P4RecFile (Class)

In: p4table.rb
Parent: Object

Class for representing files that are versioned in the depot. Files can be either (a) the meta file containing the metadata about the record (basically a "p4 job -o <recid>") or they can be other files which are attached to the record.


add   delete   depot_path   depot_path=   edit   exists=   exists?   mkdir   new   read   to_s   write   ws_path  


id  [R] 
name  [R] 

Public Class methods

Construct a new P4RecFile object based on the supplied filename and RecId.


     # File p4table.rb, line 277
277:     def initialize( name, id )
278:         @name          = name
279:         @id            = id
280:         @exists        = false
281:         @depot_path    = nil
282:         @ws_path       = nil
283:     end

Public Instance methods

Open this file for add


     # File p4table.rb, line 336
336:     def add
337:         if ( exists? )
338:             raise( RuntimeError, "Can't open existing file for add", caller )
339:         end
340:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
341:         P4Global.tagged.run_add( ws_path() )
342:     end

Open this file for delete


     # File p4table.rb, line 359
359:     def delete
360:         if ( ! exists? )
361:             raise( RuntimeError, "Can't delete non-existent file", caller )
362:         end
364:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
365:         P4Global.tagged.run_delete( depot_path() )
366:     end

Compute the depot path based on the table storage map and the id


     # File p4table.rb, line 313
313:     def depot_path
314:         return @depot_path if @depot_path
315:         table_path = @id.table.storage_map( @id ).join( "/" )
316:         @depot_path = [ DEPOT_ROOT_PATH, table_path, @id.seq_str, @name ].join( "/" )
317:     end

Explicitly set the depot path for a file. Needed to allow old records to be found in their old locations even if the storage map has since changed.


     # File p4table.rb, line 306
306:     def depot_path=( path )
307:         @depot_path = path
308:     end

Open this file for edit


     # File p4table.rb, line 347
347:     def edit
348:         if ( ! exists? )
349:             raise( RuntimeError,"Can't open non-existent file for edit", caller)
350:         end
352:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
353:         P4Global.tagged.run_edit( depot_path() )
354:     end

Set the existence flag for a file explicitly


     # File p4table.rb, line 329
329:     def exists=( bool )
330:         @exists = bool
331:     end

Does the file exist?


     # File p4table.rb, line 322
322:     def exists?
323:         @exists
324:     end

Create the directory for the workspace file


     # File p4table.rb, line 391
391:     def mkdir
392:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
393:         dirs = ws_path.split( SEP )
394:         dirs.pop
395:         dir = ""
396:         dirs.each do
397:             |d|
398:             dir += d + SEP
399:             Dir.mkdir( dir ) unless File.directory?( dir )
400:         end
401:     end

Read the contents of the file (returns a String)


     # File p4table.rb, line 371
371:     def read
372:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
373:         f = File.open( ws_path, "r" )
374:         buf = f.read
375:         f.close
376:         return buf
377:     end

Render the filename as a string (we use depot syntax)


     # File p4table.rb, line 406
406:     def to_s
407:         depot_file
408:     end

Write the contents of the file


     # File p4table.rb, line 382
382:     def write( string )
383:         P4Global.tagged.run_sync
384:         mkdir
385:         File.open( ws_path, "w" ) { |f| f.write( string ) }
386:     end

Convert the depot path into a client path. Obviously this precludes complex client maps as we don’t want to reimplement Perforce mappings in Ruby.


     # File p4table.rb, line 292
292:     def ws_path
293:         return @ws_path if ( @ws_path )
295:         root = P4Global.tagged.fetch_client[ "Root" ]
296:         path = depot_path.sub( DEPOT_ROOT_PATH, root )
297:         @ws_path = path.gsub!( "/", SEP )
298:     end
