Building an RPM for Perforce ============================ This directory contains all the files you need to build an RPM for Perforce, with two notable exceptions - the p4 and p4d binaries. The intention is to make it easy to rebuild your RPM when new versions of the client and server become available. FILES ----- p4.spec - Describes how to build the RPM p4.tar.gz - Scripts and utilities How to build your RPM and SRPM ============================== 1. Obtain the latest p4 and p4d from the Perforce download page at: Place these files in your RPM SOURCES directory: RedHat: /usr/src/RedHat/SOURCES Mandrake: /usr/src/RPM/SOURCES Others: ??? 2. Copy the p4.tar.gz file into the SOURCES directory too. 3. Copy the p4.spec file into the RPM SPECS directory RedHat: /usr/src/RedHat/SPECS Mandrake: /usr/src/RPM/SPECS Others: ??? 4. Edit the spec file and update the Release: lines to the correct build numbers for client and server. You get these from p4 -V and p4d -V respectively. Note that the server Release is the first one, and the client release is lower down under the "%package -n p4-client" directive. 5. Build the RPM cd into the SPECS directory as identified above. To build only the binary RPM: rpm -bb p4.spec To build the SRPM as well: rpm -ba p4.spec 6. Install the RPMS with rpm -i CAVEATS ======= The spec file is fairly new and not that well tested, so please report all bugs to