#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Build VM from CentOS 6.6 images: - CentOS-6.6-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso - CentOS-6.6-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso Select "Linux Easy Install" Set Display User: Perforce Set Username: perforce Set Password: 4F@stSCM Do not enable folder sharing. Use the same password, 4F@stSCM in any and all places that a password for anything is required. Customize Settings: Save as GitFusionDemo.vmwarevm Processors and Memory: Upgrade RAM, 1.0G -> 2.0G Hard Disk: Downgrade disk, 20.0G -> 8.0 G Advanced: Enable VNC, Password: 4F@stSCM (default port, 5900) Hit the 'Play' button. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reset Root Password: Restart VM. Press 'e' early in the GRUB startup process. Select the 'kernel' line. Press 'e' again. After the word 'quiet', add: init=/bin/bash Hit Enter, then with the kernel line selected, hit 'b'. At the login prompt, run: mount -rw -o remount / passwd # Set the new password, following the prompts. Use: 4F@stSCM Restart the VM. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Set the hostname: Login as root. hostname bos-p4d-01.p4demo.com vi /etc/sysconfig/network #Edit: HOSTNAME=bos-p4d-01.p4demo.com #Edit: vi /etc/hosts bos-p4d-01.p4demo.com bos-p4d-01 perforce shutdown -r now #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Update the OS: Login as root. yum update -y yum install epel-release -y #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Connect to Perforce Package Repository: Continue as root. rpm --import http://package.perforce.com/perforce.pubkey echo -e "[perforce]\nname=Perforce\nbaseurl=http://package.perforce.com/yum/rhel/6/x86_64/\nenabled=1\ngpgcheck=1" > /etc/yum.repos.d/perforce.repo #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get Helix executables: Login as root. cd /usr/local/bin for e in p4 p4d p4broker; do wget ftp://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/r15.1/bin.linux26x86_64/$e; chmod +x $e; done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Install Git Fusion: Continue as root. yum install perforce-git-fusion -y #yum install perforce-server (or not, instead use SDP and wget). yum install perforce-swarm yum install perforce-swarm-optional yum install perforce-swarm-triggers passwd git vi /etc/cron.d/perforce-* # Crontab out every-minute calls to silence emails. # Change the last line of /etc/cron.d/perforce-git-fusion to: * * * * * /bin/bash -l -c /opt/perforce/git-fusion/home/perforce-git-fusion/update_authorized_keys.sh #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Then, create that update_authorized_keys.sh script with these contents: #!/bin/bash date >> ~/uak.log /opt/perforce/git-fusion/bin/python3.3 /opt/perforce/git-fusion/libexec/p4gf_auth_update_authorized_keys.py -v >> ~/uak.log 2>&1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Configure Git Fusion # Set to 4F@stSCM /opt/perforce/git-fusion/libexec/configure-git-fusion.sh Inputs: new super (default) 4F@stSCM ssl:1666 (default) bos-p4d-01 (Trim the ".p4demo.com" from the end) /opt/perforce/data/servers/bos-p4d-01 (default) America/New_York 4F@stSCM #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Poke a hole in the firewall. Login as root. cd /etc/sysconfig vi iptables # Add: -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --deport 1666 -j ACCEPT service iptables restart #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create and update the spec depot. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get latest git. OPTIONAL! The default git is not the latest, but # that's OK 'cuz the one installed along with Git Fusion in # /opt/perforce/git-fusion/bin can be used. Add that dir to PATH for # your personal Linux accounts on this server. # Ref: http://tecadmin.net/install-git-2-0-on-centos-rhel-fedora/ ### yum install curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel ### yum install gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker ### wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-2.3.5.tar.gz ### wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-manpages-2.3.5.tar.gz ### tar -xzvpf git-2.3.5.tar.gz ### cd git-2.3.5 ### make all 2>&1 | tee build.log ### make install 2>&1 | tee install.log ### #make prefix=/usr/local/git all ### #make prefix=/usr/local/git install #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Get some Git repos to play with. These are some # used be Perforce QA. Grab them from Git Hub. git clone https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js.git git clone https://github.com/antirez/redis git clone https://github.com/mbostock/d3 # GF Setup #Setup a repo config; add as: //.git-fusion/repos/reveal/p4gf_config #--- [@repo] description = reveal.js config charset = utf8 enable-git-branch-creation = yes enable-git-merge-commits = yes ignore-author-permissions = no change-owner = author [master] git-branch-name = master view = //depot/reveal/main-dev/... ... [dev] git-branch-name = dev view = //depot/reveal/dev/... ... [embed] git-branch-name = embed view = //depot/reveal/embed/... ... [flexbox] git-branch-name = flexbox view = //depot/reveal/flexbox/... ... [gh-pages] git-branch-name = gh-pages view = //depot/reveal/gh-pages/... … #--- # Add user: ./git-fusion/users/ttyler/keys/ttyler_laptop_rsa.pub cd reveal.js git branch -a for b in dev embed flexbox gh-pages master; do git checkout $b; done #git remote add git-fusion https://super@ssl: git remote add git-fusion ssh://git@ git remote -v git push --all git-fusion # Add Git users to Perforce with this script: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # For simple demos, just create a Perforce account named 'unknown_git'. # This also applies in the real world when importing 3rd party repos when # you don't need accounts for the individual users. If you need accounts, # use this script to create them initially: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # OPTIONAL: Use this if you want to go thru an iterative user-mapping # process to "get it right," or just skip this and cheat by creating # the "unknown_git" user in Perforce. This impacts import into Perforce # from existing Git repos, but not export. # Set Perforce context somehow, P4PORT/P4USER at least, to a super user. cd /where/your/git/repo/is p4 -u ftp -p workshop.perforce.com:1666 print -q -o add_p4user_from_gitlog.pl //guest/tom_tyler/tmp/add_p4user_from_gitlog.pl ./add_p4user_from_gitlog.pl # Sometimes there are users that need manual mapping, e.g. if there are cases # where users have multiple email addresses, or two or muser users have the # same value to the left of the '@' in the email address. An iterative # 'git push' trial and error process is one way to get the p4gf_usermap file # right. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reference Docs: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/git-fusion/chapter_a21_s5v_pl.html