#include "MongoReplicable.hpp" namespace sprawl { namespace serialization { void MongoReplicableSerializer::StartArray(String const& name, uint32_t& size, bool b) { ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::StartArray(name, size, b); m_allArrays.insert(m_current_key); } uint32_t MongoReplicableSerializer::StartObject(String const& name, bool b) { uint32_t ret = ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::StartObject(name, b); m_allObjs.insert(m_current_key); return ret; } uint32_t MongoReplicableSerializer::StartMap(String const& name, bool b) { uint32_t ret = ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::StartMap(name, b); m_allObjs.insert(m_current_key); return ret; } void MongoReplicableSerializer::Mark() { ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::Mark(); m_markedArrays = std::move( m_allArrays ); m_markedObjs = std::move( m_allObjs ); m_markedObjData = std::move( m_objData ); m_array_tracker.clear(); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::Discard() { ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::Discard(); m_allArrays.clear(); m_allObjs.clear(); m_objData.clear(); m_array_tracker.clear(); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::Reset() { ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::Reset(); m_allArrays.clear(); m_markedArrays.clear(); m_allObjs.clear(); m_markedObjs.clear(); m_objData.clear(); m_markedObjData.clear(); m_array_tracker.clear(); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::PushKey(String const& name, bool forArray) { bool parentIsArray = false; if(!m_current_key.empty() && m_current_key[m_current_key.size() - 2] < 0) { parentIsArray = true; } if( this->m_name_index.count(name) == 0 ) { this->m_reverse_name_index[this->m_highest_name] = name; this->m_name_index[name] = this->m_highest_name++; } int key = this->m_name_index[name]; if(forArray) { //Use sign bit to encode this as an array member. key = -key; } this->m_current_key.push_back(key); if(parentIsArray) { int32_t& item = m_array_tracker.back(); ++item; m_current_key.push_back( item ); } else { int16_t& depth = this->m_depth_tracker[this->m_current_key]; depth++; this->m_current_key.push_back( depth ); } if(forArray) { this->m_array_tracker.push_back(0); } } void MongoReplicableSerializer::PopKey() { if( m_current_key[m_current_key.size() - 2] < 0 ) { this->m_array_tracker.pop_back(); } ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>::PopKey(); } std::vector<mongo::BSONObj> MongoReplicableSerializer::BuildDelta(MongoReplicableSerializer::BuildDeltaParams const& params) { ReplicationBSONMap const& objs = params.objs; ReplicationMap const& data = params.data; ReplicationMap const& markedData = params.markedData; ReplicationSet const& allArrays = params.allArrays; ReplicationSet const& markedArrays = params.markedArrays; ReplicationSet const& allObjs = params.allObjs; ReplicationSet const& markedObjs = params.markedObjs; mongo::BSONObjBuilder updateQuery; struct ObjectData { ObjectData() : parentObject(nullptr) , children() , data() , shortKey() , fullKey() , intKey() , isArray(false) , isNew(true) , hasValidChildren(false) , hasRemovedChildren(false) , removeQuery() { // } void MarkNotNew() { isNew = false; if(parentObject) { parentObject->MarkNotNew(); } } void SetRemovedChildren() { hasRemovedChildren = true; if(parentObject) { parentObject->SetRemovedChildren(); } } void SetValidChildren() { hasValidChildren = true; if(parentObject) { parentObject->SetValidChildren(); } } mongo::BSONElement BuildData() { if(children.empty()) { return data; } if(isArray) { mongo::BSONArrayBuilder arrayBuilder; for(auto& kvp : children) { arrayBuilder.append(kvp.second->BuildData()); } mongo::BSONObjBuilder objBuilder; objBuilder.append("firstElem", arrayBuilder.arr()); objData = objBuilder.obj(); } else { mongo::BSONObjBuilder childObjsBuilder; for(auto& kvp : children) { childObjsBuilder.appendAs(kvp.second->BuildData(), kvp.second->shortKey.c_str()); } mongo::BSONObjBuilder objBuilder; objBuilder.append("firstElem", childObjsBuilder.obj()); objData = objBuilder.obj(); } return objData.firstElement(); } ObjectData* parentObject; std::map<ReplicationKey, ObjectData*, std::less<ReplicationKey>, sprawl::memory::StlWrapper<std::pair<ReplicationKey, ObjectData*>>> children; mongo::BSONElement data; mongo::BSONObj objData; sprawl::String shortKey; sprawl::String fullKey; ReplicationKey intKey; bool isArray; bool isNew; bool hasValidChildren; bool hasRemovedChildren; mongo::BSONObjBuilder removeQuery; }; std::list<ObjectData, sprawl::memory::StlWrapper<ObjectData>> allObjects; std::map<ReplicationKey, ObjectData*, std::less<ReplicationKey>, sprawl::memory::StlWrapper<std::pair<ReplicationKey, ObjectData*>>> allKeys; ObjectData* currentObject; typedef std::set<ObjectData*, std::less<ObjectData*>, sprawl::memory::StlWrapper<ObjectData*>> ObjectSet; ObjectSet