#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use GD; use CGI; # replace with P4CGI, if using P4CGI/P4DB use strict; use Math::Trig; # ################################################################# # # P4 Branch Graphics # Original by tshort@cisco.com/tshort@ma.ultranet.com # ################################################################# # configurables (P4DB/P4CGI compatible names) my $FONT; # defaults to gdTinyFont if undefined # URLS for for doing diffs and such. # e.g. href="chv.vgi?CH=1234" my $CHANGELIST_URL = "chv.cgi"; # name of the CGI URL that views changes my $CHANGELIST_PARAM = "CH"; # name of the changelist parameter for the CGI script that views changes # e.g. href="fdv.vgi?FSCP=//depot/filename.c&REV=2&ACT=edit" my $DIFF_URL = "fdv.cgi"; # name of the CGI URL that does diffs my $DIFF_PARAM = "FSPC"; # name of the file parameter for the CGI script that does diffs my $DIFF_REV = "REV"; # name of the revision parameter for the CGI script that does diffs my $DIFF_ACTION = "ACT"; # name of the action parameter for the CGI script that does diffs # borrowed from P4CGI, if using P4DB/P4CGI, this can be cut out. $ENV{P4PORT} = "perforce:1666"; $ENV{P4USER} = "perforce"; my $P4 = "/usr/bin/p4"; my $CGI = new CGI; sub bail { my $message = shift @_ ; my $text = shift @_ ; print "", $CGI->header(), $CGI->start_html(-title => "Error in script", -bgcolor => "white"); $message = &fixSpecChar($message) ; print "

An error has occurred



" ; if(defined $text) { $text = &fixSpecChar($text) ; print "

\n" ; } ; print "

Parameters to script:
", $CGI->dump() ; print "
",$CGI->end_html() ; exit 1 ; } sub fixSpecChar($ ) { my $d = shift @_ ; return "" unless defined $d; $d =~ s/&/&/g ; # & -> & $d =~ s/\"/"/g;# " -> " $d =~ s/ < $d =~ s/>/>/g ; # > -> > return $d ; } sub p4call { my ( $par, @command ) = @_; my $partype = ref $par ; die("Called with illegal parameter ref: $partype") if $partype ne "ARRAY"; @$par = (); open( P4, "$P4 @command|" ) || bail( "p4 @command failed" ); while() { chomp; push @$par,$_; } close P4; return; } # end from P4CGI, the functions can be replaced with those equivalents # If using P4CGI/P4DB, add &P4CGI:: if needed to p4call and bail and fixSpecChar ####### # Parameters: # ###### $| = 1 ; # # Get parameter(s) # my $FSPC = $CGI->param("FSPC"); #P4CGI: my $FSPC = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC"); bail("No file specified") unless defined $FSPC ; my $TYPE = $CGI->param("TYPE"); #P4CGI: my $TYPE = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("TYPE"); $TYPE = "html" unless defined $TYPE; my @filelog; my %filerev; my %filename; my %fileuser; my %filechange; my %filefromfile; my %fileboxid; my %filecol; my %fileaction; my %filefromaction; my %otherfiles; my @boxids = (0); p4call(\@filelog,"filelog \"$FSPC\"") ; bail("No data for file \"$FSPC\"") if @filelog == 0; my $log; my $idx; my $boxid = 1; my $col = 1; $filecol{$FSPC} = $col; $col++; for ($log = shift @filelog; defined $log; $log = shift @filelog) { $_ = fixSpecChar($log) ; if (/^\.\.\. \#(\d+) \S+ (\d+) (\S+) on (\S+) by (\S*)@(\S*) (\S*)\s*'(.*)'/ ) { $idx = $FSPC . "\#" . $1; $filerev{$idx} = $1; $filename{$idx} = $FSPC; $fileuser{$idx} = $5; $filechange{$idx} = $2; $fileaction{$idx} = $3; $fileboxid{$idx} = $boxid; push(@boxids, $idx); $boxid++; } elsif (/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (copy|merge|delete|branch|edit) from ([^#]+)\#(\d+),\#(\d+)$/) { bail("no file?!?") unless defined $idx; $filefromfile{$idx} = $2 . "\#" . $4; $filefromaction{$idx} = $1; $otherfiles{$2} = 1; } elsif (/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (copy|merge|delete|branch|edit) from ([^#]+)\#(\d+)$/) { bail("no file?!?") unless defined $idx; $filefromfile{$idx} = $2 . "\#" . $3; $filefromaction{$idx} = $1; $otherfiles{$2} = 1; } elsif (/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (add|copy|merge|delete|branch|edit) into ([^#]+)\#(\d+)$/) { bail("no file?!?") unless defined $idx; $otherfiles{$2} = 1; } } my $file; my @otherfiles = keys(%otherfiles); for ($file = shift @otherfiles; defined $file; $file = shift @otherfiles) { p4call(\@filelog,"filelog \"$file\"") ; next if @filelog == 0; $filecol{$file} = $col; $col++; undef $idx; for ($log = shift @filelog; defined $log; $log = shift @filelog) { $_ = fixSpecChar($log) ; if (/^\.\.\. \#(\d+) \S+ (\d+) (\S+) on (\S+) by (\S*)@(\S*) (\S*)\s*'(.