#! /usr/bin/perl
## NAME: searchclient.pl
## DESC: Does a search using client syntax of current workspace
# Example: where the search string is 'foo'
# p4 files //clientname/...foo...
# 1) In P4V, Click on Tools -> Manage Custom Tools. Click the 'New'
# button and select 'Tool'.
# 2) Fill in the 'Name' field to identify the operation. For example:
# Search Client
# 3) In P4V, under 'Application', enter in the path where the
# script is located. Such as: C:\customtools\searchclient.pl
# 4) For the 'Arguments' enter these four *in this order*:
# $u $p $c $D
# They correspond with the four arguments passed into the script:
# current user, current port, current client, search string.
# 5) In P4V: Click the check-boxes for 'Add to applicable context menus';
# and 'Run tool in terminal window'.
# Also, click the check-boxes for 'Prompt user for arguments' and
# under 'Description' for the prompt you can enter something like:
# Enter file specification pattern - wild cards acceptable - and click OK
# 6) Click the 'OK' button and save your changes.
$user = shift ARGV; #The current user.
$server = shift ARGV; #ip_address:port of your Perforce server.
$client = shift ARGV; #The current workspace.
$srchstring = shift ARGV; #The user entered search string
$p4 = "p4"; #Absolute path to the p4 cli program.
$cmd = "$p4 -u $user -p $server files //$client/...$srchstring... |";
open RESULTS, $cmd
or die "Cannot run file search command.\n\n";
$count = 0;
print "$cmd\n";
print "...\n";
while (<RESULTS>)
print "$_\n";
if($count ne 0) { print "\nFile search information complete.\n"; }
if($count eq 0) { print "\nNo results found.\n"; }
exit 0;