rootObjects; auto buildObjectData = [ this, &allKeys, &allObjects, ¤tObject, &rootObjects ] ( ReplicationKey const& keyToBuild, bool newObj, bool removal ) { ReplicationKey currentKey; currentObject = nullptr; uint32_t size = keyToBuild.size(); const int32_t* cArray = &keyToBuild[0]; for(uint32_t i = 1; i < size; i += 2) { currentKey.push_back(cArray[i - 1]); currentKey.push_back(cArray[i]); ObjectData* parentObject = currentObject; auto it = allKeys.find(currentKey); if(it != allKeys.end()) { currentObject = it->second; } else { allObjects.emplace_back(); currentObject = &allObjects.back(); int key = currentKey[currentKey.size() - 2]; if(key < 0) { key = -key; currentObject->isArray = true; } if(parentObject) { if(parentObject->isArray) { char buf[16]; #ifdef _WIN32 _snprintf( buf, 16, "%d", currentKey.back() - 1 ); #else snprintf( buf, 16, "%d", currentKey.back() - 1 ); #endif currentObject->shortKey = buf; } else { currentObject->shortKey = this->m_reverse_name_index[key]; } currentObject->fullKey = parentObject->fullKey + "." + currentObject->shortKey; parentObject->children.insert(std::make_pair(currentKey, currentObject)); } else { currentObject->shortKey = this->m_reverse_name_index[key]; currentObject->fullKey = currentObject->shortKey; rootObjects.insert(currentObject); } currentObject->parentObject = parentObject; currentObject->intKey = currentKey; allKeys.insert(std::make_pair(currentKey, currentObject)); } if(!newObj) { currentObject->isNew = false; } if(removal) { currentObject->SetRemovedChildren(); } else { currentObject->SetValidChildren(); } } }; bool changed_something = false; //Adds and changes for( auto& kvp : data ) { auto it = markedData.find(kvp.first); bool isNew = ( it == markedData.end() ); if( isNew || kvp.second != it->second ) { changed_something = true; mongo::BSONElement obj = objs.at(kvp.first)[this->m_reverse_name_index[kvp.first[kvp.first.size()-2]].c_str()]; buildObjectData(kvp.first, isNew, false); if(currentObject) { currentObject->data = obj; } } } for( auto& key : allArrays ) { if(!markedArrays.count(key)) { if(!allKeys.count(key)) { buildObjectData(key, true, false); if(currentObject) { mongo::BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("firstElement", mongo::BSONArray()); currentObject->objData = b.obj(); currentObject->data = currentObject->objData.firstElement(); } changed_something = true; } } else { auto kvp = allKeys.find(key); if(kvp != allKeys.end()) { kvp->second->MarkNotNew(); } } } for( auto& key : allObjs ) { if(!markedObjs.count(key)) { if(!allKeys.count(key)) { changed_something = true; buildObjectData(key, true, false); if(currentObject) { mongo::BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("firstElement", mongo::BSONObj()); currentObject->objData = b.obj(); currentObject->data = currentObject->objData.firstElement(); } } } else { auto kvp = allKeys.find(key); if(kvp != allKeys.end()) { kvp->second->MarkNotNew(); } } } struct { void operator()(mongo::BSONObjBuilder& b, ObjectData* obj) { if(obj->isNew || obj->children.empty()) { b.appendAs(obj->BuildData(), obj->fullKey.c_str()); } else { for(auto& kvp : obj->children) { (*this)(b, kvp.second); } } } } getAddQuery; if(changed_something) { mongo::BSONObjBuilder changed; for(auto obj : rootObjects) { getAddQuery(changed, obj); } updateQuery.append("$set", changed.obj()); } //Removes get their own special treatment mongo::BSONObjBuilder removed; bool removed_something = false; for( auto& key : allArrays ) { if(!allKeys.count(key)) { buildObjectData(key, false, false); } } for( auto& key : allObjs ) { if(!allKeys.count(key)) { buildObjectData(key, false, false); } } for( auto& kvp : markedData ) { auto it = data.find(kvp.first); if( it == data.end() ) { buildObjectData(kvp.first, false, true); if(currentObject) { currentObject->removeQuery.append(currentObject->fullKey.c_str(), ""); } removed_something = true; } } for( auto& key : markedArrays ) { if(!allArrays.count(key)) { buildObjectData(key, false, true); if(currentObject) { currentObject->removeQuery.append(currentObject->fullKey.c_str(), ""); } removed_something = true; } } for( auto& key : markedObjs ) { if(!allObjs.count(key)) { buildObjectData(key, false, true); if(currentObject) { currentObject->removeQuery.append(currentObject->fullKey.c_str(), ""); } removed_something = true; } } struct { mongo::BSONObj operator()(ObjectData* obj) { if(obj->hasValidChildren) { for(auto& kvp : obj->children) { obj->removeQuery.appendElementsUnique((*this)(kvp.second)); } return obj->removeQuery.obj(); } else { return BSON(obj->fullKey.c_str() << ""); } } } getRemoveQuery; if(removed_something) { for(ObjectData* obj : rootObjects) { if(obj->hasRemovedChildren) { removed.appendElementsUnique(getRemoveQuery(obj)); } } updateQuery.append("$unset", removed.obj()); } std::vector<mongo::BSONObj> ret; if(changed_something || removed_something) { ret.push_back(updateQuery.obj()); } //If array members have been removed, we have to generate an arbitrary number of additional queries. //This is one of the most frustrating aspects of Mongo: You can't directly remove an element from an array; //you have to change it to a value that you know doesn't exist anywhere else in the array, then instruct //mongo to remove all elements of that value from the array. Very backward. //Worse than that, if you have nested arrays (say, [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]) and you remove an item //from the inner array and also remove an item from the outer array (say, changing it to [ [ 1, 2 ] ] //mongo won't let you perform both removals at the same time. They have to be executed in separate steps. //That means that we have to generate N additional queries to mongo to clean up these shrunk arrays. Blech. struct { bool ArrayAlreadyAccountedFor(ObjectData* obj) { while(obj) { if(obj->isArray && objectsAccountedFor.count(obj)) { return true; } obj = obj->parentObject; } return false; } void AddAccountedArray(ObjectData* obj) { while(obj) { if(obj->isArray) { objectsAccountedFor.insert(obj); } obj = obj->parentObject; } } mongo::BSONObj operator()(ObjectData* obj) { if(obj->hasValidChildren) { mongo::BSONObjBuilder removedArrayIndexes; for(auto& kvp : obj->children) { removedArrayIndexes.appendElementsUnique((*this)(kvp.second)); } return removedArrayIndexes.obj(); } else { if(obj->parentObject && obj->parentObject->isArray) { if(objectsAlreadyPulled.count(obj->parentObject)) { return mongo::BSONObj(); } if(ArrayAlreadyAccountedFor(obj->parentObject)) { newRootObjects.insert(obj->parentObject); return mongo::BSONObj(); } pulled_something = true; AddAccountedArray(obj->parentObject); objectsAlreadyPulled.insert(obj->parentObject); return BSON(obj->parentObject->fullKey.c_str() << mongo::BSONNULL); } else { return mongo::BSONObj(); } } } void Reset() { newRootObjects.clear(); objectsAccountedFor.clear(); pulled_something = false; } ObjectSet newRootObjects; ObjectSet objectsAccountedFor; ObjectSet objectsAlreadyPulled; bool pulled_something; } getCorrectRemoveIndex; if(removed_something) { while(!rootObjects.empty()) { mongo::BSONObjBuilder pullQuery; mongo::BSONObjBuilder pulled; getCorrectRemoveIndex.Reset(); for(ObjectData* obj : rootObjects) { if(obj->hasRemovedChildren) { pulled.appendElementsUnique(getCorrectRemoveIndex(obj)); } } if(getCorrectRemoveIndex.pulled_something) { pullQuery.append("$pull", pulled.obj()); ret.push_back(pullQuery.obj()); } rootObjects = std::move(getCorrectRemoveIndex.newRootObjects); } } return std::move(ret); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::serialize(mongo::Date_t* var, String const& name, bool PersistToDB) { this->m_serializer->Reset(); this->PushKey(name); m_serializer->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); m_data.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Str())); m_objData.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Obj())); if(!m_marked) { m_baseline->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); } this->PopKey(); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::serialize(mongo::BSONObj* var, String const& name, bool PersistToDB) { this->m_serializer->Reset(); this->PushKey(name); m_serializer->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); m_data.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Str())); m_objData.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Obj())); if(!m_marked) { m_baseline->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); } this->PopKey(); } void MongoReplicableSerializer::serialize(mongo::OID* var, String const& name, bool PersistToDB) { this->m_serializer->Reset(); this->PushKey(name); m_serializer->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); m_data.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Str())); m_objData.insert(std::make_pair(m_current_key, m_serializer->Obj())); if(!m_marked) { m_baseline->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); } this->PopKey(); } void MongoReplicableDeserializer::serialize(mongo::OID* var, String const& name, bool PersistToDB) { m_serializer->Reset(); PushKey(name); MongoSerializer serializer; serializer % m_current_key; //Do nothing if this element hasn't changed. auto it = m_diffs.find(m_current_key); if(it != m_diffs.end()) { m_serializer->Data(it->second); m_serializer->serialize(var, name, PersistToDB); m_diffs.erase(it); } PopKey(); } template class ReplicableSerializer<MongoSerializer>; template class ReplicableDeserializer<MongoDeserializer>; } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 14783 | ShadauxCat |
Style corrections (placement of const) #review-14784 |
#1 | 11496 | ShadauxCat | Initial checkin: Current states for csbuild and libSprawl |