*)'/ ) { $idx = $file . "\#" . $1; $filerev{$idx} = $1; $filename{$idx} = $file; $fileuser{$idx} = $5; $filechange{$idx} = $2; $fileaction{$idx} = $3; $fileboxid{$idx} = $boxid; push(@boxids, $idx); $boxid++; } elsif (/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (copy|merge|delete|branch|edit) from ([^#]+)\#(\d+),\#(\d+)/) { bail("no file?!?") unless defined $idx; $filefromfile{$idx} = $2 . "\#" . $4; $filefromaction{$idx} = $1; } elsif (/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (copy|merge|delete|branch|edit) from ([^#]+)\#(\d+)/) { bail("no file?!?") unless defined $idx; $filefromfile{$idx} = $2 . "\#" . $3; $filefromaction{$idx} = $1; } } } # Now that we have the history of the main file, and any close files that are one branch away, # we need to figure out where the arrows are... my @arrows; my $i; for ($i = 1; defined $boxids[$i]; $i++) { $idx = $boxids[$i]; if (defined $filefromfile{$idx}) { my $file = $filefromfile{$idx}; my $action = $filefromaction{$idx} if defined $file; my $from = $fileboxid{$file} if defined $action; push(@arrows, "$action $from->$i") if defined $from; } } my @revarrows; for ($i = 1; defined $boxids[$i]; $i++) { $idx = $boxids[$i]; my $rev = $filerev{$idx} + 1; $file = $filename{$idx}; my $filespec = $file . "\#" . $rev; if (defined $fileboxid{$filespec}) { my $to = $fileboxid{$filespec}; push(@revarrows, "$i->$to") if defined $to; } } # determine height of each box based on change my @changes = sort { $a <=> $b } values %filechange; my $last = 0; my $height = 1; my %changetoheight; foreach (@changes) { next if ($_ == $last); $last = $_; $changetoheight{$last} = $height; $height++; } unless (defined $FONT) { if ($col < 8) # arbitrary cutoff { $FONT = gdMediumBoldFont; } elsif ($col < 12) # arbitrary cutoff { $FONT = gdSmallFont; } else { $FONT = gdTinyFont; } } # THESE SHOULD BE EVEN NUMBERS! my $BOXHEIGHT = $FONT->height * 2 + 6; my $BOXWIDTH = $FONT->width * 10; # for clXXXXXX with two spaces my $BOXVSPACE = $FONT->height * 2; my $BOXHSPACE = $BOXWIDTH / 2; # returns the centerpoint of the box sub boxtoxy { my $box = $_[0]; my $idx = $boxids[$box]; my $h = $changetoheight{$filechange{$idx}}; my $c = $filecol{$filename{$idx}}; my $x = (($BOXHSPACE + $BOXWIDTH) * $c) - ($BOXWIDTH / 2); my $y = (($BOXVSPACE + $BOXHEIGHT) * $h) - ($BOXHEIGHT / 2); return ($x, $y); } sub boxrect { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x -= $BOXWIDTH / 2; $y -= $BOXHEIGHT / 2; my $x1 = $x + $BOXWIDTH; my $y1 = $y + $BOXHEIGHT; return ($x, $y, $x1, $y1); } sub nwcorner { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x -= $BOXWIDTH / 2; $y -= $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub necorner { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x += $BOXWIDTH / 2; $y -= $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub swcorner { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x -= $BOXWIDTH / 2; $y += $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub secorner { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x += $BOXWIDTH / 2; $y += $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub centertop { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $y -= $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub centerbottom { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $y += $BOXHEIGHT / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub centerright { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x += $BOXWIDTH / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub centerleft { my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($_[0]); $x -= $BOXWIDTH / 2; return ($x, $y); } sub imagesize { my ($x, $y); # $col and $height are one more than the number of columns/height $x = ($BOXWIDTH + $BOXHSPACE) * $col - $BOXWIDTH; $y = ($BOXHEIGHT + $BOXVSPACE) * $height - $BOXHEIGHT; return ($x, $y); } # not sure where I got this from... by I didn't write it... P4DB?/p4pr? sub find_branch_part { # Strips identical substrings from the beginning and end of # $origname and $branchname and then returns what remains of # $branchname. my($origname, $branchname) = @_; my(@origname) = split('/', $origname); my(@branchname) = split('/', $branchname); while (@origname && ($origname[0] eq $branchname[0])) { shift @origname; shift @branchname; } while (@origname && ($origname[@origname-1] eq $branchname[@branchname-1])) { pop @origname; pop @branchname; } join('/', @branchname); } #create image or do the HTML page my ($x, $y); my $image; my $white; my $blue; my $green; my $black; my $red; if ($TYPE eq "html") { # start the HTML page #print "",&P4CGI::start_page("Branch Relationships
$FSPC", "BRA", ""); print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n\nBranch Relationships $FSPC\n\n"; print "\n"; #end P4CGI print "
Branch relationships for $FSPC:
\n"; print "
\n"; print "Each box represents a revision (\#n) and changelist (cln) of a file. Click a box to view the changelist description. A box with a red X indicates the file was deleted.
