->save(); $this->assertSame( $test['out'], Label::fetch('test')->getRevision(), 'Expected, post save, matching revision for input: '.$test['value'] ); } } /** * Test fetchAll filtered by Owner */ public function testFetchAllByOwner() { $label = new Label; $label->setId('test2-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-labelb')->setOwner('user2')->save(); $byOwner = Label::fetchAll(array(Label::FETCH_BY_OWNER => 'user1')); $this->assertSame( 2, count($byOwner), 'Expected matching number of results' ); $this->assertSame( 'test2-label', $byOwner->first()->getId(), 'Expected first result label to match' ); $this->assertSame( 'user1', $byOwner->first()->getOwner(), 'Expected first result user to match' ); $this->assertSame( 'test3-label', $byOwner->nth(1)->getId(), 'Expected second result label to match' ); $this->assertSame( 'user1', $byOwner->nth(1)->getOwner(), 'Expected second result user to match' ); // Verify invalid names causes error $tests = array( __LINE__ .' int' => 10, __LINE__ .' bool' => false ); foreach ($tests as $label => $value) { try { Label::fetchAll(array(Label::FETCH_BY_OWNER => $value)); $this->fail($label.': Expected filter to fail'); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { throw $e; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->assertSame( 'Filter by Owner expects a non-empty string as input', $e->getMessage(), $label.':Unexpected Exception message' ); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( $label.':Unexpected Exception ('. get_class($e) .'): '. $e->getMessage() ); } } } /** * Test fetchAll filtered by Name */ public function testFetchAllByName() { // 'test-label' will exist out of the gate; add a couple more to make it a real test. $label = new Label; $label->setId('test2-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-labelb')->setOwner('user2')->save(); $byOwner = Label::fetchAll(array(Label::FETCH_BY_NAME => 'test3-*')); $this->assertSame( 2, count($byOwner), 'Expected matching number of results' ); $this->assertSame( 'test3-label', $byOwner->first()->getId(), 'Expected first result label to match' ); $this->assertSame( 'test3-labelb', $byOwner->nth(1)->getId(), 'Expected second result label to match' ); // Verify invalid names causes error $tests = array( __LINE__ .' empty string' => "", __LINE__ .' bool' => false ); foreach ($tests as $label => $value) { try { Label::fetchAll(array(Label::FETCH_BY_NAME => $value)); $this->fail($label.': Expected filter to fail'); } catch (\PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError $e) { throw $e; } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->assertSame( 'Filter by Name expects a non-empty string as input', $e->getMessage(), $label.':Unexpected Exception message' ); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->fail( $label.':Unexpected Exception ('. get_class($e) .'): '. $e->getMessage() ); } } } /** * Test fetchAll filtered by Owner and filtered by Name */ public function testFetchAllByOwnerAndName() { // 'test-label' will exist out of the gate; add a couple more to make it a real test. $label = new Label; $label->setId('test2-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-label')->setOwner('user1')->save(); $label->setId('test3-labelb')->setOwner('user2')->save(); $byOwner = Label::fetchAll( array( Label::FETCH_BY_NAME => 'test3-*', Label::FETCH_BY_OWNER => 'user1' ) ); $this->assertSame( 1, count($byOwner), 'Expected matching number of results' ); $this->assertSame( 'test3-label', $byOwner->first()->getId(), 'Expected first result label to match' ); } }