TypeTrigger (Class)

In: checktype.rb
Parent: P4Trigger

The trigger class itself. The main method in here is validate() which is invoked from the super-class’ parse_change() method.


filetype   new   report   validate  

Public Class methods


    # File checktype.rb, line 78
78:     def initialize( max_errors )
79:         @max_errors = max_errors
80:         super()
81:     end

Public Instance methods

Method to return the expected filetype given a filename. Returns nil if no specific filetype has been mandated.


     # File checktype.rb, line 97
 97:     def filetype( depot_file )
 98:         ext = depot_file.sub( /.*\.(.*)/, '\1' )
 99:         ext = ext.downcase
100:         TYPEMAP[ ext ]
101:     end

Method to report the error to the user. Just formats the error message and sends it. We only report the first @max_errors bad files. On a large changelist they’ll be grateful for that.


     # File checktype.rb, line 132
132:     def report( badfiles )
133:         errors = 0
134:         msg = @@USER_MESSAGE
135:         badfiles.each do
136:             |file|
137:             type = filetype( file.depot_file )
138:             msg += sprintf( @@BADFILE_FORMAT, 
139:                            file.depot_file, 
140:                             file.revisions[ 0 ].type,
141:                             type.msg
142:                           )
143:             errors += 1
144:             break if ( errors >= @max_errors )
146:         end
147:         message( msg )
148:     end

Enforce type checking. Basic algorithm is that we iterate over the typemap and match each extension against the depot file. If they match, we check the type.


     # File checktype.rb, line 106
106:     def validate()
108:         # First gather the list of bad files
109:         badlist = Array.new
110:         change.each_file do
111:             |file|
112:             # Ignore files not open for add
113:             next unless ( file.revisions[ 0 ].action == "add" )
115:             type = filetype( file.depot_file )
116:             next unless type
118:             basetype = file.revisions[ 0 ].type.sub( /\+.*/, "" )
119:             if ( ! type.match( basetype ) )
120:                 badlist.push( file )
121:             end
122:         end
124:         # Now report any problems to the user
125:         report( badlist ) if ( ! badlist.empty? )
126:         return badlist.empty?
127:     end