\n"; print "The title over each column represents the branch name. Click on the title to view the graph from the point of view of that file.
\n"; print "Solid green arrows indicate a revision change. Click on a green arrow to view the diffs between revisions.
\n"; print "Solid red arrows indicate a branch.
\n"; print "Dashed red arrows indicate a merge.
\n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; } else { ($x, $y) = imagesize(); $image = GD::Image->new($x, $y) || die; $white = $image->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255); $blue = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 255); $green = $image->colorAllocate(0, 127, 0); $black = $image->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0); $red = $image->colorAllocate(255, 0, 0); } # draw the rev arrows foreach (@revarrows) { if (/(\d+)->(\d+)/) { my ($from, $to) = ($1, $2); my ($x1, $y1) = centerbottom($from); my ($x2, $y2) = centertop($to); if ($TYPE eq "html") { $idx = $boxids[$to]; $x1 -= $FONT->width; $x2 += $FONT->width; print "\n"; } else { $image->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $green); my $h = $FONT->width; my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt($x2, $y2); $poly->addPt($x2 - $h, $y2 - $h*2); $poly->addPt($x2 + $h, $y2 - $h*2); $image->filledPolygon($poly, $green); } } } # draw the boxes & text for ($i = 1; defined $boxids[$i]; $i++) { my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = boxrect($i); $idx = $boxids[$i]; if ($TYPE eq "html") { print "\n"; } else { $image->filledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $white); $image->rectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $black); my $rev = "\#" . $filerev{$idx}; my $halflen = (length($rev) * $FONT->width) / 2; my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($i); $image->string($FONT, $x - $halflen, $y1 + 2, $rev, $blue); my $change = "cl" . $filechange{$idx}; $halflen = (length($change) * $FONT->width) / 2; $image->string($FONT, $x - $halflen, $y1 + $FONT->height + 4, $change, $blue); # cross out deleted files if ($fileaction{$idx} eq "delete") { $image->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $red); $image->line($x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $red); } } if ($filerev{$idx} == 1) { # display branch name my $name; if ($FSPC eq $filename{$idx}) { $name = $FSPC; # display centered above the box my $halflen = (length($name) * $FONT->width) / 2; my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($i); $y = $y1 - ($FONT->height + 2); $x -= $x1; if ($TYPE eq "html") { $y2 = $y + $FONT->height; $x2 = $x + length ($name) * $FONT->width; print "\"$name\"\n"; } else { $image->string($FONT, $x, $y, $name, $black); } } else { $name = find_branch_part($FSPC, $filename{$idx}); # display centered above the box my $halflen = (length($name) * $FONT->width) / 2; my ($x, $y) = boxtoxy($i); $y = $y1 - ($FONT->height + 2); $x -= $halflen; if ($TYPE eq "html") { $y2 = $y + $FONT->height; $x2 = $x + $halflen * 2; print "\"$filename{$idx}\"\n"; } else { $image->string($FONT, $x,$y, $name, $black); } } } } # draw the arrows if ($TYPE eq "html") { print "\n\n\n"; #print "\n", &P4CGI::end_page() ; } else { foreach (@arrows) { my ($from, $to); my ($x1, $y1); my ($x2, $y2); if (/(add|branch) (\d+)->(\d+)/) { ($from, $to) = ($2, $3); ($x1, $y1) = boxtoxy($from); ($x2, $y2) = boxtoxy($to); if ($x1 < $x2) { ($x1, $y1) = centerright($from); ($x2, $y2) = nwcorner($to); } else { ($x1, $y1) = centerleft($from); ($x2, $y2) = necorner($to); } $image->line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $red); } elsif (/(\S+) (\d+)->(\d+)/) { ($from, $to) = ($2, $3); ($x1, $y1) = boxtoxy($from); ($x2, $y2) = boxtoxy($to); if ($x1 < $x2) { ($x1, $y1) = centerright($from); ($x2, $y2) = centerleft($to); } else { ($x1, $y1) = centerleft($from); ($x2, $y2) = centerright($to); } $image->dashedLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $red); } if (defined $from) { my $h = $FONT->width; my $poly = new GD::Polygon; my $angle = atan2 ($y2 - $y1, $x2 - $x1) - pi() / 2; $poly->addPt(0, 0); my $c = cos($angle); my $s = sin($angle); $x1 = $c * (-$h) - $s * (-$h * 2); $y1 = $s * (-$h) + $c * (-$h * 2); $poly->addPt($x1, $y1); $x1 = $c * $h - $s * (-$h * 2); $y1 = $s * $h + $c * (-$h * 2); $poly->addPt($x1, $y1); $poly->offset($x2, $y2); $image->filledPolygon($poly, $red); } } print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"; binmode STDOUT; print $image->png(); } ## tada