VOBSTORE=/home/clearcase/vobs VOBEXT=.vob VOBBASE=/vobs VOB=HLTest01 TITLE=BasicAdd DESC="Basic Add" VIEW=p4import_main VIEWSTORE=/home/clearcase/views VIEWEXT=.vws CS="element $VOBBASE/$VOB/... CHECKEDOUT__N__element $VOBBASE/$VOB/... /main/LATEST" TOPDIR=$VOBBASE/$VOB CC_VOB_PREFIX=$TOPDIR CC_TEST_MODE=$TOPDIR CC_LINK_VOB=$CC_VOB_PREFIX # Start with an empty view in an empty VOB. RMVIEW RMVOB MKVOB MKVIEW ACTION_ID=1A SCRIPT: cd $TOPDIR cleartool co -nc . cleartool mkdir -nc HL cleartool mkdir -nc HL/Base echo Source line 1 > HL/Base/Source cleartool mkelem -nc HL/Base/Source cleartool ci -c "ACTION $ACTION_ID: Added file HL/Base/Source." MACRO_ALL_FILES RUN ACTION_ID=1B SCRIPT: cd $TOPDIR cleartool co -nc HL cleartool mkdir -nc HL/Copy1 cd $TOPDIR/HL/Copy1 cleartool ln -nc $TOPDIR/HL/Base/Source Source cleartool ci -c "ACTION $ACTION_ID: Added hard link in HL/Copy1 to HL/Base/Source." MACRO_ALL_FILES RUN ACTION_ID=1C SCRIPT: cd $TOPDIR cleartool co -nc HL cleartool mkdir -nc HL/Copy2 cd $TOPDIR/HL/Copy2 cleartool ln -nc $TOPDIR/HL/Copy1/Source Source cleartool ci -c "ACTION $ACTION_ID: Added hard link in HL/Copy2 to HL/Copy1/Source. Yes, you can do this." MACRO_ALL_FILES RUN ACTION_ID=1D SCRIPT: cd $TOPDIR cleartool co -nc HL cleartool mkdir -nc HL/Copy3 cd $TOPDIR/HL/Copy3 cleartool ln -nc $TOPDIR/HL/Base/Source Source cleartool ci -c "ACTION $ACTION_ID: Added hard link in HL/Copy3 to HL/Base/Source." MACRO_ALL_FILES EXTRACT CAPTURE=HL_A1 END >>> Basic edit and branching. * Action: Check out HL/Copy2/Source. Change the content to 'Copy2 line 1'. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_E1. * Config spec: branch HLb1 then main * Action: Check out HL/Base/Source. Change the content to 'Source line 2'. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_E1. * Config spec: branch HLb2 then main * Action: Check out HL/Copy3/Source. Change the content to 'Copy3 line 1'. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_E1. * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_E2. * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture a copy of the HL directory structure contents as HLb1_E2. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'eb.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'eb.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. >>> Deletes and renames. * Config spec: main. * Action: Delete HL/Copy3/Source. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DR1 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_DR1 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_DR1 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Action: delete HL/Copy1/Source. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_DR2 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_DR2 * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DR2 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Action: Rename HL/Copy2/Source to HL/Copy2/Other_Copy2. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_DR3 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_DR3 * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DR3 * Action: Rename HL/base/Source to HL/base/Other_base. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DR4 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_DR4 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_DR4 * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'dr.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'dr.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. >>> Merge * Config spec: as needed * Merge banch HLb1 back to main - all directories and files. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_M1 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_M1 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_M1 * Config spec: as needed * Merge branch HLb2 back to main - all directories and files. * Check in. Use action text as comment. * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_M2 * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_M2 * Config spec: HLb2 then main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb2_M2 * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'm.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'm.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. >>> Directory hard links. * Config spec: main * Action: Create the directory HL/DB containing the four files 'file1', 'file2', 'file3', and 'file4' with the line 'HL content' as their content. * Action: Create the directory HL/D1 as a hard link to directory HL/DB. * Action: Create the directory HL/D2 as a hard link to directory HL/DB. * Action: Create the directory HL/D3 as a hard link to directory HL/DB. * Check in. Use the action texts as the comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DA1. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da1.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da1.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. * Action: Checkout and edit the file HL/DB/file1. 'DB change' is the content. * Action: Checkout and edit the file HL/D1/file1. 'D1 change' is the content. Does this work? It is possible that the checkout will not be allowed. * Action: Checkout and edit the file HL/D1/file2. 'D1 change' is the content. * Action: Rename 'HL/D1/file1' to 'HL/D1/rnfile1'. No change of content. Does this work? It is possible that the checkout will not be allowed. * Action: Rename HL/D2/file3 to HL/D2/rnfile3. No change of content. * Action: Delete 'HL/D3/file1'. Does this work? It is possible that the delete will not be allowed. * Action: Delete 'HL/D3/file4'. * Check in. Use the action texts with answers as the comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DA2. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da2.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da2.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. * Action: Rename HL/D1 to HL/rnD1. * Action: Edit HL/rnD1/File2. 'rnD1 change' is the content. * Check in. Use the action texts as the comment. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DA3. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da3.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da3.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. * Config spec: HLb1 then main * Action: Edit HL/D1/File2. 'HLb1 change' is the content. * Action: Add the file HL/D2/File5. 'HLb1 content' is the content. * Action: Delete HL/D3. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HLb1_DA4. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da4.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da4.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. * Config spec: main * Action: delete HL/D2. * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DA5. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da5.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da5.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved. * Config spec: as needed. * Action: Merge HLb1 changes to main. * Config spec: main * Capture HL directory structure contents as HL_DA6. * Extract. Save dxraw.raw and fxraw.raw using 'da6.raw' as the suffix. Save dx.in and fx.in using 'da6.in' as the suffix. dxdb.db and fxdb.db don't need to be generated or saved.