Perforce API Tools

Congratulations! You have found the source code for my Perl extension for the Perforce API!!! Before you can compile it successfully, you will need to download the Perforce API tarball separately from the Perforce FTP Server.

This extension is distributed under the terms of this license, which is basically the BSD license. You use it at your own risk.

Please send comments/suggestions/ports/fixes/patches to I'll deal with them as quickly as possible.

The Current stable version is: P4-Client-0.52.tar.gz. It's available from the Perforce public depot and also from CPAN.

The files in the depot path:

are the development version.

Note that the extension used to be called P4::ClientApi and has been renamed to P4::Client as it's much more friendly and there's no need to tie the name of the extension to the name of the underlying C++ class.

Porting Matrix

Platform Perl Versions
FreeBSD Perl 5.5_003
Perl 5.6.0
Linux Perl 5.5_003
Perl 5.6.0
Microsoft Windows2000 Perl 5.6.0